
Sumeer Bhola

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14EECristian Lumezanu, Sumeer Bhola, Mark Astley: Online Optimization for Latency Assignment in Distributed Real-Time Systems. ICDCS 2008: 752-759
13EEFrederik De Keukelaere, Sumeer Bhola, Michael Steiner, Suresh Chari, Sachiko Yoshihama: SMash: secure component model for cross-domain mashups on unmodified browsers. WWW 2008: 535-544
12EECristian Lumezanu, Sumeer Bhola, Mark Astley: Utility Optimization for Event-Driven Distributed Infrastructures. ICDCS 2006: 24
11EEYuanyuan Zhao, Sumeer Bhola, Daniel C. Sturman: Subscription Propagation and Content-Based Routing with Delivery Guarantees. DISC 2005: 501-502
10EEYuanyuan Zhao, Daniel C. Sturman, Sumeer Bhola: Subscription Propagation in Highly-Available Publish/Subscribe Middleware. Middleware 2004: 274-293
9EESumeer Bhola, Yuanyuan Zhao, Joshua S. Auerbach: Scalably Supporting Durable Subscriptions in a Publish/Subscribe System. DSN 2003: 57-
8EEPeter R. Pietzuch, Sumeer Bhola: Congestion Control in a Reliable Scalable Message-Oriented Middleware. Middleware 2003: 202-221
7EESumeer Bhola, Robert E. Strom, Saurabh Bagchi, Yuanyuan Zhao, Joshua S. Auerbach: Exactly-once Delivery in a Content-based Publish-Subscribe System. DSN 2002: 7-16
6EESumeer Bhola, Mustaque Ahamad: 1/k phase stamping for continuous shared data (extended abstract). PODC 2000: 181-190
5EESumeer Bhola, Mustaque Ahamad: Workload Modeling for Highly Interactive Applications. SIGMETRICS 1999: 210-211
4EEVijaykumar Krishnaswamy, Dan Walther, Sumeer Bhola, Ethendranath Bommaiah, George F. Riley, Brad Topol, Mustaque Ahamad: Efficient Implementation of Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). COOTS 1998: 19-27
3EESumeer Bhola, Bodhi Mukherjee, Sri Doddapaneni, Mustaque Ahamad: Flexible Batching and Consistency Mechanisms for Building Interactive Groupware Applications. ICDCS 1998: 388-395
2EESumeer Bhola, Guruduth Banavar, Mustaque Ahamad: Responsiveness and Consistency Tradoffs in Interactive Groupware. PODC 1998: 324
1EEMustaque Ahamad, Sumeer Bhola, Rammohan Kordale, Francisco J. Torres-Rojas: Scalable information sharing in large scale distributed systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 149-156

Coauthor Index

1Mustaque Ahamad [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Mark Astley [12] [14]
3Joshua S. Auerbach [7] [9]
4Saurabh Bagchi [7]
5Guruduth Banavar [2]
6Ethendranath Bommaiah [4]
7Suresh Chari [13]
8Sri Doddapaneni [3]
9Frederik De Keukelaere [13]
10Rammohan Kordale [1]
11Vijaykumar Krishnaswamy [4]
12Cristian Lumezanu [12] [14]
13Bodhi Mukherjee [3]
14Peter R. Pietzuch [8]
15George F. Riley [4]
16Michael Steiner [13]
17Robert E. Strom [7]
18Daniel C. Sturman [10] [11]
19Brad Topol [4]
20Francisco J. Torres-Rojas [1]
21Dan Walther [4]
22Sachiko Yoshihama [13]
23Yuanyuan Zhao [7] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)