
Michel Desvignes

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20EEYannick Grondin, Michel Desvignes, Laurent Desbat, Stéphane Mancini, Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel, Laurent Gallin-Martel, Olivier Rossetto: Simulation results of a small animal liquid xenon PET detector. ISBI 2008: 1227-1230
19EESebastien Harasse, Laurent Bonnaud, Michel Desvignes: Content and Illumination Invariant Blur Measures for Realtime Video Processing. CIT 2007: 551-556
18EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan: Statistical 3D Cranio-Facial Models. CIT 2006: 125
17EEStéphane Mancini, Michel Desvignes: Ray Casting on a SOPC : Algorithm and Memory Hierarchy Trade-Off. CIT 2006: 180
16EESebastien Harasse, Laurent Bonnaud, Michel Desvignes: A Human Model for Detecting People in Video from Low Level Features. ICIP 2006: 1845-1848
15EESebastien Harasse, Laurent Bonnaud, Michel Desvignes: Human model for people detection in dynamic scenes. ICPR (1) 2006: 335-354
14EENicolas Gac, Stéphane Mancini, Michel Desvignes: Hardware/software 2D-3D backprojection on a SoPC platform. SAC 2006: 222-228
13EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan, Barbara Romaniuk: Missing Data Estimation Using Polynomial Kernels. ICAPR (1) 2005: 390-399
12EESebastien Harasse, Laurent Bonnaud, Michel Desvignes: Finding People in Video Streams by Statistical Modeling. ICAPR (2) 2005: 608-617
11 Sebastien Harasse, Laurent Bonnaud, Michel Desvignes: People Counting in Transport Vehicles. WEC (2) 2005: 221-224
10EEMaxime Berar, Michel Desvignes, Gérard Bailly, Yohan Payan: 3D Meshes Registration: Application to Statistical Skull Model. ICIAR (2) 2004: 100-107
9EEBarbara Romaniuk, Michel Desvignes, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: Contour tracking by minimal cost path approach. application to cephalometry. ICIP 2004: 937-940
8EEBarbara Romaniuk, Michel Desvignes, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: Shape variability and spatial relationships modeling in statistical pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(2): 239-247 (2004)
7EEBarbara Romaniuk, Michel Desvignes, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: Linear and Non-Linear Model for Statistical Localization of Landmarks. ICPR (4) 2002: 393-
6EEBarbara Romaniuk, Michel Desvignes, J. Robiaille, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: Augmented Reality and Semi-automated Landmarking of Cephalometric Radiographs. CAIP 2001: 410-418
5 Christophe Renault, Michel Desvignes, Marinette Revenu: 3D Curves Tracking and its Application to Cortical Sulci Detection. ICIP 2000
4 Nicolas Flasque, Michel Desvignes, Jean-Marc Constans, Marinette Revenu: Accurate Detection of 3D Tubular Tree Structures. ICIP 2000
3EEMichel Desvignes, Barbara Romaniuk, Régis Clouard, R. Demoment, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: First Steps toward Automatic Location of Landmarks on X-Ray Images. ICPR 2000: 2275-2278
2EEMichel Desvignes, Barbara Romaniuk, R. Demoment, Marinette Revenu, Marie-Josèphe Deshayes: Computer Assisted Landmarking of Cephalometric Radiographs. SSIAI 2000: 296-300
1EENicolas Flasque, Michel Desvignes, Marinette Revenu, Jean-Marc Constans: Tubular Objects Network Detection from 3D Images. SSIAI 2000: 96-100

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Bailly [10] [13] [18]
2Maxime Berar [10] [13] [18]
3Laurent Bonnaud [11] [12] [15] [16] [19]
4Régis Clouard [3]
5Jean-Marc Constans [1] [4]
6R. Demoment [2] [3]
7Laurent Desbat [20]
8Marie-Josèphe Deshayes [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9]
9Nicolas Flasque [1] [4]
10Nicolas Gac [14]
11Laurent Gallin-Martel [20]
12Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel [20]
13Yannick Grondin [20]
14Sebastien Harasse [11] [12] [15] [16] [19]
15Stéphane Mancini [14] [17] [20]
16Yohan Payan [10] [13] [18]
17Christophe Renault [5]
18Marinette Revenu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
19J. Robiaille [6]
20Barbara Romaniuk [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13]
21Olivier Rossetto [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)