
Sergio Bandinelli

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19EESergio Bandinelli, Goiuria Sagardui Mendieta: Domain Potential Analysis: Calling the Attention on Business Issues of Product-Lines. IW-SAPF 2000: 76-81
18EESergio Bandinelli: ERW'97 Session Report: Reuse Adoption Experiences Across a Large Corporation. ESPRIT ARES Workshop 1998: 249-256
17EEJim Arlow, Sergio Bandinelli, Wolfgang Emmerich, Luigi Lavazza: A fine-grained process modelling experiment at British Airways. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 3(2): 105-131 (1997)
16EESergio Bandinelli, Santiago Rementeria: Software reuse introduction requires a process perspective. ISPW 1996: 32-34
15EESergio Bandinelli, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta: Supporting Cooperation in the SPADE-1 Environment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(12): 841-865 (1996)
14EESergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza, Maurizio Loi, Gian Pietro Picco: Modeling and Improving an Industrial Software Process. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(5): 440-454 (1995)
13 Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: Experiences in the Implementation of a Process-centered Software Engineering Environment Using Object-Oriented Technology. TAPOS 1(2): 115-131 (1995)
12 Sergio Bandinelli, M. Braga, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: The Architecture of SPADE-1-Process-Centered SEE. EWSPT 1994: 15-30
11 Sergio Bandinelli, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: Coupled vs. decoupled user interaction environments in PSEEs. ISPW 1994: 50-52
10 Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza, Gian Pietro Picco: Combining control and data integration in the SPADE-1 process-centered software engineering environment. ISPW 1994: 96-99
9EESergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta: Computational Reflection in Software Process Modeling: The SLANG Approach. ICSE 1993: 144-154
8 Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Sandro Grigolli: Process Modelling in-the-large with SLANG. ICSP 1993: 75-83
7 Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: Requirements and Early Experiences in the Implementation of the SPADE Repository using Object-Oriented Technology. ISOTAS 1993: 511-528
6 Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza: Requirements and Early Experiences in the Implementation of the SPADE Repository. ISPW 1993: 30-32
5EESergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Carlo Ghezzi: Process Model Evolution in the SPADE Environment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(12): 1128-1144 (1993)
4EEPasquale Armenise, Sergio Bandinelli, Carlo Ghezzi, Angelo Morzenti: A Survey and Assessment of Software Process Representation Formalisms. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 3(3): 401-426 (1993)
3 Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Carlo Ghezzi, Sandro Grigolli: Process Enactment in SPADE. EWSPT 1992: 67-83
2EEPasquale Armenise, Sergio Bandinelli, Carlo Ghezzi, Angelo Morzenti: Software Processes Representation Languages: Survey and Assessment. SEKE 1992: 455-462
1 Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Carlo Ghezzi, Angelo Morzenti: A multi-paradigm Petri net based approach to process description. ISPW 1991: 41-43

Coauthor Index

1Jim Arlow [17]
2Pasquale Armenise [2] [4]
3Luciano Baresi [6] [7] [13]
4M. Braga [12]
5Wolfgang Emmerich [17]
6Alfonso Fuggetta [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
7Carlo Ghezzi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Sandro Grigolli [3] [8]
9Luigi Lavazza [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17]
10Maurizio Loi [14]
11Goiuria Sagardui Mendieta [19]
12Angelo Morzenti [1] [2] [4]
13Elisabetta Di Nitto [11] [15]
14Gian Pietro Picco [10] [14]
15Santiago Rementeria [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)