
Elisabetta Di Nitto

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47EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Matei Ripeanu: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007 Workshops, International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, September 17, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2009
46EESilvia Bindelli, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Raffaela Mirandola, Roberto Tedesco: Building autonomic components: The SelfLets approach. ASE Workshops 2008: 17-24
45EELaurent Bussard, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Anna Nano, Olivier Nano, Gianluca Ripa: An Approach to Identity Management for Service Centric Systems. ServiceWave 2008: 254-265
44EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi, Andreas Metzger, Mike P. Papazoglou, Klaus Pohl: A journey to highly dynamic, self-adaptive service-based applications. Autom. Softw. Eng. 15(3-4): 313-341 (2008)
43EEGianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta Di Nitto: On adopting Content-Based Routing in service-oriented architectures. Information & Software Technology 50(1-2): 22-35 (2008)
42 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering: in conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE joint meeting, IW-SOSWE 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3, 2007 ACM 2007
41 Luciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto: Test and Analysis of Web Services Springer 2007
40EEDavide Devescovi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Raffaela Mirandola: An infrastructure for autonomic system development: the selflet approach. ASE 2007: 449-452
39EEDavide Devescovi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Daniel Dubois, Raffaela Mirandola: Self-organization algorithms for autonomic systems in the SelfLet approach. Autonomics 2007: 26
38EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: 2nd international workshop on service oriented software engineering (IW-SOSWE 2007). ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 613-614
37EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: 2nd international workshop on service oriented software engineering: (IW-SOSWE 2007). ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 613-614
36EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Massimiliano Di Penta, Alessio Gambi, Gianluca Ripa, Maria Luisa Villani: Negotiation of Service Level Agreements: An Architecture and a Search-Based Approach. ICSOC 2007: 295-306
35EEChristina Tziviskou, Elisabetta Di Nitto: Logic-based Management of Security in Web Services. IEEE SCC 2007: 228-235
34EELuciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto: Introduction. Test and Analysis of Web Services 2007: 1-7
33EELuciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi, Sam Guinea: A framework for the deployment of adaptable web service compositions. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1(1): 75-91 (2007)
32 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: The 2006 International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE '06), May 27-28, 2006, Shanghai, China, in conjunction with ICSE 2006 IEEE Computer Society 2006
31EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: International workshop on service oriented software engineering (IW-SOSE'06). ICSE 2006: 1036-1037
30EEMassimiliano Colombo, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Marco Mauri: SCENE: A Service Composition Execution Environment Supporting Dynamic Changes Disciplined Through Rules. ICSOC 2006: 191-202
29EELuciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi: Towards Open-World Software: Issue and Challenges. SEW 2006: 249-252
28EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: Report on the International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE06). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): 36-38 (2006)
27EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Luca Mainetti, Mattia Monga, Licia Sbattella, Roberto Tedesco: Supporting Interoperability and Reusability of Learning Objects: The Virtual Campus Approach. Educational Technology & Society 9(2): 33-50 (2006)
26EELuciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi: Toward Open-World Software: Issue and Challenges. IEEE Computer 39(10): 36-43 (2006)
25 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Amy L. Murphy: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware, SEM 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-6, 2005 ACM 2005
24EEMassimiliano Colombo, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Massimiliano Di Penta, Damiano Distante, Maurilio Zuccalà: Speaking a Common Language: A Conceptual Model for Describing Service-Oriented Systems. ICSOC 2005: 48-60
23 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi, Paolo Selvini: Using Agents for Multi-target Search on the Web. SAC 2003: 828-833
22 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Giordano Sassaroli, Maurilio Zuccalà: Using CC/PP to Manage Context Awareness: The @Terminals Approach. SNPD 2003: 413-420
21EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Massimiliano Pianciamore: Exploiting an Event-Based System to Develop a Distributed E-Commerce Infrastructure. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 573-574
20EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Luigi Lavazza, Marco Schiavoni, Emma Tracanella, Michele Trombetta: Deriving executable process descriptions from UML. ICSE 2002: 155-165
19 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Massimiliano Pianciamore, Paolo Selvini: The role of agents in knowledge management. WOA 2002: 29-34
18EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi, Maurizio Sabba, Paolo Selvini: Using Agents in Performing Multi-site Queries. CIA 2001: 100-105
17EEGianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: The JEDI Event-Based Infrastructure and Its Application to the Development of the OPSS WFMS. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 27(9): 827-850 (2001)
16EEGiovanni Bricconi, Emma Tracanella, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Analyzing the Behavior of Event Dispatching Systems through Simulation. HiPC 2000: 131-140
15EEFabiano Cattaneo, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza, Giuseppe Valetto: Managing software artifacts on the Web with Labyrinth. ICSE 2000: 746-749
14EEGiovanni Bricconi, Emma Tracanella, Elisabetta Di Nitto: Issues in Analyzing the Behavior of Event Dispatching Systems. IWSSD 2000: 95-104
13EEElisabetta Di Nitto, David S. Rosenblum: Exploiting ADLs to Specify Architectural Styles Induced by Middleware Infrastructures. ICSE 1999: 13-22
12EEClaude Godart, Noureddine Belkhatir, Antonio Carzaniga, Jacky Estublier, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Jens H. Jahnke, Patricia Lago, Wilhelm Schäfer, Hala Skaf: Cooperation Control in PSEE. Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 117-164
11 Gianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Exploiting an Event-Based Infrastructure to Develop Complex Distributed Systems. ICSE 1998: 261-270
10 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Special Issue on Process Technology. Autom. Softw. Eng. 5(1): 5-6 (1998)
9 C. Basile, S. Calanna, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, M. Gemo: Mechanisms and Policies for Federated PSEEs: Basic Concepts and Open Issues. EWSPT 1996: 86-91
8EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Letizia Tanca: Dealing with Deviations in DBMSs: An Approach to Revise Consistency Constraints. FMLDO 1996: 11-24
7EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Product lines: what are the issues? ISPW 1996: 51-53
6EEGianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, Carlo Ghezzi: A Framework for Formalizing Inconsistencies and Deviations in Human-Centered Systems. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 5(3): 191-230 (1996)
5EESergio Bandinelli, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Supporting Cooperation in the SPADE-1 Environment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(12): 841-865 (1996)
4 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Integrating Process Technology and CSCW. EWSPT 1995: 154-161
3EEGianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Carlo Ghezzi, M. Mantione: How to Deal With Deviations During Process Model Enactment. ICSE 1995: 265-273
2EESilvano Pozzi, Elisabetta Di Nitto: ImagineDesk: A Software Platform Supporting Cooperative Applications. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 196-202
1 Sergio Bandinelli, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: Coupled vs. decoupled user interaction environments in PSEEs. ISPW 1994: 50-52

Coauthor Index

1Sergio Bandinelli [1] [5]
2Luciano Baresi [26] [29] [33] [34] [41]
3C. Basile [9]
4Noureddine Belkhatir [12]
5Silvia Bindelli [46]
6Giovanni Bricconi [14] [16]
7Laurent Bussard [45]
8S. Calanna [9]
9Antonio Carzaniga [12]
10Fabiano Cattaneo [15]
11Massimiliano Colombo [24] [30]
12Gianpaolo Cugola [3] [6] [11] [17] [43]
13Davide Devescovi [39] [40]
14Damiano Distante [24]
15Daniel Dubois [39]
16Jacky Estublier [12]
17Alfonso Fuggetta [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [15] [16] [17]
18Alessio Gambi [36]
19M. Gemo [9]
20Carlo Ghezzi [3] [6] [18] [23] [26] [29] [33] [44]
21Claude Godart [12]
22Sam Guinea [33]
23Robert J. Hall [28] [31] [32]
24Jun Han [28] [31] [32]
25Yanbo Han [28] [31] [32]
26Patricia Lago [12]
27Luigi Lavazza [1] [15] [20]
28Luca Mainetti [27]
29M. Mantione [3]
30Marco Mauri [30]
31Andreas Metzger [44]
32Raffaela Mirandola [39] [40] [46]
33Mattia Monga [27]
34Amy L. Murphy [25]
35Anna Nano [45]
36Olivier Nano [45]
37Mike P. Papazoglou [44]
38Massimiliano Di Penta [24] [36]
39Massimiliano Pianciamore [19] [21]
40Klaus Pohl [44]
41Andrea Polini [28] [31] [32] [37] [38] [42]
42Silvano Pozzi [2]
43Gianluca Ripa [36] [45]
44Matei Ripeanu [47]
45David S. Rosenblum [13]
46Maurizio Sabba [18]
47Kurt Sandkuhl [28] [31] [32]
48Giordano Sassaroli [22]
49Licia Sbattella [27]
50Wilhelm Schäfer [12]
51Marco Schiavoni [20]
52Paolo Selvini [18] [19] [23]
53Hala Skaf-Molli (Hala Skaf) [12]
54Letizia Tanca [8]
55Roberto Tedesco [27] [46]
56Emma Tracanella [14] [16] [20]
57Michele Trombetta [20]
58Christina Tziviskou [35]
59Giuseppe Valetto [15]
60Maria Luisa Villani [36]
61Jens H. Weber-Jahnke (Jens H. Jahnke) [12]
62Andrea Zisman [28] [31] [32] [37] [38] [42]
63Maurilio Zuccalà [22] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)