
Laurent Bussard

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11EELaurent Bussard, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Anna Nano, Olivier Nano, Gianluca Ripa: An Approach to Identity Management for Service Centric Systems. ServiceWave 2008: 254-265
10 Laurent Bussard, Walid Bagga: Distance-Bounding Proof of Knowledge to Avoid Real-Time Attacks. SEC 2005: 223-238
9EELaurent Bussard, Refik Molva: One-Time Capabilities for Authorizations without Trust. PerCom 2004: 351-355
8EELaurent Bussard, Yves Roudier, Refik Molva: Untraceable Secret Credentials: Trust Establishment with Privacy. PerCom Workshops 2004: 122-126
7EEThomas Walter, Laurent Bussard, Philip Robinson, Yves Roudier: Security and Trust Issues in Ubiquitous Environments - The Business-to-Employee Dimension. SAINT Workshops 2004: 696-701
6EELaurent Bussard, Refik Molva: Establishing Trust with Privacy. Security Protocols Workshop 2004: 199-209
5EELaurent Bussard: Establishing Trust with Privacy (Transcript of Discussion). Security Protocols Workshop 2004: 210-212
4EELaurent Bussard, Refik Molva, Yves Roudier: History-Based Signature or How to Trust Anonymous Documents. iTrust 2004: 78-92
3EELaurent Bussard, Yves Roudier, Roger Kilian-Kehr, Stefano Crosta: Trust and Authorization in Pervasive B2E Scenarios. ISC 2003: 295-309
2EELaurent Bussard, Yves Roudier: Embedding Distance-Bounding Protocols within Intuitive Interactions. SPC 2003: 143-156
1EESergio Loureiro, Laurent Bussard, Yves Roudier: Extending Tamper-Proof Hardware Security to Untrusted Execution Environments. CARDIS 2002: 111-124

Coauthor Index

1Walid Bagga [10]
2Stefano Crosta [3]
3Roger Kilian-Kehr [3]
4Sergio Loureiro [1]
5Refik Molva [4] [6] [8] [9]
6Anna Nano [11]
7Olivier Nano [11]
8Elisabetta Di Nitto [11]
9Gianluca Ripa [11]
10Philip Robinson [7]
11Yves Roudier [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8]
12Thomas Walter [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)