Volume 30,
Number 1,
January 1998
Volume 30,
Numbers 2-3,
February 1998
Applied Research in Machine Learning
- Foster J. Provost, Ron Kohavi:
Guest Editors' Introduction: On Applied Research in Machine Learning.
127-132 BibTeX
- Lorenza Saitta, Filippo Neri:
Learning in the `` Real World''.
133-163 BibTeX
- Michael C. Burl, Lars Asker, Padhraic Smyth, Usama M. Fayyad, Pietro Perona, Larry Crumpler, Jayne Aubele:
Learning to Recognize Volcanoes on Venus.
165-194 BibTeX
- Miroslav Kubat, Robert C. Holte, Stan Matwin:
Machine Learning for the Detection of Oil Spills in Satellite Radar Images.
195-215 BibTeX
- Yongwon Lee, Bruce G. Buchanan, John M. Aronis:
Knowledge-Based Learning in Exploratory Science: Learning Rules to Predict Rodent Carcinogenicity.
217-240 BibTeX
- Paul W. Finn, Stephen Muggleton, David Page, Ashwin Srinivasan:
Pharmacophore Discovery Using the Inductive Logic Programming System PROGOL.
241-270 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)