
Radu Bogdan Rusu

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9EEDejan Pangercic, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Michael Beetz: 3D-based monocular SLAM for mobile agents navigating in indoor environments. ETFA 2008: 839-845
8EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Zoltan Csaba Marton, Nico Blodow, Michael Beetz: Learning informative point classes for the acquisition of object model maps. ICARCV 2008: 643-650
7EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Aravind Sundaresan, Benoit Morisset, Motilal Agrawal, Michael Beetz: Leaving Flatland: Realtime 3D Stereo Semantic Reconstruction. ICIRA (1) 2008: 921-932
6EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Nico Blodow, Zoltan Csaba Marton, Michael Beetz: Aligning point cloud views using persistent feature histograms. IROS 2008: 3384-3391
5EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Zoltan Csaba Marton, Nico Blodow, Mihai Emanuel Dolha, Michael Beetz: Functional object mapping of kitchen environments. IROS 2008: 3525-3532
4EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Brian P. Gerkey, Michael Beetz: Robots in the kitchen: Exploiting ubiquitous sensing and actuation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(10): 844-856 (2008)
3EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Zoltan Csaba Marton, Nico Blodow, Mihai Emanuel Dolha, Michael Beetz: Towards 3D Point cloud based object maps for household environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(11): 927-941 (2008)
2EERadu Bogdan Rusu, Nico Blodow, Zoltán Márton, Alina Soos, Michael Beetz: Towards 3D object maps for autonomous household robots. IROS 2007: 3191-3198
1EEMatthias Kranz, Albrecht Schmidt, Alexis Maldonado, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Michael Beetz, Benedikt Hörnler, Gerhard Rigoll: Context-aware kitchen utilities. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007: 213-214

Coauthor Index

1Motilal Agrawal [7]
2Michael Beetz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Nico Blodow [2] [3] [5] [6] [8]
4Mihai Emanuel Dolha [3] [5]
5Brian P. Gerkey [4]
6Benedikt Hörnler [1]
7Matthias Kranz [1]
8Alexis Maldonado [1]
9Zoltán Márton [2]
10Zoltan Csaba Marton [3] [5] [6] [8]
11Benoit Morisset [7]
12Dejan Pangercic [9]
13Gerhard Rigoll [1]
14Albrecht Schmidt [1]
15Alina Soos [2]
16Aravind Sundaresan [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)