
Cynthia Y. Lester

Cynthia Lester

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14EECynthia Y. Lester: Training and Educating Undergraduate Students in the Discipline of HCI. ACHI 2009: 111-116
13EECynthia Y. Lester: Advancing the Multidisciplinary Nature of Human Computer Interaction in a Newly Developed Undergraduate Course. ACHI 2008: 177-182
12EECynthia Y. Lester: An Innovative Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course. ICSEA 2008: 301-306
11EECynthia Y. Lester, Frank Jamerson: Designing an Undergraduate Software Security Course. SECURWARE 2008: 257-262
10EECynthia Y. Lester, Hira N. Narang, Chung-Han Chen: Infusing Information Assurance into an Undergraduate CS Curriculum. SECURWARE 2008: 300-305
9EECynthia Y. Lester: Growing the Pipeline: Restructuring an Introductory Computer Programming Course. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 23-28
8 Cynthia Lester: Expanding the Pipeline: The Influence of Collaborative Learning. FECS 2007: 126-132
7EECynthia Y. Lester: Encouraging Teamwork in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course. ICSEA 2007: 73
6 Cynthia Lester: The Boy Crisis and the Technology Gender Gap: Laying a Framework for Success. FECS 2006: 111-115
5 Cynthia Lester: Combating the decline: A tool to influence student perception and performance. FECS 2005: 166-172
4 Cynthia Lester, Marcus Brown: Women and Technology: The Next Step in Bridging the Divide. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 891-898
3EECynthia Y. Lester, Marcus Brown: Creating gender parity: an instruction aide's influence. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 4(1): (2004)
2EEAllen S. Parrish, David Cordes, Cynthia Lester, Deanne Moore: Assessing computer usage patterns in a software development course. SIGCSE 1997: 58-62
1EEAllen S. Parrish, David Cordes, Cynthia Lester, Deanne Moore: Active Learning and Process Assessment: Two Experiments in an Ada-Based Software Engineering Course. TRI-Ada 1996: 157-161

Coauthor Index

1Marcus Brown [3] [4]
2Chung-Han Chen [10]
3David Cordes (David W. Cordes) [1] [2]
4Frank Jamerson [11]
5Deanne Moore [1] [2]
6Hira N. Narang [10]
7Allen S. Parrish [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)