
Andrea Zisman

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43EEIgor Siveroni, Andrea Zisman, George Spanoudakis: Property Specification and Static Verification of UML Models. ARES 2008: 96-103
42EEAndrea Zisman, George Spanoudakis, James Dooley: A Framework for Dynamic Service Discovery. ASE 2008: 158-167
41EEAndrea Zisman, James Dooley, George Spanoudakis: Proactive Runtime Service Discovery. IEEE SCC (1) 2008: 237-245
40EEGilberto A. Cysneiros Filho, Andrea Zisman: Traceability and completeness checking for agent-oriented systems. SAC 2008: 71-77
39 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering: in conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE joint meeting, IW-SOSWE 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3, 2007 ACM 2007
38EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: 2nd international workshop on service oriented software engineering (IW-SOSWE 2007). ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 613-614
37EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Andrea Polini, Andrea Zisman: 2nd international workshop on service oriented software engineering: (IW-SOSWE 2007). ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 613-614
36EEAndrea Zisman: A Static Verification Framework for Secure Peer-to-Peer Applications. ICIW 2007: 8
35EEGeorge Spanoudakis, Khaled Mahbub, Andrea Zisman: A Platform for Context Aware Runtime Web Service Discovery. ICWS 2007: 233-240
34EEAndrea Zisman, Khaled Mahbub, George Spanoudakis: A Service Discovery Framework based on Linear Composition. IEEE SCC 2007: 536-543
33 Gilberto A. Cysneiros Filho, Andrea Zisman: Traceability for Agent-Oriented Design Models and Code. SEKE 2007: 552-558
32EEThomas Ellman, Andrea Zisman: Special issue on selected papers from the 20th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'2005). Autom. Softw. Eng. 14(2): 127-128 (2007)
31EEOlivier Nano, Andrea Zisman: Guest Editors' Introduction: Realizing Service-Centric Software Systems. IEEE Software 24(6): 28-30 (2007)
30EEAlexander Kozlenkov, George Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman, V. Fasoulas, F. Sanchez: Architecture-Driven Service Discovery for Service Centric Systems. Int. J. Web Service Res. 4(2): 82-113 (2007)
29 Elisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: The 2006 International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE '06), May 27-28, 2006, Shanghai, China, in conjunction with ICSE 2006 IEEE Computer Society 2006
28EEGeorge Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman: UML-based Service Discovery Tool. ASE 2006: 361-362
27EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: International workshop on service oriented software engineering (IW-SOSE'06). ICSE 2006: 1036-1037
26EEAndrea Zisman, George Spanoudakis: UML-Based Service Discovery Framework. ICSOC 2006: 402-414
25EEElisabetta Di Nitto, Robert J. Hall, Jun Han, Yanbo Han, Andrea Polini, Kurt Sandkuhl, Andrea Zisman: Report on the International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE06). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): 36-38 (2006)
24 David F. Redmiles, Thomas Ellman, Andrea Zisman: 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), November 7-11, 2005, Long Beach, CA, USA ACM 2005
23EEWaraporn Jirapanthong, Andrea Zisman: Supporting Product Line Development through Traceability. APSEC 2005: 506-514
22EEAndrea Zisman, Thomas Ellman: 2nd Workshop on the state of the art in automated software engineering. ASE 2005: 464
21EEGeorge Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman, Alexander Kozlenkov: A Service Discovery Framework for Service Centric Systems. IEEE SCC 2005: 251-259
20EEGeorge Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman: Guest Editors' Introduction. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(5): 747-750 (2005)
19EERobert J. Hall, Andrea Zisman: Validating Personal Requirements by Assisted Symbolic Behavior Browsing . ASE 2004: 56-66
18EERobert J. Hall, Andrea Zisman: Behavioral models as service descriptions. ICSOC 2004: 163-172
17EERobert J. Hall, Andrea Zisman: OMML: A Behavioural Model Interchange Format. RE 2004: 272-282
16EERobert J. Hall, Andrea Zisman: Model interchange and integration for web services. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-11 (2004)
15EEGeorge Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman, Elena Pérez-Miñana, Paul Krause: Rule-based generation of requirements traceability relations. Journal of Systems and Software 72(2): 105-127 (2004)
14EERobert J. Hall, Andrea Zisman: Overview of OpenModel-based Validation with Partial Information. ASE 2003: 347-351
13 George Spanoudakis, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Andrea Zisman: Revising Rules to Capture Requirements Traceability Relations: A Machine Learning Approach. SEKE 2003: 570-577
12 Andrea Zisman, Alexander Kozlenkov: Managing Inconsistencies in UML Specifications. SNPD 2003: 128-138
11 Andrea Zisman, George Spanoudakis, Elena Pérez-Miñana, Paul Krause: Tracing Software Requirements Artifacts. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 448-455
10EEAlexander Kozlenkov, Andrea Zisman: Are their Design Specifications Consistent with our Requirements? RE 2002: 145-156
9EEAndrea Zisman, Alexander Kozlenkov: Knowledge Base Approach to Consistency Management of UML Specification. ASE 2001: 359-363
8EEAndrea Zisman, Adamantia Athanasopoulou: Consistency Management of Financial XML Documents. CAiSE 2001: 219-233
7EEAndrea Zisman, Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein: Using XML to Build Consistency Rules for Distributed Specifications. IWSSD 2000: 141-148
6 George Spanoudakis, Andrea Zisman: Information Monitors: An Architecture Based on XML. OOIS 2000: 442-455
5 Christian Nentwich, Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein, Andrea Zisman: BOX: Browsing objects in XML. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(15): 1661-1676 (2000)
4EEAndrea Zisman, Anthony Finkelstein: XML for Software Engineers University College London. RE 1999: 193-
3EEAndrea Zisman, Jeff Kramer: An approach to interoperation between autonomous database systems. Distributed Systems Engineering 6(4): 135- (1999)
2EEAndrea Zisman, Jeff Kramer: Supporting Interoperability of Autonomous Hospital Databases: A Case Study. ADBIS 1997: 285-294
1EEV. W. Setzer, Andrea Zisman: New Concurrency Control Algorithms for Accessing and Compacting B-Trees. VLDB 1994: 238-248

Coauthor Index

1Adamantia Athanasopoulou [8]
2James Dooley [41] [42]
3Thomas Ellman [22] [24] [32]
4Wolfgang Emmerich [5] [7]
5V. Fasoulas [30]
6Gilberto A. Cysneiros Filho [33] [40]
7Anthony Finkelstein [4] [5] [7]
8Artur S. d'Avila Garcez [13]
9Robert J. Hall [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [25] [27] [29]
10Jun Han [25] [27] [29]
11Yanbo Han [25] [27] [29]
12Waraporn Jirapanthong [23]
13Alexander Kozlenkov [9] [10] [12] [21] [30]
14Jeff Kramer [2] [3]
15Paul Krause [11] [15]
16Khaled Mahbub [34] [35]
17Olivier Nano [31]
18Christian Nentwich [5]
19Elisabetta Di Nitto [25] [27] [29] [37] [38] [39]
20Elena Pérez-Miñana [11] [15]
21Andrea Polini [25] [27] [29] [37] [38] [39]
22David F. Redmiles [24]
23F. Sanchez [30]
24Kurt Sandkuhl [25] [27] [29]
25V. W. Setzer [1]
26Igor Siveroni [43]
27George Spanoudakis [6] [11] [13] [15] [20] [21] [26] [28] [30] [34] [35] [41] [42] [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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