
Nelson Mendonça Mattos

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39 Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Integrating Information for On Demand Computing. SBBD 2005: 3
38EENelson Mendonça Mattos: Integrating Information for On Demand Computing. VLDB 2003: 8-14
37 Stefan Deßloch, Albert Maier, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Dan Wolfson: Information Integration - Goals and Challenges. Datenbank-Spektrum 6: 7-13 (2003)
36EEJan-Eike Michels, Krishna G. Kulkarni, Christopher M. Farrar, Andrew Eisenberg, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Hugh Darwen: The SQL Standard. it - Information Technology 45(1): 30-38 (2003)
35 Stefan Deßloch, Eileen Tien Lin, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Dan Wolfson, Kathryn Zeidenstein: Towards an Integrated Data Management Platform for the Web. Datenbank-Spektrum 2: 5-13 (2002)
34EEAnant Jhingran, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Hamid Pirahesh: Information integration: A research agenda. IBM Systems Journal 41(4): 555-562 (2002)
33 Stefan Deßloch, Weidong Chen, Jyh-Herng Chow, You-Chin Fuh, Jean Grandbois, Michelle Jou, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Raiko Nitzsche, Brian T. Tran, Yun Wang: Extensible Indexing Support in DB2 Universal Database. Compontent Database Systems 2001: 105-138
32 Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Jim Kleewein, Mary Tork Roth, Kathy Zeidenstein: From Object-Relational to Federated Databases. BTW 1999: 185-209
31EEMichael J. Carey, Donald D. Chamberlin, Srinivasa Narayanan, Bennet Vance, Doug Doole, Serge Rielau, Richard Swagerman, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: O-O, What's Happening to DB2? SIGMOD Conference 1999: 511-512
30EEMichael J. Carey, Donald D. Chamberlin, Srinivasa Narayanan, Bennet Vance, Doug Doole, Serge Rielau, Richard Swagerman, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: O-O, What Have They Done to DB2? VLDB 1999: 542-553
29EEWeidong Chen, Jyh-Herng Chow, You-Chin Fuh, Jean Grandbois, Michelle Jou, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Brian T. Tran, Yun Wang: High Level Indexing of User-Defined Types. VLDB 1999: 554-564
28EEYou-Chin Fuh, Stefan Deßloch, Weidong Chen, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Brian T. Tran, Bruce G. Lindsay, Linda DeMichel, Serge Rielau, Danko Mannhaupt: Implementation of SQL3 Structured Types with Inheritance and Value Substitutability. VLDB 1999: 565-574
27 Krishna G. Kulkarni, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Roberta Cochrane: Active Database Features in SQL3. Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 197-219
26 Gene Fuh, Jyh-Herng Chow, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Brian T. Tran, Tuong C. Truong: On the Linkage of Dynamic Tables in Relational DBMSs. IBM Systems Journal 37(4): 539-551 (1998)
25EEStefan Deßloch, Theo Härder, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Bernhard Mitschang, Joachim Thomas: Advanced Data Processing in KRISYS: Modeling Concepts, Implementation Techniques, and Client/Server Issues. VLDB J. 7(2): 79-95 (1998)
24EEMichael J. Carey, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Anil Nori: Object-Relational Database Systems: Principles, Products, and Challenges (Tutorial). SIGMOD Conference 1997: 502
23EEStefan Deßloch, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Integrating SQL Databases with Content-Specific Search Engines. VLDB 1997: 528-537
22EEGene Fuh, Jyh-Herng Chow, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Brian T. Tran: Supporting procedural constructs in existing SQL compilers. CASCON 1996: 11
21EERoberta Cochrane, Hamid Pirahesh, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Integrating Triggers and Declarative Constraints in SQL Database Sytems. VLDB 1996: 567-578
20EENelson Mendonça Mattos: Supporting Procedural Constructs in SQL Compilers. VLDB 1996: 581
19 Stefan Deßloch, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Bernhard Mitschang, Joachim Thomas: Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KBMS KRISYS. BTW 1995: 403-422
18EENelson Mendonça Mattos, Jim Melton: An Overview of the Emerging Third-Generation SQL Standard (Tutorial). SIGMOD Conference 1995: 468
17EEJoachim Thomas, Stefan Deßloch, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KDMS KRISYS (Demonstration Description). SIGMOD Conference 1995: 479
16 Josephine M. Cheng, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Donald D. Chamberlin, Linda G. DeMichiel: Extending Relational Database Technology for New Applications. IBM Systems Journal 33(2): 264-279 (1994)
15EENelson Mendonça Mattos, Linda G. DeMichiel: Recent Design Trade-offs in SQL3. SIGMOD Record 23(4): 84-89 (1994)
14 Stefan Deßloch, Franz-Josef Leick, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Joachim Thomas: The KRISYS Project: a Summary of Waht We Have Learned so far. BTW 1993: 124-143
13 Cirano Iochpe, Fernando de Ferreira Rezende, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Joachim Thomas: Implementing a Design Management and Cooperation Model on the Basis of KRISYS. BTW 1993: 256-265
12EEJoachim Thomas, Bernhard Mitschang, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Stefan Deßloch: Enchancing Knowledge Processing in Client/Server Environments. CIKM 1993: 324-334
11 Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Bernhard Mitschang: Grand tour of concepts for object-orientation from a database point of view. Data Knowl. Eng. 9: 321-352 (1993)
10 Stefan Deßloch, Theo Härder, Franz-Josef Leick, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Christian Laasch, Christian Rich, Marc H. Scholl, Hans-Jörg Schek: COOCON and KRISYS - A Comparison. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 179-196
9 Stefan Deßloch, Theo Härder, Franz-Josef Leick, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: KRISYS - a KBMS Supporting the Development and Processing of Advanced Engineering Applications. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 83-106
8 Nelson Mendonça Mattos: An Approach to Knowledge Base Management Springer 1991
7EEBernd Sutter, Stefan Deßloch, Christoph Hübel, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: KBMS Support for Technical Modeling in Engineering Systems. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1990: 790-799
6 Nelson Mendonça Mattos: An Approach to DBS-based Knowledge Management. IS/KI 1990: 127-152
5 Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Performance Measurements and Analysis of Coupling Approaches of Database and Expert Systems and Consequences to their Integration. IS/KI 1990: 283-288
4EENelson Mendonça Mattos, M. Michels: Modeling with KRISYS: the Design Process of DB Applications Reviewed. ER 1989: 239-253
3EEW. Yan, Nelson Mendonça Mattos: Transitive Closure and the LOGA+-Strategy for its Efficient Evaluation. MFDBS 1989: 415-428
2EENelson Mendonça Mattos: Abstraction Concepts: The Basis for Data and Knowledge Modeling. ER 1988: 473-492
1 Theo Härder, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Bernhard Mitschang: Abbildung von Frames auf neuere Datenmodelle. GWAI 1987: 396-405

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Carey [24] [30] [31]
2Donald D. Chamberlin [16] [30] [31]
3Weidong Chen [28] [29] [33]
4Josephine M. Cheng [16]
5Jyh-Herng Chow [22] [26] [29] [33]
6Roberta Cochrane [21] [27]
7Hugh Darwen [36]
8Linda DeMichel [28]
9Linda G. DeMichiel [15] [16]
10Stefan Deßloch (Stefan Dessloch) [7] [9] [10] [12] [14] [17] [19] [23] [25] [28] [33] [35] [37]
11Doug Doole [30] [31]
12Andrew Eisenberg [36]
13Christopher M. Farrar [36]
14Gene Fuh [22] [26]
15You-Chin Fuh [28] [29] [33]
16Jean Grandbois [29] [33]
17Theo Härder [1] [9] [10] [25]
18Christoph Hübel [7]
19Cirano Iochpe [13]
20Anant Jhingran [34]
21Michelle Jou [29] [33]
22Jim Kleewein [32]
23Krishna G. Kulkarni [27] [36]
24Christian Laasch [10]
25Franz-Josef Leick [9] [10] [14]
26Eileen Tien Lin [35]
27Bruce G. Lindsay [28]
28Albert Maier [37]
29Danko Mannhaupt [28]
30Jim Melton [18]
31Klaus Meyer-Wegener [11]
32Jan-Eike Michels [36]
33M. Michels [4]
34Bernhard Mitschang [1] [11] [12] [19] [25]
35Srinivasa Narayanan [30] [31]
36Raiko Nitzsche [33]
37Anil Nori [24]
38Hamid Pirahesh [21] [34]
39Fernando de Ferreira Rezende [13]
40Christian Rich [10]
41Serge Rielau [28] [30] [31]
42Mary Roth (Mary Tork Roth) [32]
43Hans-Jörg Schek [10]
44Marc H. Scholl [10]
45Bernd Sutter [7]
46Richard Swagerman [30] [31]
47Joachim Thomas [12] [13] [14] [17] [19] [25]
48Brian T. Tran [22] [26] [28] [29] [33]
49Tuong C. Truong [26]
50Bennet Vance [30] [31]
51Yun Wang [29] [33]
52Daniel C. Wolfson (Dan Wolfson) [35] [37]
53W. Yan [3]
54Kathryn Zeidenstein [35]
55Kathy Zeidenstein [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)