
Michael Kistler

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15EEMichael Kistler, John A. Gunnels, Daniel A. Brokenshire, Brad Benton: Petascale computing with accelerators. PPOPP 2009: 241-250
14EECatherine H. Crawford, Paul Henning, Michael Kistler, Cornell Wright: Accelerating computing with the cell broadband engine processor. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 3-12
13EEVipin Sachdeva, Michael Kistler, Evan Speight, Tzy-Hwa Kathy Tzeng: Exploring the viability of the Cell Broadband Engine for bioinformatics applications. Parallel Computing 34(11): 616-626 (2008)
12EEFabrizio Petrini, Gordon Fossum, Juan Fernández, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Michael Kistler, Michael Perrone: Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
11EEVipin Sachdeva, Michael Kistler, William Evan Speight, Tzy-Hwa Kathy Tzeng: Exploring the Viability of the Cell Broadband Engine for Bioinformatics Applications. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
10EEVipin Sachdeva, Michael Kistler, Evan Speight: Poster reception - Pairwise alignments on the cell processor. SC 2006: 171
9EEJames L. Peterson, Patrick J. Bohrer, Liqun Chen, E. N. Elnozahy, Ahmed Gheith, Richard H. Jewell, Michael Kistler, T. R. Maeurer, Sean A. Malone, David B. Murrell, Neena Needel, Karthick Rajamani, Mark A. Rinaldi, Richard O. Simpson, Kartik Sudeep, Lixin Zhang: Application of full-system simulation in exploratory system design and development. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(2-3): 321-332 (2006)
8EEMichael Kistler, Michael Perrone, Fabrizio Petrini: Cell Multiprocessor Communication Network: Built for Speed. IEEE Micro 26(3): 10-23 (2006)
7EEMichael Kistler, Lorenzo Alvisi: Improving the Performance of Software Distributed Shared Memory with Speculation. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(9): 885-896 (2005)
6EEMichael Kistler, Eric Van Hensbergen, Freeman L. Rawson III: Console over Ethernet. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track 2003: 125-135
5EEE. N. Elnozahy, Michael Kistler, Ramakrishnan Rajamony: Energy Conservation Policies for Web Servers. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003
4EEWesley M. Felter, Tom W. Keller, Michael Kistler, Charles Lefurgy, Karthick Rajamani, Ramakrishnan Rajamony, Freeman L. Rawson III, Bruce A. Smith, Eric Van Hensbergen: On the performance and use of dense servers. IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(5-6): 671-688 (2003)
3EECharles Lefurgy, Karthick Rajamani, Freeman L. Rawson III, Wesley M. Felter, Michael Kistler, Tom W. Keller: Energy Management for Commercial Servers. IEEE Computer 36(12): 39-48 (2003)
2EEPremkishore Shivakumar, Michael Kistler, Stephen W. Keckler, Doug Burger, Lorenzo Alvisi: Modeling the Effect of Technology Trends on the Soft Error Rate of Combinational Logic. DSN 2002: 389-398
1EEE. N. Elnozahy, Michael Kistler, Ramakrishnan Rajamony: Energy-Efficient Server Clusters. PACS 2002: 179-196

Coauthor Index

1Lorenzo Alvisi [2] [7]
2Brad Benton [15]
3Patrick J. Bohrer [9]
4Daniel A. Brokenshire [15]
5Doug Burger [2]
6Liqun Chen [9]
7Catherine H. Crawford [14]
8E. N. Elnozahy (Elmootazbellah (Mootaz) Elnozahy) [1] [5] [9]
9Wesley M. Felter [3] [4]
10Gordon Fossum [12]
11Ahmed Gheith [9]
12John A. Gunnels [15]
13Paul Henning [14]
14Eric Van Hensbergen [4] [6]
15Richard H. Jewell [9]
16Stephen W. Keckler [2]
17Tom W. Keller [3] [4]
18Charles Lefurgy [3] [4]
19T. R. Maeurer [9]
20Sean A. Malone [9]
21David B. Murrell [9]
22Neena Needel [9]
23Juan Fernández Peinador (Juan Fernández) [12]
24Michael Perrone [8] [12]
25James L. Peterson [9]
26Fabrizio Petrini [8] [12]
27Karthick Rajamani [3] [4] [9]
28Ramakrishnan Rajamony [1] [4] [5]
29Freeman L. Rawson III [3] [4] [6]
30Mark A. Rinaldi [9]
31Vipin Sachdeva [10] [11] [13]
32Premkishore Shivakumar [2]
33Richard O. Simpson [9]
34Bruce A. Smith [4]
35William Evan Speight (Evan Speight) [10] [11] [13]
36Kartik Sudeep [9]
37Tzy-Hwa Kathy Tzeng [11] [13]
38Ana Lucia Varbanescu [12]
39Cornell Wright [14]
40Lixin Zhang [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)