
Olivier Pasquier

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13EESylvain Huet, Sebastien LeNours, Olivier Pasquier, Emmanuel Casseau: Granularity Issues in Transaction Level Modelling Digital Signal Processing Applications. FDL 2007: 177-184
12EESylvain Huet, Emmanuel Casseau, Olivier Pasquier: A Computation Core for Communication Refinement of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms. DSD 2006: 240-250
11EESylvain Huet, Emmanuel Casseau, Olivier Pasquier, Sebastien LeNours: Hardware Communication Refinement in Digital Signal Processing. FDL 2006: 177-185
10EESylvain Huet, Emmanuel Casseau, Olivier Pasquier: Design Exploration and HW/SW Rapid Prototyping for Real-Time System Design. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 240-243
9EERocco Le Moigne, Olivier Pasquier, Jean Paul Calvez: A Generic RTOS Model for Real-time Systems Simulation with SystemC. DATE 2004: 82-87
8EERocco Le Moigne, Olivier Pasquier, Jean Paul Calvez: An Abstract Communication Bus Model for Performance Estimation in SoCs with SystemC (short paper). FDL 2004: 366-378
7EEJean Paul Calvez, Rocco Le Moigne, Olivier Pasquier: A Graphical Tool for System-Level Modeling and Simulation with SystemC. FDL 2003: 583-593
6EEOlivier Pasquier, Jean Paul Calvez: An Object-Based Executable Model for Simulation of Real-Time Hw/Sw Systems. DATE 1999: 782-783
5EEF. Muller, Jean Paul Calvez, Dominique Heller, Olivier Pasquier: An Interactive Modeling and Generation Tool for the Design of Hw/Sw Systems. EUROMICRO 1999: 1382-1385
4EEJean Paul Calvez, Dominique Heller, F. Muller, Olivier Pasquier: A Programmable Multi-Language Generator for CoDesign. DATE 1998: 927-928
3EEJean Paul Calvez, Olivier Pasquier, J. Peckol: Software Implementation Techniques for Hw/Sw Embedded Systems. CODES 1997: 49-54
2EEJean Paul Calvez, Dominique Heller, Olivier Pasquier: Uninterpreted Co-Simulation for Performance Evaluation of Hw/Sw Systems. CODES 1996: 132-
1EEJean Paul Calvez, Olivier Pasquier: Performance assessment of embedded Hw/Sw systems. ICCD 1995: 52-57

Coauthor Index

1Jean Paul Calvez [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Emmanuel Casseau [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Dominique Heller [2] [4] [5]
4Sylvain Huet [10] [11] [12] [13]
5Sebastien LeNours [11] [13]
6Rocco Le Moigne [7] [8] [9]
7F. Muller [4] [5]
8J. Peckol [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)