2008 |
44 | | Andreas Billig,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Enterprise Ontology based Artefact Management.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2008: 681-687 |
43 | | Anders Carstensen,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Lennart Holmberg:
Towards A Methodology for Modelling Interoperability between Collaborating Enterprises.
ICEIS (1) 2008: 333-338 |
42 | | Annika Öhgren,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Do SME Need Ontologies? - Results from a Survey among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 104-111 |
41 | EE | Feiyu Lin,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
A Survey of Exploiting WordNet in Ontology Matching.
IFIP AI 2008: 341-350 |
40 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Frank M. Lillehagen:
The Early Phases of Enterprise Knowledge Modelling: Practices and Experiences from Scaffolding and Scoping.
PoEM 2008: 1-14 |
39 | EE | Anders Carstensen,
Lennart Holmberg,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Supporting Collaboration in an Extended Enterprise with the Connector View on Enterprise Models.
PoEM 2008: 111-126 |
38 | EE | Wolfram Webers,
Christer Thörn,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Connecting Feature Models and AUTOSAR: An Approach Supporting Requirements Engineering in Automotive Industries.
REFSQ 2008: 95-108 |
37 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Janis Stirna:
Evaluation of Task Pattern Use in Web-based Collaborative Engineering.
SEAA 2008: 303-309 |
36 | EE | Feiyu Lin,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
User-Based Constraint Strategy in Ontology Matching.
UIC 2008: 687-696 |
2007 |
35 | EE | Janis Stirna,
Anne Persson,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Participative Enterprise Modeling: Experiences and Recommendations.
CAiSE 2007: 546-560 |
34 | EE | Vladimir Tarassov,
Thomas Albertsen,
Alexey Kashevnik,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Nikolay Shilov,
Alexander V. Smirnov:
Ontology-Based Competence Management for Team Configuration.
HoloMAS 2007: 401-410 |
33 | | Kurt Sandkuhl:
Information logistics in networked organisations - issues, concepts and applications.
ICEIS (1) 2007: 10-14 |
32 | | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Annika Öhgren,
Alexander V. Smirnov,
Nikolay Shilov,
Alexey Kashevnik:
Ontology Construction in Practice - Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial Cases.
ICEIS (3) 2007: 250-256 |
31 | EE | Jorge Cardoso,
Wil M. P. van der Aalst,
Christoph Bussler,
Amit P. Sheth,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Inter-enterprise System and Application Integration: A Reality Check.
ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 3-15 |
30 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl:
Information Logistics in Networked Organizations: Selected Concepts and Applications.
ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 43-54 |
29 | | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Christer Thörn,
Wolfram Webers:
Enterprise Ontology and Feature Model Integration - Approach and Experiences from an Industrial Case.
ICSOFT (PL/DPS/KE/MUSE) 2007: 264-269 |
28 | EE | Feiyu Lin,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Polygon-Based Similarity Aggregation for Ontology Matching.
ISPA Workshops 2007: 255-264 |
27 | EE | Feiyu Lin,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
A New Expanding Tree Ontology Matching Method.
OTM Workshops (2) 2007: 1329-1337 |
26 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Andreas Billig:
Ontology-based artefact management in automotive electronics.
Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20(7): 627-638 (2007) |
2006 |
25 | | Elisabetta Di Nitto,
Robert J. Hall,
Jun Han,
Yanbo Han,
Andrea Polini,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Andrea Zisman:
The 2006 International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE '06), May 27-28, 2006, Shanghai, China, in conjunction with ICSE 2006
IEEE Computer Society 2006 |
24 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Anders Carstensen:
Web-Based Coordination Support in Care Planning.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 464-471 |
23 | | Eva Blomqvist,
Annika Öhgren,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Ontology Construction in an Enterprise Context: Comparing and Evaluating Two Approaches.
ICEIS (3) 2006: 86-93 |
22 | EE | Eva Blomqvist,
Annika Öhgren,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Comparing and Evaluating Ontology Construction in an Enterprise Context.
ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2006: 221-240 |
21 | EE | Elisabetta Di Nitto,
Robert J. Hall,
Jun Han,
Yanbo Han,
Andrea Polini,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Andrea Zisman:
International workshop on service oriented software engineering (IW-SOSE'06).
ICSE 2006: 1036-1037 |
20 | EE | Vladimir Tarassov,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Bengt Henoch:
Using ontologies for representation of individual and enterprise competence models.
RIVF 2006: 206-213 |
19 | EE | Elisabetta Di Nitto,
Robert J. Hall,
Jun Han,
Yanbo Han,
Andrea Polini,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Andrea Zisman:
Report on the International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE06).
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): 36-38 (2006) |
2005 |
18 | | Christer Thörn,
Orjan Eriksson,
Eva Blomqvist,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Potentials and Limits of Graph-Algorithms for Discovering Ontology Patterns.
CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 174-179 |
17 | EE | Andreas Billig,
Jan Gottschick,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Evolution of Web Computing Systems: Experiences from Web-Portal Projects.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2005: 468-474 |
16 | EE | Eva Blomqvist,
Tatiana Levashova,
Annika Öhgren,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Alexander V. Smirnov,
Vladimir Tarassov:
Configuration of Dynamic SME Supply Chains Based on Ontologies.
HoloMAS 2005: 246-256 |
15 | | Annika Öhgren,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Towards a methodology for ontology development in small and medium-sized enterprises.
IADIS AC 2005: 369-376 |
14 | | Eva Blomqvist,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Patterns in Ontology Engineering: Classification of Ontology Patterns.
ICEIS (3) 2005: 413-416 |
13 | EE | Kurt Sandkuhl:
Informatik Spektrum 28(3): 193-201 (2005) |
2004 |
12 | | Peter Chamoni,
Peter Loos,
Wolfgang Deiters,
Ralf-Detlef Kutsche,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Norbert Gronau,
Heiner Müller-Merbach,
Bodo Rieger:
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Universität Duisburg-Essen, 9.-11. März 2004, Band 2: Informationssysteme in Industrie und Handel; Business intelligence; Knowledge supply and information logistics in enterprises andnetworked organizations; Organisationale Intelligenz
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH 2004 |
11 | EE | Ulrich Meissen,
Stefan Pfennigschmidt,
Tjark Wahnfried,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Situation-based Message Rating in Information Logistics and its Applicability in Collaboration Scenarios.
EUROMICRO 2004: 484-491 |
2003 |
10 | EE | Stefan Jaksch,
Stefan Pfennigschmidt,
Kurt Sandkuhl,
Christoph Thiel:
Information Logistic Applications for Information-on-Demand Scenarios: Concepts and Experiences from WIND Project.
EUROMICRO 2003: 141-147 |
9 | | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Alexander V. Smirnov:
Continuous business engineering: towards aligned evolution of business strategy and software architecture.
ISPE CE 2003: 651-657 |
8 | | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Ulrich Meissen,
Jutta Hacker,
Alfons Jakoby:
Supporting alignment of IT-infrastructure and IT-strategy: the balanced scorecard based IT strategy card approach.
ISPE CE 2003: 659-666 |
7 | EE | Andreas Billig,
Lutz Nentwig,
Johannes Werner Erdmann,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Mecomp.net - Organizational, Sociological and Technological Aspects of a Community Network in the Field of Education and Employment.
PDP 2003: 507- |
2002 |
6 | | Andreas Billig,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Access Control and Synchronization in XML Documents.
XSW 2002: 39-51 |
1999 |
5 | | Burkhard Messer,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Concepts for distributed groupware operating systems.
HCI (2) 1999: 308-312 |
1997 |
4 | | Kurt Sandkuhl:
Features of Successful Telecooperation Systems: The Technological Viewpoint.
HCI (1) 1997: 301-304 |
1996 |
3 | | Kurt Sandkuhl:
First Steps to Cross Media Publishing and Multimodal Documents.
PODP 1996: 15-26 |
2 | EE | Lutz Nentwig,
Sonia Manhart,
Kurt Sandkuhl:
Hotline and Consulting in a Metropolitan Area Network: The HotCon Approach to Integrated Services.
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(4): 481-490 (1996) |
1992 |
1 | | Kurt Sandkuhl,
Volker Schoepf:
Issues and Limits of Dynamic Hypermedia Systems - The HyperScript System.
Hypertext und Hypermedia 1992: 75-86 |