
Andrea Sikeler

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9 Stéphane Bressan, Willem Jonker, Andrea Sikeler: Extending Deductive Databases with Object Orientation. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Informal Proceedings), ILPS 1993: 167
8 Harald Schöning, Andrea Sikeler: Cluster Mechanisms Supporting the Dynamic Construction of Complex Objects. FODO 1989: 31-46
7EETheo Härder, Harald Schöning, Andrea Sikeler: Parallel Query Evaluation: A New Approach to Complex Object Processing. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 12(1): 23-29 (1989)
6 Theo Härder, Harald Schöning, Andrea Sikeler: Parallelism in Processing Queries on Complex Objects. DPDS 1988: 131-143
5EEAndrea Sikeler: VAR-PAGE-LRU A Buffer Replacement Algorithm Supporting Different Page Sizes. EDBT 1988: 336-351
4 Andrea Sikeler: Ein Adressierungskonzept zur Unterstützung der objekt-orientierten Verarbeitung in PRIMA. BTW 1987: 487-491
3 Hans-Peter Christmann, Theo Härder, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Andrea Sikeler: Which Kinds of OS Mechanisms Should be Provided for Database Management? Experiences with Distributed Systems 1987: 213-252
2EETheo Härder, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Bernhard Mitschang, Andrea Sikeler: PRIMA - a DBMS Prototype Supporting Engineering Applications. VLDB 1987: 433-442
1 Andrea Sikeler: Untersuchung von Verfahren zur Adreßabbildung in PRIMA. Angewandte Informatik 29(8/9): 358-368 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Bressan [9]
2Hans-Peter Christmann [3]
3Theo Härder [2] [3] [6] [7]
4Willem Jonker [9]
5Klaus Meyer-Wegener [2] [3]
6Bernhard Mitschang [2]
7Harald Schöning [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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