2008 |
12 | EE | Oliver Ray,
Christopher H. Bryant:
Inferring the Function of Genes from Synthetic Lethal Mutations.
CISIS 2008: 667-671 |
11 | EE | Thierry Mamer,
Christopher H. Bryant,
John McCall:
L-Modified ILP Evaluation Functions for Positive-Only Biological Grammar Learning.
ILP 2008: 176-191 |
2006 |
10 | EE | Christopher H. Bryant,
Daniel Fredouille,
Alex Wilson,
Channa K. Jayawickreme,
Steven Jupe,
Simon Topp:
Pertinent Background Knowledge for Learning Protein Grammars.
ECML 2006: 54-65 |
9 | EE | Daniel Fredouille,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Channa K. Jayawickreme,
Steven Jupe,
Simon Topp:
An ILP Refinement Operator for Biological Grammar Learning.
ILP 2006: 214-228 |
8 | EE | Selpi,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Graham J. L. Kemp,
Marija Cvijovic:
A First Step towards Learning which uORFs Regulate Gene Expression.
J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(2): (2006) |
2005 |
7 | EE | Daniel Fredouille,
Christopher H. Bryant:
Speeding up Parsing of Biological Context-Free Grammars.
CPM 2005: 241-256 |
2001 |
6 | EE | Christopher H. Bryant,
Stephen Muggleton,
Stephen G. Oliver,
Douglas B. Kell,
Philip G. K. Reiser,
Ross D. King:
Combining Inductive Logic Programming, Active Learning and Robotics to Discover the Function of Genes.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 1-36 (2001) |
5 | EE | Philip G. K. Reiser,
Ross D. King,
Douglas B. Kell,
Stephen Muggleton,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Stephen G. Oliver:
Developing a Logical Model of Yeast Metabolism.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 5(B): 223-244 (2001) |
4 | | Stephen Muggleton,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Ashwin Srinivasan,
Alex Whittaker,
Simon Topp,
Christopher J. Rawlings:
Are Grammatical Representations Useful for Learning from Biological Sequence Data? - A Case Study.
Journal of Computational Biology 8(5): 493-521 (2001) |
2000 |
3 | EE | Stephen Muggleton,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Ashwin Srinivasan:
Measuring Performance when Positives Are Rare: Relative Advantage versus Predictive Accuracy - A Biological Case Study.
ECML 2000: 300-312 |
2 | | Stephen Muggleton,
Christopher H. Bryant,
Ashwin Srinivasan:
Learning Chomsky-like Grammars for Biological Sequence Families.
ICML 2000: 631-638 |
1 | EE | Stephen Muggleton,
Christopher H. Bryant:
Theory Completion Using Inverse Entailment.
ILP 2000: 130-146 |