
Brian MacNamee

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5EEBrian MacNamee, Simon Dobbyn, Padraig Cunningham, Carol O'Sullivan: Simulating Virtual Humans Across Diverse Situations. IVA 2003: 159-163
4EEChristopher Peters, Simon Dobbyn, Brian MacNamee, Carol O'Sullivan: Smart Objects for Attentive Agents. WSCG 2003
3EEBrian MacNamee, Padraig Cunningham: Creating socially interactive no-player characters: The µ-SIV system. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation 2(1): 28-35 (2003)
2 Brian MacNamee, Padraig Cunningham: The u-SIG System; A Connectionist Driven Simulation of Socially Interactive Agents. GAME-ON 2002
1 Brian MacNamee, Padraig Cunningham, Stephen Byrne, O. I. Corrigan: The problem of bias in training data in regression problems in medical decision support. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 24(1): 51-70 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Stephen Byrne [1]
2O. I. Corrigan [1]
3Padraig Cunningham [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Simon Dobbyn [4] [5]
5Carol O'Sullivan [4] [5]
6Christopher Peters [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)