2005 |
18 | EE | Evan Speight,
Hazim Shafi,
Lixin Zhang,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony:
Adaptive Mechanisms and Policies for Managing Cache Hierarchies in Chip Multiprocessors.
ISCA 2005: 346-356 |
17 | EE | Kevin J. Barker,
Alan F. Benner,
Raymond R. Hoare,
Adolfy Hoisie,
Alex K. Jones,
Darren J. Kerbyson,
Dan Li,
Rami G. Melhem,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Eugen Schenfeld,
Shuyi Shao,
Craig B. Stunkel,
Peter Walker:
On the Feasibility of Optical Circuit Switching for High Performance Computing Systems.
SC 2005: 16 |
2004 |
16 | EE | Ricardo Bianchini,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony:
Power and Energy Management for Server Systems.
IEEE Computer 37(11): 68-74 (2004) |
15 | EE | Patrick J. Bohrer,
James L. Peterson,
E. N. Elnozahy,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Ahmed Gheith,
Ronald L. Rockhold,
Charles Lefurgy,
Hazim Shafi,
Tarun Nakra,
Richard O. Simpson,
Evan Speight,
Kartik Sudeep,
Eric Van Hensbergen,
Lixin Zhang:
Mambo: a full system simulator for the PowerPC architecture.
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31(4): 8-12 (2004) |
2003 |
14 | EE | E. N. Elnozahy,
Michael Kistler,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony:
Energy Conservation Policies for Web Servers.
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003 |
13 | EE | Wesley M. Felter,
Tom W. Keller,
Michael Kistler,
Charles Lefurgy,
Karthick Rajamani,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Freeman L. Rawson III,
Bruce A. Smith,
Eric Van Hensbergen:
On the performance and use of dense servers.
IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(5-6): 671-688 (2003) |
2002 |
12 | EE | Ravi Kokku,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Lorenzo Alvisi,
Harrick M. Vin:
Half-Pipe Anchoring: An Efficient Technique for Multiple Connection Handoff.
ICNP 2002: 12-21 |
11 | EE | Akihiko Miyoshi,
Charles Lefurgy,
Eric Van Hensbergen,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Raj Rajkumar:
Critical power slope: understanding the runtime effects of frequency scaling.
ICS 2002: 35-44 |
10 | EE | E. N. Elnozahy,
Michael Kistler,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony:
Energy-Efficient Server Clusters.
PACS 2002: 179-196 |
2001 |
9 | EE | Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Elmootazbellah (Mootaz) Elnozahy:
Measuring Client-Perceived Response Time on the WWW.
USITS 2001 |
8 | EE | Bishop Brock,
Gary D. Carpenter,
Eli Chiprout,
Mark E. Dean,
Philippe L. De Backer,
E. N. Elnozahy,
Hubertus Franke,
Mark Giampapa,
David Glasco,
James L. Peterson,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Rajan Ravindran,
Freeman L. Rawson III,
Ronald L. Rockhold,
Juan Rubio:
Experience with building a commodity Intel-based ccNUMA system.
IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(2): 207-228 (2001) |
1997 |
7 | EE | Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Alan L. Cox:
Optimally Synchronizing DOACROSS Loops on Shared Memory Multiprocessors.
IEEE PACT 1997: 214-224 |
6 | | Honghui Lu,
Alan L. Cox,
Sandhya Dwarkadas,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Willy Zwaenepoel:
Compiler and Software Distributed Shared Memory Support for Irregular Applications.
PPOPP 1997: 48-56 |
5 | | Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Alan L. Cox:
Performance Debugging Shared Memory Parallel Programs Using Run-Time Dependence Analysis.
SIGMETRICS 1997: 75-87 |
1996 |
4 | EE | Sarita V. Adve,
Alan L. Cox,
Sandhya Dwarkadas,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Willy Zwaenepoel:
A Comparison of Entry Consistency and Lazy Release Consistency Implementations.
HPCA 1996: 26-37 |
3 | | Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Alan L. Cox:
A Performance Debugger for Eliminating Excess Synchronization in Shared-Memory Parallel Programs.
MASCOTS 1996: 250-256 |
2 | | Cristiana Amza,
Alan L. Cox,
Sandhya Dwarkadas,
Peter J. Keleher,
Honghui Lu,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Weimin Yu,
Willy Zwaenepoel:
ThreadMarks: Shared Memory Computing on Networks of Workstations.
IEEE Computer 29(2): 18-28 (1996) |
1994 |
1 | | Alan L. Cox,
Sandhya Dwarkadas,
Peter J. Keleher,
Honghui Lu,
Ramakrishnan Rajamony,
Willy Zwaenepoel:
Software Versus Hardware Shared-Memory Implementation: A Case Study.
ISCA 1994: 106-117 |