
James Cross

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10EEChris Baber, James Cross, Paul Smith, Dengel Robinson: Supporting Implicit Coordination Between Distributed Teams in Disaster Management. Mobile Response 2007: 39-50
9EERussell L. Shackelford, Andrew D. McGettrick, Robert H. Sloan, Heikki Topi, Gordon Davies, Reza Kamali, James Cross, John Impagliazzo, Richard J. LeBlanc, Barry M. Lunt: Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report. SIGCSE 2006: 456-457
8EEChris Baber, Paul Smith, James Cross, Damien Zasikowsk, John Hunter: Wearable Technology for Crime Scene Investigation. ISWC 2005: 138-143
7EEJames Cross, Chris Baber, Robert J. Houghton: Design of a Minimal Interface for two-way strategic information flow for urban operations. ISWC 2005: 208-209
6 Chris Baber, James Cross, Fan Yang, Paul Smith: Supporting Shared Analysis for Mobile Investigators. IWAC 2005: 11-20
5EEHuw W. Bristow, Chris Baber, James Cross, James F. Knight, Sandra I. Woolley: Defining and evaluating context for wearable computing. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 60(5-6): 798-819 (2004)
4EEJames Cross, Chris Baber, Sandra I. Woolley: Layered Annotations of Digital Images for Data Collection in the Field. ISWC 2003: 154-159
3EEHuw W. Bristow, Chris Baber, James Cross, Sandra I. Woolley: Evaluating Contextual Information for Wearable Computing. ISWC 2002: 179-185
2EEChris Baber, James Cross, Sandra I. Woolley, Vince L. Gaffney: Wearable Computing for Field Archaeology. ISWC 2001: 169-171
1EEAllen S. Parrish, David W. Cordes, James Cross, Brian Malloy: Ada in the undergraduate curriculum. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 261

Coauthor Index

1Chris Baber [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
2Huw W. Bristow [3] [5]
3David Cordes (David W. Cordes) [1]
4Gordon Davies [9]
5Vince L. Gaffney [2]
6Robert J. Houghton [7]
7John Hunter [8]
8John Impagliazzo [9]
9Reza Kamali [9]
10James F. Knight [5]
11Richard J. LeBlanc [9]
12Barry M. Lunt [9]
13Brian Malloy [1]
14Andrew D. McGettrick [9]
15Allen S. Parrish [1]
16Dengel Robinson [10]
17Russell L. Shackelford [9]
18Robert H. Sloan [9]
19Paul Smith [6] [8] [10]
20Heikki Topi [9]
21Sandra I. Woolley [2] [3] [4] [5]
22Fan Yang [6]
23Damien Zasikowsk [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)