
Susan V. Vrbsky

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48EELei Tang, Susan V. Vrbsky, Xiaoyan Hong: Collaborated Camouflaging Mobility for Mobile Privacy. GLOBECOM 2008: 2154-2158
47EEYang Xiao, Chung-Chih Li, Ming Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky: Secret Little Functions and Codebook for Protecting Users from Password Theft. ICC 2008: 1525-1529
46EEMing Lei, Yang Xiao, Susan V. Vrbsky, Chung-Chih Li, Li Liu: A Virtual Password Scheme to Protect Passwords. ICC 2008: 1536-1540
45 Ming Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky: Minimizing the Cost of Read-Only Transactions in a Data Sharing Environment. PDPTA 2008: 908-914
44EELei Tang, Xiaoyan Hong, Susan V. Vrbsky: Camouflaging mobility for itinerary privacy in mobile ad-hoc networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-7
43EEMing Lei, Yang Xiao, Susan V. Vrbsky, Chung-Chih Li: Virtual password using random linear functions for on-line services, ATM machines, and pervasive computing. Computer Communications 31(18): 4367-4375 (2008)
42EEHui Chen, Yang Xiao, Susan V. Vrbsky: Scalability study of cache access mechanisms in multiple-cell wireless networks. Computer Networks 52(15): 3017-3027 (2008)
41EEMing Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky, Xiaoyan Hong: An on-line replication strategy to increase availability in Data Grids. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(2): 85-98 (2008)
40EEHui Chen, Yang Xiao, Susan V. Vrbsky: Invalidation Report Scalability of Cache Access Mechanisms in Future Multiple-Cell Wireless Internet. GLOBECOM 2007: 1943-1947
39EEMing Lei, Xiaoyan Hong, Susan V. Vrbsky: Protecting Location Privacy with Dynamic Mac Address Exchanging in Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 49-53
38EEMing Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky, Yang Xiao: A Cost Model for Scheduling On-Demand Data Broadcast in Mixed-Type Request Environments. GLOBECOM 2007: 514-519
37EEMing Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky, Zijie Qi: Online Grid Replication Optimizers to Improve System Reliability. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
36EEMing Lei, Zijie Qi, Xiaoyan Hong, Susan V. Vrbsky: Protecting Location Privacy with Dynamic Mac Address Exchanging in Wireless Networks. ISI 2007: 377
35EEMing Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky, Xiaoyan Hong: A Dynamic Data Grid Replication Strategy to Minimize the Data Missed. BROADNETS 2006
34 Ming Lei, Susan V. Vrbsky: A Data Replication Strategy to Increase Data Availability in Data Grids. GCA 2006: 221-227
33 Susan V. Vrbsky, Randy K. Smith, Allen S. Parrish, Huanjing Wang: Strategies to Improve Variable Selection Performance. IKE 2005: 209-214
32EEHuanjing Wang, Allen S. Parrish, Randy K. Smith, Susan V. Vrbsky: Variable selection and ranking for analyzing automobile traffic accident data. SAC 2005: 32-37
31EEAllen S. Parrish, Susan V. Vrbsky, Brandon Dixon, Weigang Ni: Optimizing disk storage to support statistical analysis operations. Decision Support Systems 38(4): 621-628 (2005)
30EEHuanjing Wang, Allen S. Parrish, Randy K. Smith, Susan V. Vrbsky: Improved variable and value ranking techniques for mining categorical traffic accident data. Expert Syst. Appl. 29(4): 795-806 (2005)
29EENenad Jukic, Svetlozar Nestorov, Susan V. Vrbsky, Allen S. Parrish: Enhancing Database Access Control by Facilitating Non-Key Related Cover Stories. J. Database Manag. 16(3): 1-20 (2005)
28EEQiu Fang, Susan V. Vrbsky, Hui-Chuan Chen, Yu Dang: Pull-based broadcasting with timing constraints. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 20(3-4): 235-252 (2005)
27EEQiu Fang, Susan V. Vrbsky, Yu Dang, Weigang Ni: A Pull-Based Broadcast Algorithm that Considers Timing Constraints. ICPP Workshops 2004: 46-53
26EEWeigang Ni, Susan V. Vrbsky, Sibabrata Ray: Pitfalls In Distributed Nonblocking Checkpointing. Journal of Interconnection Networks 5(1): 47-78 (2004)
25EEWeigang Ni, Qiu Fang, Susan V. Vrbsky: A Lazy Data Request Approach for On-Demand Data Broadcasting. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 790-796
24EEWeigang Ni, Susan V. Vrbsky, Sibabrata Ray: Low-cost Coordinated Nonblocking Checkpointing in Mobile Computing Systems. ISCC 2003: 1427-1434
23EEAllen S. Parrish, Brandon Dixon, David Cordes, Susan V. Vrbsky, David Brown: CARE: An Automobile Crash Data Analysis Tool. IEEE Computer 36(6): 22-32 (2003)
22EENenad Jukic, Svetlozar Nestorov, Susan V. Vrbsky: Closing the key loophole in MLS databases. SIGMOD Record 32(2): 15-20 (2003)
21 Weigang Ni, Susan V. Vrbsky: Virtual Locks: A Concurrency Control Protocol for Adaptive Broadcasting System. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 339-344
20EEJingyuan Zhang, Susan V. Vrbsky, Guangbin Fan: Time-Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Constructing Optimal Virtual Cellular Networks. ICPADS 2002: 42-47
19EEQuazi N. Ahmed, Susan V. Vrbsky: Maintaining security and timeliness in real-time database system. Journal of Systems and Software 61(1): 15-29 (2002)
18 Sasa Tomic, Susan V. Vrbsky, Tracy Camp: A new measure of temporal consistency for derived objects in real-time database systems. Inf. Sci. 124(1-4): 139-152 (2000)
17 Quazi N. Ahmed, Susan V. Vrbsky: Triggered Updates for Temporal Consistency in Real-Time Databases. Real-Time Systems 19(3): 209-243 (2000)
16EENenad Jukic, Susan V. Vrbsky, Allen S. Parrish, Brandon Dixon, Boris Jukic: A Belief-Consistent Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model. Inf. Syst. 24(5): 377-400 (1999)
15EESusan V. Vrbsky, Sasa Tomic: Satisfying temporal consistency constraints of real-time databases. Journal of Systems and Software 45(1): 45-60 (1999)
14EENenad Jukic, Susan V. Vrbsky: Joining relations in the belief-consistent multilevel secure relational model. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1998: 289-296
13EEQuazi N. Ahmed, Susan V. Vrbsky: Issues in security for real-time databases. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1998: 297-299
12EEQuazi N. Ahmed, Susan V. Vrbsky: Maintaining Security in Firm Real-Time Database Systems. ACSAC 1998: 83-90
11 Quazi N. Ahmed, Susan V. Vrbsky: Maintaining Integrity Constraints and Security in real-Time Database Systems. IICIS 1998: 255-270
10EESusan V. Vrbsky, Sasa Tomic: Satisfying timing constraints of real-time databases. Journal of Systems and Software 41(1): 63-73 (1998)
9 Susan V. Vrbsky, Sasa Tomic, Nenad Jukic: Concurrency Control for Approximate Query Processing of Real-Time Database Systems. RTDB 1997: 227-246
8EENenad Jukic, Susan V. Vrbsky: Asserting Beliefs in MLS Relational Models. SIGMOD Record 26(3): 30-35 (1997)
7EESusan V. Vrbsky: A Data Model for Approximate Query Processing of Real-Time Databases. Data Knowl. Eng. 21(1): 79-102 (1996)
6EENenad Jukic, Susan V. Vrbsky: Feasibility of Aggregates in Time Constrained Queries. Inf. Syst. 21(7): 595-614 (1996)
5EESusan V. Vrbsky, Jane W.-S. Liu: Producing approximate answers to set- and single-valued queries. Journal of Systems and Software 27(3): 243-251 (1994)
4EESusan V. Vrbsky, Jane W.-S. Liu: APPROXIMATE - A Query Processor that Produces Monotonically Improving Approximate Answers. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(6): 1056-1068 (1993)
3EESusan V. Vrbsky, Jane W.-S. Liu: An Object-Oriented Query Processor that Produces Monotonically Improving Approximate Answers. ICDE 1991: 472-481
2 Susan V. Vrbsky, Kwei-Jay Lin: Recovering Imprecise Transactions with Real-Time Constraints. SRDS 1988: 185-193
1 Yaakov L. Varol, Susan V. Vrbsky: Distributed Query Processing Allowing for Redundant Data. ICDCS 1984: 389-396

Coauthor Index

1Quazi N. Ahmed [11] [12] [13] [17] [19]
2David Brown [23]
3Tracy Camp [18]
4Hui Chen [40] [42]
5Hui-Chuan Chen [28]
6David Cordes (David W. Cordes) [23]
7Yu Dang [27] [28]
8Brandon Dixon [16] [23] [31]
9Guangbin Fan [20]
10Qiu Fang [25] [27] [28]
11Xiaoyan Hong [35] [36] [39] [41] [44] [48]
12Boris Jukic [16]
13Nenad Jukic [6] [8] [9] [14] [16] [22] [29]
14Ming Lei [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [41] [43] [45] [46] [47]
15Chung-Chih Li [43] [46] [47]
16Kwei-Jay Lin [2]
17Jane W.-S. Liu [3] [4] [5]
18Li Liu [46]
19Svetlozar Nestorov [22] [29]
20Weigang Ni [21] [24] [25] [26] [27] [31]
21Allen S. Parrish [16] [23] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]
22Zijie Qi [36] [37]
23Sibabrata Ray [24] [26]
24Randy K. Smith [30] [32] [33]
25Lei Tang [44] [48]
26Sasa Tomic [9] [10] [15] [18]
27Yaakov L. Varol [1]
28Huanjing Wang [30] [32] [33]
29Yang Xiao [38] [40] [42] [43] [46] [47]
30Jingyuan Zhang [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)