
Prashant Sawkar

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6 Xinning Wang, Prashant Sawkar, Barbara A. Chappell: A Constructive Matching Algorithm for Library-Based Domino Technology Mapping. IWLS 2002: 215-220
5EEYuji Kukimoto, Robert K. Brayton, Prashant Sawkar: Delay-Optimal Technology Mapping by DAG Covering. DAC 1998: 348-351
4 Naveed A. Sherwani, Prashant Sawkar: Embedded Tutorial: Layout Driven Synthesis or Synthesis Driven Layout. VLSI Design 1998: 44-47
3EEPrashant Sawkar, Donald E. Thomas: Multi-way Partitioning for Minimum Delay for Look-Up Table Based FPGAs. DAC 1995: 201-205
2EEPrashant Sawkar, Donald E. Thomas: Performance Directed Technology Mapping for Look-Up Table Based FPGAs. DAC 1993: 208-212
1EEPrashant Sawkar, Donald E. Thomas: Area and Delay Mapping for Table-Look-Up Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays. DAC 1992: 368-373

Coauthor Index

1Robert K. Brayton [5]
2Barbara A. Chappell [6]
3Yuji Kukimoto [5]
4Naveed A. Sherwani [4]
5Donald E. Thomas [1] [2] [3]
6Xinning Wang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)