
Jonathan M. D. Hill

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18 Stephen A. Jarvis, Jonathan M. D. Hill, Constantinos J. Siniolakis, Vasil P. Vasilev: Portable and architecture independent parallel performance tuning using BSP. Parallel Computing 28(11): 1587-1609 (2002)
17 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: BSP clusters: High performance, reliable and very low cost. Parallel Computing 26(2-3): 199-242 (2000)
16EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Exploiting Global Structure for Performance on Clusters. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 176-182
15 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Performance Results for a Reliable Low-Latency Cluster Communication Protocol. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1097-1114
14 Andrew C. Simpson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, Stephen R. Donaldson: BSP in CSP: Easy as ABC. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1299-1313
13 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Predictable communication on unpredictable networks: implementing BSP over TCP/IP and UDP/IP. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(11): 687-700 (1999)
12EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Communication performance optimisation requires minimising variance. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(3): 453-459 (1999)
11EEJonathan M. D. Hill, Stephen A. Jarvis, Constantinos J. Siniolakis, Vasil P. Vasilev: Analysing an SQL Application with a BSPlib Call-Graph Profiling Tool. Euro-Par 1998: 157-164
10EEJonathan M. D. Hill, Stephen R. Donaldson, Tim Lanfear: Process Migration and Fault Tolerance of BSPlib Programs Running on Networks of Workstations. Euro-Par 1998: 80-91
9EEStephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Predictable Communication on Unpredictable Networks: Implementing BSP over TCP/IP. Euro-Par 1998: 970-980
8 Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Communication Performance Optimisation Requires Minimising Variance. HPCN Europe 1998: 776-783
7EEJonathan M. D. Hill, Bill McColl, Dan C. Stefanescu, Mark W. Goudreau, Kevin Lang, Satish Rao, Torsten Suel, Thanasis Tsantilas, Rob H. Bisseling: BSPlib: The BSP programming library. Parallel Computing 24(14): 1947-1980 (1998)
6 Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn: Lessons Learned from Implementing BSP. HPCN Europe 1997: 762-771
5 David Lecomber, K. R. Sujithan, Jonathan M. D. Hill: Architecture-Independent Locality Analysis and Efficient PRAM Simulations. HPCN Europe 1997: 978-979
4 K. R. Sujithan, Jonathan M. D. Hill: Collection types for database programming in the BSP model. PDP 1997: 419-424
3EEDavid B. Skillicorn, Jonathan M. D. Hill, William F. McColl: Questions and Answers about BSP. Scientific Programming 6(3): 249-274 (1997)
2 Jonathan M. D. Hill, Paul I. Crumpton, David A. Burgess: Theory, Practice, and a Tool for BSP Performance Prediction. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 697-705
1 Jonathan M. D. Hill, Keith M. Clarke, Richard Bornat: Parallelizing Imperative Functional Programs: the Vectorization Monad. J. Symb. Comput. 21(4): 561-576 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Rob H. Bisseling [7]
2Richard Bornat [1]
3David A. Burgess [2]
4Keith M. Clarke [1]
5Paul I. Crumpton [2]
6Stephen R. Donaldson [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
7Mark W. Goudreau [7]
8Stephen A. Jarvis [11] [18]
9Tim Lanfear [10]
10Kevin Lang [7]
11David Lecomber [5]
12Bill McColl [7]
13William F. McColl [3]
14Satish Rao [7]
15Andrew C. Simpson (Andrew Simpson) [14]
16Constantinos J. Siniolakis [11] [18]
17David B. Skillicorn [3] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17]
18Dan C. Stefanescu [7]
19Torsten Suel [7]
20K. R. Sujithan [4] [5]
21Thanasis Tsantilas [7]
22Vasil P. Vasilev [11] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)