16. POPL 1989:
Austin, Texas
Conference Record of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
January 1989.
- William Baxter, Henry R. Bauer III:
The Program Dependence Graph and Vectorization.
1-11 BibTeX
- Rebecca Parsons Selke:
A Rewriting Semantics for Program Dependence Graphs.
12-24 BibTeX
- Ron Cytron, Jeanne Ferrante, Barry K. Rosen, Mark N. Wegman, F. Kenneth Zadeck:
An Efficient Method of Computing Static Single Assignment Form.
25-35 BibTeX
long version:
TOPLAS 13(4):
451-490 (1991)
- Shmuel Sagiv, O. Edelstein, Nissim Francez, Michael Rodeh:
Resolving Circularity in Attribute Grammars with Applications to Data Flow Analysis.
36-48 BibTeX
- Keith D. Cooper, Ken Kennedy:
Fast Interprocedural Alias Analysis.
49-59 BibTeX
- Philip Wadler, Stephen Blott:
How to Make ad-hoc Polymorphism Less ad-hoc.
60-76 BibTeX
- Didier Rémy:
Typechecking Records and Variants in a Natural Extension of ML.
77-88 BibTeX
- Christine Paulin-Mohring:
Extracting F(omega)'s Programs from Proofs in the Calculus of Constructions.
89-104 BibTeX
- Paris C. Kanellakis, John C. Mitchell:
Polymorphic Unification and ML Typing.
105-115 BibTeX
- Katherine A. Yelick, Joseph L. Zachary:
Moded Type Systems for Logic Programming.
116-124 BibTeX
- Timothy J. Hickey:
CLP* and Constraint Abstraction.
125-133 BibTeX
- Haim Gaifman, Ehud Y. Shapiro:
Fully Abstract Compositional Semantics for Logic Programs.
134-142 BibTeX
- Bent Thomsen:
A Calculus of Higher Order Communicating Systems.
143-154 BibTeX
- Bengt Jonsson:
A Fully Abstract Trace Model for Dataflow Networks.
155-165 BibTeX
- E. Allen Emerson, Tom Sadler, Jai Srinivasan:
Efficient Temporal Reasoning.
166-178 BibTeX
- Amir Pnueli, Roni Rosner:
On the Synthesis of a Reactive Module.
179-190 BibTeX
- Paul C. Attie, E. Allen Emerson:
Synthesis of Concurrent Systems with Many Similar Sequential Processes.
191-201 BibTeX
- Luca Cardelli, James E. Donahue, Mick J. Jordan, Bill Kalsow, Greg Nelson:
The Modula-3 Type System.
202-212 BibTeX
- Martín Abadi, Luca Cardelli, Benjamin C. Pierce, Gordon D. Plotkin:
Dynamic Typing in a Statically-Typed Language.
213-227 BibTeX
long version:
TOPLAS 13(2):
237-268 (1991)
- José Meseguer:
Relating Models of Polymorphism.
228-241 BibTeX
- Gennaro Monteleone:
Generalized Conjunctive Types.
242-249 BibTeX
- Nachum Dershowitz, Stéphane Kaplan:
Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite.
250-259 BibTeX
- Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Partial Order Programming.
260-266 BibTeX
- Marianne Baudinet:
Temporal Logic Programming is Complete and Expressive.
267-280 BibTeX
- Richard Kelsey, Paul Hudak:
Realistic Compilation by Program Transformation.
281-292 BibTeX
- Andrew W. Appel, Trevor Jim:
Continuation-Passing, Closure-Passing Style.
293-302 BibTeX
- K. Gopinath, John L. Hennessy:
Copy Elimination in Functional Languages.
303-314 BibTeX
- William Pugh, Tim Teitelbaum:
Incremental Computation via Function Caching.
315-328 BibTeX
- Peter D. Mosses:
Unified Algebras and Modules.
329-343 BibTeX
- Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Arne Skou:
Bisimulation Through Probabilistic Testing.
344-352 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:34:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)