
Cao Feng

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5 Peter Clark, Cao Feng, Stan Matwin, Ko Fung: Improving Image Classification by Combining Statistical, Case-Based and Model Based Prediction Methods. Fundam. Inform. 30(3/4): 227-240 (1997)
4 Ross D. King, Cao Feng, A. Sutherland: STALOG: Comparison of classification algorithms on large real-world problems. Applied Artificial Intelligence 9(3): 289-333 (1995)
3 Ross D. King, Bob Henery, Cao Feng, A. Sutherland: A Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms: Statistical, Machine Learning and Neural Network. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 311-359
2 Cao Feng, Stephen Muggleton: Towards Inductive Generalization in Higher Order Logic. ML 1992: 154-162
1 Stephen Muggleton, Cao Feng: Efficient Induction of Logic Programs. ALT 1990: 368-381

Coauthor Index

1Peter Clark [5]
2Ko Fung [5]
3Bob Henery [3]
4Ross D. King [3] [4]
5Stan Matwin [5]
6Stephen Muggleton [1] [2]
7A. Sutherland [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)