2009 | ||
46 | EE | Yann Morvan, Carol O'Sullivan: A perceptual approach to trimming and tuning unstructured lumigraphs. TAP 5(4): (2009) |
45 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Sophie Jörg, Jessica K. Hodgins, Fiona Newell, Carol O'Sullivan: Evaluating the effect of motion and body shape on the perceived sex of virtual characters. TAP 5(4): (2009) |
2008 | ||
44 | EE | Marcos García, John Dingliana, Carol O'Sullivan: Perceptual evaluation of cartoon physics: accuracy, attention, appeal. APGV 2008: 107-114 |
43 | EE | Paul S. A. Reitsma, Carol O'Sullivan: Effect of scenario on perceptual sensitivity to errors in animation. APGV 2008: 115-121 |
42 | EE | Ljiljana Skrba, Ian O'Connell, Carol O'Sullivan: Eye-tracking dynamic scenes with humans and animals. APGV 2008: 199 |
41 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Sophie Jörg, Joanna McHugh, Fiona Newell, Carol O'Sullivan: Evaluating the emotional content of human motions on real and virtual characters. APGV 2008: 67-74 |
40 | EE | Cathy Ennis, Christopher Peters, Carol O'Sullivan: Perceptual evaluation of position and orientation context rules for pedestrian formations. APGV 2008: 75-82 |
39 | EE | Ladislav Kavan, Simon Dobbyn, Steven Collins, Jirí Zára, Carol O'Sullivan: Polypostors: 2D polygonal impostors for 3D crowds. SI3D 2008: 149-155 |
38 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Michéal Larkin, Simon Dobbyn, Steven Collins, Carol O'Sullivan: Clone attack! Perception of crowd variety. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008) |
37 | EE | Ladislav Kavan, Steven Collins, Jirí Zára, Carol O'Sullivan: Geometric skinning with approximate dual quaternion blending. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(4): (2008) |
2007 | ||
36 | EE | Yann Morvan, Carol O'Sullivan: A perceptual approach to trimming unstructured lumigraphs. APGV 2007: 61-68 |
35 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Sophie Jörg, Jessica K. Hodgins, Fiona Newell, Carol O'Sullivan: Virtual shapers & movers: form and motion affect sex perception. APGV 2007: 7-10 |
34 | Ross Brennan, Michael Manzke, Keith O'Conor, John Dingliana, Carol O'Sullivan: A Scalable and Reconfigurable Shared-Memory Graphics Cluster Architecture. ERSA 2007: 284-290 | |
33 | EE | Ladislav Kavan, Steven Collins, Jirí Zára, Carol O'Sullivan: Skinning with dual quaternions. SI3D 2007: 39-46 |
32 | EE | Ladislav Kavan, Rachel McDonnell, Simon Dobbyn, Jirí Zára, Carol O'Sullivan: Skinning arbitrary deformations. SI3D 2007: 53-60 |
31 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Fiona Newell, Carol O'Sullivan: Smooth movers: perceptually guided human motion simulation. Symposium on Computer Animation 2007: 259-269 |
2006 | ||
30 | Carol O'Sullivan, Frederic H. Pighin: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, SCA 2006, Vienna, Austria, September 2-4, 2006 Eurographics Association 2006 | |
29 | EE | Ladislav Kavan, Carol O'Sullivan, Jirí Zára: Efficient collision detection for spherical blend skinning. GRAPHITE 2006: 147-156 |
28 | EE | Rachel McDonnell, Simon Dobbyn, Steven Collins, Carol O'Sullivan: Perceptual evaluation of LOD clothing for virtual humans. Symposium on Computer Animation 2006: 117-126 |
27 | EE | Thanh Giang, Carol O'Sullivan: Approximate collision response using closest feature maps. Computers & Graphics 30(3): 423-431 (2006) |
26 | EE | César Mendoza, Carol O'Sullivan: Interruptible collision detection for deformable objects. Computers & Graphics 30(3): 432-438 (2006) |
2005 | ||
25 | EE | Sarah Howlett, Richard Lee, Carol O'Sullivan: A framework for comparing task performance in real and virtual scenes. APGV 2005: 119-122 |
24 | EE | Simon Dobbyn, John Hamill, Keith O'Conor, Carol O'Sullivan: Geopostors: a real-time geometry / impostor crowd rendering system. SI3D 2005: 95-102 |
23 | EE | John Ryan, Carol O'Sullivan, Christopher Bell, Niall Mulvihill: A Virtual Reality Toolkit for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Myocardial Infarctions. Volume Graphics 2005: 55-62 |
22 | EE | Simon Dobbyn, John Hamill, Keith O'Conor, Carol O'Sullivan: Geopostors: a real-time geometry/impostor crowd rendering system. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 933 (2005) |
21 | EE | John Hamill, Rachel McDonnell, Simon Dobbyn, Carol O'Sullivan: Perceptual Evaluation of Impostor Representations for Virtual Humans and Buildings. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(3): 623-633 (2005) |
20 | EE | Sarah Howlett, John Hamill, Carol O'Sullivan: Predicting and Evaluating Saliency for Simplified Polygonal Models. TAP 2(3): 286-308 (2005) |
19 | EE | Carol O'Sullivan: Collisions and Attention. TAP 2(3): 309-321 (2005) |
2004 | ||
18 | EE | Carol O'Sullivan, Richard Lee: Collisions and attention. APGV 2004: 165 |
17 | EE | Sarah Howlett, John Hamill, Carol O'Sullivan: An experimental approach to predicting saliency for simplified polygonal models. APGV 2004: 57-64 |
16 | Carol O'Sullivan: Fidelity Metrics for Animation. WSCG 2004: 1-6 | |
15 | EE | Gareth Bradshaw, Carol O'Sullivan: Adaptive medial-axis approximation for sphere-tree construction. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(1): 1-26 (2004) |
14 | EE | John Ryan, Carol O'Sullivan, Christopher Bell: Real-time interactive volumetric animation of the heart's electrical cycle from automatically synchronized ECG. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 353-360 (2004) |
2003 | ||
13 | EE | Christopher Peters, Carol O'Sullivan: Bottom-Up Visual Attention for Virtual Human Animation. CASA 2003: 111-117 |
12 | EE | Brian MacNamee, Simon Dobbyn, Padraig Cunningham, Carol O'Sullivan: Simulating Virtual Humans Across Diverse Situations. IVA 2003: 159-163 |
11 | EE | Christopher Peters, Carol O'Sullivan: Attention-driven eye gaze and blinking for virtual humans. SIGGRAPH 2003 |
10 | EE | Clodagh Rossi, Alan Cummins, Carol O'Sullivan: Distributed mobile multi-user urban simulation. SIGGRAPH 2003 |
9 | EE | Christopher Peters, Simon Dobbyn, Brian MacNamee, Carol O'Sullivan: Smart Objects for Attentive Agents. WSCG 2003 |
8 | EE | Robert Mooney, Carol O'Sullivan, John Ryan, Christopher Bell: The Construction of a Volumetric Cardiac Model for Real-time ECG Simulation. WSCG 2003 |
7 | EE | John Hamill, Carol O'Sullivan: Virtual Dublin - A Framework for Real-Time Urban Simulation. WSCG 2003 |
6 | EE | Carol O'Sullivan, John Dingliana, Thanh Giang, Mary K. Kaiser: Evaluating the visual fidelity of physically based animations. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 527-536 (2003) |
2001 | ||
5 | EE | Carol O'Sullivan, John Dingliana: Collisions and perception. ACM Trans. Graph. 20(3): 151-168 (2001) |
2000 | ||
4 | EE | Gareth Bradshaw, Carol O'Sullivan: Extracting geometric models from medieval moulding profiles for case-based reasoning. KES 2000: 531-536 |
3 | EE | William Leeson, Carol O'Sullivan, Steven Collins: EFFIGI: An Efficient Framework for Implementing Global Illumination. WSCG 2000 |
2 | EE | Evin Levey, Christopher Peters, Carol O'Sullivan: New Metrics for Evaluation of Collision Detection Techniques. WSCG 2000 |
1 | John Dingliana, Carol O'Sullivan: Graceful Degradation of Collision Handling Physically Based Animation. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000) |