
Rakesh Patel

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6EESubhomoy Chattopadhyay, Rakesh Patel: Tutorial T3: Low Power Design Techniques for Nanometer Design Processes - 65nm and Smaller. VLSI Design 2007: 5
5EELawrence T. Clark, Rakesh Patel, Timothy S. Beatty: Managing standby and active mode leakage power in deep sub-micron design. ISLPED 2004: 274-279
4EEFei Li, Lei He, Joseph M. Basile, Rakesh Patel, Hema Ramamurthy: High Level Area and Current Estimation. PATMOS 2003: 259-268
3EEMichael Hutton, Vinson Chan, Peter Kazarian, Victor Maruri, Tony Ngai, Jim Park, Rakesh Patel, Bruce Pedersen, Jay Schleicher, Sergey Shumarayev: Interconnect enhancements for a high-speed PLD architecture. FPGA 2002: 3-10
2EEJohn C. Grundy, Rakesh Patel: Developing Software Components with the UML, Enterprise Java Beans and Aspects. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2001: 127-136
1EEVivek Tiwari, Deo Singh, Suresh Rajgopal, Gaurav Mehta, Rakesh Patel, Franklin Baez: Reducing Power in High-Performance Microprocessors. DAC 1998: 732-737

Coauthor Index

1Franklin Baez [1]
2Joseph M. Basile [4]
3Timothy S. Beatty [5]
4Vinson Chan [3]
5Subhomoy Chattopadhyay [6]
6Lawrence T. Clark [5]
7John C. Grundy [2]
8Lei He [4]
9Michael Hutton (Michael D. Hutton, Mike Hutton) [3]
10Peter Kazarian [3]
11Fei Li [4]
12Victor Maruri [3]
13Gaurav Mehta [1]
14Tony Ngai [3]
15Jim Park [3]
16Bruce Pedersen [3]
17Suresh Rajgopal [1]
18Hema Ramamurthy [4]
19Jay Schleicher [3]
20Sergey Shumarayev [3]
21Deo Singh [1]
22Vivek Tiwari [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)