
Amar Mitiche

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77EEMohamed Ben Salah, Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed: A Continuous Labeling for Multiphase Graph Cut Image Partitioning. ISVC (1) 2008: 268-277
76EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche: Merging Active Contours. ISVC (2) 2008: 181-191
75EENeila Mezghani, Amar Mitiche: A Gibbsian Kohonen Network for Online Arabic Character Recognition. ISVC (2) 2008: 493-500
74 Mohamed Ben Salah, Ismail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche: Multiregion Graph Cut Image Segmentation. VISAPP (1) 2008: 535-538
73EENeila Mezghani, Amar Mitiche, Mohamed Cheriet: Bayes Classification of Online Arabic Characters by Gibbs Modeling of Class Conditional Densities. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30(7): 1121-1131 (2008)
72EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche: A Region Merging Prior for Variational Level Set Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(12): 2301-2311 (2008)
71EEMonji Kherallah, Lobna Haddad, Adel M. Alimi, Amar Mitiche: On-line handwritten digit recognition based on trajectory and velocity modeling. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(5): 580-594 (2008)
70EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche: Embedding a Region Merging Prior in Level Set Vector-Valued Image Segmentation. ACCV (1) 2007: 925-934
69EEHicham Sekkati, Amar Mitiche: A variational method for the recovery of dense 3D structure from motion. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(7): 597-607 (2007)
68EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche: A Partition Constrained Minimization Scheme for Efficient Multiphase Level Set Image Segmentation. ICIP 2006: 1641-1644
67EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche, Ziad Belhadj: Variational Unsupervised Segmentation of Multi-Look Complex Polarimetric Images using a Wishart Observation Model. ICIP 2006: 3233-3236
66EEAbdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Carlos Vázquez: Multiregion competition: A level set extension of region competition to multiple region image partitioning. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 101(3): 137-150 (2006)
65EEHicham Sekkati, Amar Mitiche: Joint optical flow estimation, segmentation, and 3D interpretation with level sets. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103(2): 89-100 (2006)
64EERobert Laganière, Hassan Hajjdiab, Amar Mitiche: Visual reconstruction of ground plane obstacles in a sparse view robot environment. Graphical Models 68(3): 282-293 (2006)
63EEAmar Mitiche, Hicham Sekkati: Optical Flow 3D Segmentation and Interpretation: A Variational Method with Active Curve Evolution and Level Sets. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(11): 1818-1829 (2006)
62EECarlos Vázquez, Amar Mitiche, Robert Laganière: Joint Multiregion Segmentation and Parametric Estimation of Image Motion by Basis Function Representation and Level Set Evolution. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(5): 782-793 (2006)
61EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche, Ziad Belhadj: Polarimetric Image Segmentation via Maximum-Likelihood Approximation and Efficient Multiphase Level-Sets. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(9): 1493-1500 (2006)
60EEIsmail Ben Ayed, N. Hennane, Amar Mitiche: Unsupervised Variational Image Segmentation/Classification Using a Weibull Observation Model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(11): 3431-3439 (2006)
59EEHicham Sekkati, Amar Mitiche: Concurrent 3-D motion segmentation and 3-D interpretation of temporal sequences of monocular images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(3): 641-653 (2006)
58EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche, Ziad Belhadj: Level set curve evolution partitioning of polarimetric images. ICIP (1) 2005: 281-284
57EEIsmail Ben Ayed, Amar Mitiche, Ziad Belhadj: Multiregion Level-Set Partitioning of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(5): 793-800 (2005)
56EENeila Mezghani, Amar Mitiche, Mohamed Cheriet: A new representation of shape and its use for high performance in online Arabic character recognition by an associative memory. IJDAR 7(4): 201-210 (2005)
55EEAishy Amer, Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche: Rule-based real-time detection of context-independent events in video shots. Real-Time Imaging 11(3): 244-256 (2005)
54 Carlos Vázquez, Hussein H. Aly, Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche: Motion compensated super-resolution of video by level sets evolution. ICIP 2004: 1767-1770
53 Neila Mezghani, Amar Mitiche, Mohamed Cheriet: A new representation of character shape and its use in on-line character recognition by a self organizing map. ICIP 2004: 2123-2126
52 Ismail Ben Ayed, Carlos Vázquez, Amar Mitiche, Ziad Belhadj: Sar image segmentation with active contours and level sets. ICIP 2004: 2717-2720
51 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Carlos Vázquez: Image partioning by level set multiregion competition. ICIP 2004: 2721-2724
50 Carlos Vázquez, Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed: Image segmentation as regularized clustering: a fully global curve evolution method. ICIP 2004: 3467-3470
49EECarlos Vázquez, Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche: Approximation of images by basis functions for multiple region segmentation with level sets. ICIP 2004: 549-552
48EEHicham Sekkati, Amar Mitiche: Joint dense 3D interpretation and multiple motion segmentation of temporal image sequences: a variational framework with active curve evolution and level sets. ICIP 2004: 553-556
47EERosario El-Feghali, Amar Mitiche: Spatiotemporal motion boundary detection and motion boundary velocity estimation for tracking moving objects with a moving camera: a level sets PDEs approach with concurrent camera motion compensation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(11): 1473-1490 (2004)
46EEAmar Mitiche, Abdol-Reza Mansouri: On convergence of the Horn and Schunck optical-flow estimation method. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(6): 848-852 (2004)
45EENeila Mezghani, Mohamed Cheriet, Amar Mitiche: Combination of Pruned Kohonen Maps for On-line Arabic Characters Recognition. ICDAR 2003: 900-
44EEHicham Sekkati, Amar Mitiche: Dense 3D interpretation of image sequences: a variational approach using anisotropic diffusion. ICIAP 2003: 424-429
43 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Michael Aron: PDE-based region tracking without motion computation by joint space-time segmentation. ICIP (3) 2003: 113-116
42 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Fabien Dolla: Motion-based figure-ground segmentation by maximum motion separation. ICIP (3) 2003: 925-928
41 Rosario El-Feghali, Amar Mitiche: Tracking with simultaneous camera motion subtraction by level set spatio-temporal surface evolution. ICIP (3) 2003: 929-932
40EEAmar Mitiche, Souad Hadjres: MDL estimation of a dense map of relative depth and 3D motion from a temporal sequence of images. Pattern Anal. Appl. 6(1): 78-87 (2003)
39EEAmar Mitiche, Rosario El-Feghali, Abdol-Reza Mansouri: Motion tracking as spatio-temporal motion boundary detection. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(1): 39-50 (2003)
38 Aishy Amer, Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche: Reliable and fast structure-oriented video noise estimation. ICIP (1) 2002: 840-843
37 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche: Spatial/joint space-time motion segmentation of image sequences by level set pursuit. ICIP (2) 2002: 265-268
36 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche: Region tracking via local statistics and level set PDEs. ICIP (3) 2002: 605-608
35EEAishy Amer, Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche: Context-Independent Real-Time Event Recognition: Application to Key-Image Extraction. ICPR (2) 2002: 945-948
34EEAmar Mitiche, Rosario El-Feghali, Abdol-Reza Mansouri: Tracking Moving Objects as Spatio-Temporal Boundary Detection. SSIAI 2002: 106-110
33EEAbdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Rosario El-Feghali: Spatio-Temporal Motion Segmentation via Level Set Partial Differential Equations. SSIAI 2002: 243-247
32EEAmar Mitiche, M. Lebidoff: Pattern classification by a condensed neural network. Neural Networks 14(4-5): 575-580 (2001)
31EERosario El-Feghali, Amar Mitiche: Fast Computation of a Boundary Preserving Estimate of Optical Flow. BMVC 2000
30 Souad Hadjres, Amar Mitiche: Direct Estimation of 3D Motion Parameters and Relative Depth Using the Minimum Description Length Principle. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 2000: 108-115
29 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Janusz Konrad: Selective Image Diffusion: Application to Disparity Estimation. ICIP (3) 1998: 284-288
28EEAmar Mitiche, Jean-Michel Létang: Stereokinematic analysis of visual data in active convergent stereoscopy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(1-2): 43-71 (1998)
27 Amar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: Pattern Category Assignment by Neural Networks and Nearest Neighbors Rules: A Synopsis and A Characterization. IJPRAI 10(5): 393-408 (1996)
26EEAmar Mitiche, Patrick Bouthemy: Computation and analysis of image motion: A synopsis of current problems and methods. International Journal of Computer Vision 19(1): 29-55 (1996)
25EEQuin Cai, Amar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: Tracking human motion in an indoor environment. ICIP 1995: 215-218
24EEDinesh Nair, Amar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: On comparing the performance of object recognition systems. ICIP 1995: 2631-2634
23EERobert Laganière, Amar Mitiche: Direct Bayesian interpretation of visual motion. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 14(4): 247-254 (1995)
22 Laurence Cloutier, Amar Mitiche, Patrick Bouthemy: Segmentation and Estimation of Image Motion by a Robust Method. ICIP (2) 1994: 805-809
21EEDanny S. Thomas, Amar Mitiche: Asymptotic optimality of pattern recognition by regression analysis. Neural Networks 7(2): 313-320 (1994)
20EEAmar Mitiche: Three-dimensional interpretation of continuous image motion of straight lines. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 13(1): 53-65 (1994)
19EEMichael Sabourin, Amar Mitiche: Modeling and classification of shape using a Kohonen associative memory with selective multiresolution. Neural Networks 6(2): 275-283 (1993)
18EEMichael Sabourin, Amar Mitiche: Optical character recognition by a neural network. Neural Networks 5(5): 843-852 (1992)
17 Daniel Dubé, Amar Mitiche: The Incremental Rigidity Scheme for Structure from Motion: The Line-Based Formulation. ECCV 1990: 292-296
16 Robert Laganière, Amar Mitiche: A 3D Interpretation System Based on Consistent Labeling of a Set of Propositions. Application to the Interpretation of Straight Line Correspondences. ECCV 1990: 521-525
15 Robert Laganière, Amar Mitiche: A Knowledge-Based Intelligent System for Real World Interpretation. IAS 1989: 772-782
14EEAmar Mitiche, Olivier D. Faugeras, Jake K. Aggarwal: Counting straight lines. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 47(3): 353-360 (1989)
13EEAmar Mitiche: A Comment on "On Kineopsis and Computation of Structure and Motion". IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(5): 540-541 (1989)
12EEAmar Mitiche, G. Habelrih: Interpretation of straight line correspondences using angular relations. Pattern Recognition 22(3): 299-308 (1989)
11EEAmar Mitiche: Three-dimensional space from optical flow correspondence. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 42(3): 306-317 (1988)
10 Thomas C. Henderson, E. Weitz, Charles D. Hansen, Amar Mitiche: Multisensor Knowledge Systems: Interpreting 3D Structure. I. J. Robotic Res. 7(6): 114-137 (1988)
9EEAmar Mitiche, Steven Seida, Jake K. Aggarwal: Using Constancy of Distance to Estimate Position and Displacement in Space. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(4): 594-599 (1988)
8EEAmar Mitiche, R. Grisell, Jake K. Aggarwal: On Smoothness of a Vector Field-Application to Optical Flow. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(6): 943-949 (1988)
7EEAmar Mitiche, Y. F. Wang, Jake K. Aggarwal: Experiments in computing optical flow with the gradient-based, multiconstraint method. Pattern Recognition 20(2): 173-179 (1987)
6EEBaba C. Vemuri, Amar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: Curvature-based representation of objects from range data. Image Vision Comput. 4(2): 107-114 (1986)
5EEAmar Mitiche, Patrick Bouthemy: Tracking modelled objects using binocular images. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 32(3): 384-396 (1985)
4EEAmar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: Image segmentation by conventional and information-integrating techniques: a synopsis. Image Vision Comput. 3(2): 50-62 (1985)
3 Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche: Review of 'Digital Picture Processing, ' 2nd edn. (Rosenfeld, A., and Kak, A.C.; 1982). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(4): 694 (1984)
2EEAmar Mitiche, Jake K. Aggarwal: Contour registration by shape-specific points for shape matching. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 22(3): 396-408 (1983)
1 Thomas C. Henderson, Amar Mitiche: Modeling 3-D Structure. DAGM-Symposium 1981: 112-116

Coauthor Index

1Jake K. Aggarwal (J. K. Aggarwal) [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [14] [24] [25] [27]
2Adel M. Alimi (Mohamed Adel Alimi) [71]
3Hussein H. Aly [54]
4Aishy Amer [35] [38] [55]
5Michael Aron [43]
6Ismail Ben Ayed [50] [52] [57] [58] [60] [61] [67] [68] [70] [72] [74] [76] [77]
7Ziad Belhadj [52] [57] [58] [61] [67]
8Patrick Bouthemy [5] [22] [26]
9Quin Cai [25]
10Mohamed Cheriet [45] [53] [56] [73]
11Laurence Cloutier [22]
12Fabien Dolla [42]
13Daniel Dubé [17]
14Eric Dubois [3] [35] [38] [54] [55]
15Rosario El-Feghali [31] [33] [34] [39] [41] [47]
16Olivier D. Faugeras [14]
17R. Grisell [8]
18G. Habelrih [12]
19Lobna Haddad [71]
20Souad Hadjres [30] [40]
21Hassan Hajjdiab [64]
22Charles D. Hansen [10]
23Thomas C. Henderson [1] [10]
24N. Hennane [60]
25Monji Kherallah [71]
26Janusz Konrad [29]
27Robert Laganière [15] [16] [23] [62] [64]
28M. Lebidoff [32]
29Jean-Michel Létang [28]
30Abdol-Reza Mansouri [29] [33] [34] [36] [37] [39] [42] [43] [46] [49] [51] [66]
31Neila Mezghani [45] [53] [56] [73] [75]
32Dinesh Nair [24]
33Michael Sabourin [18] [19]
34Mohamed Ben Salah [74] [77]
35Steven Seida [9]
36Hicham Sekkati [44] [48] [59] [63] [65] [69]
37Danny S. Thomas [21]
38Carlos Vázquez [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [62] [66]
39Baba C. Vemuri [6]
40Y. F. Wang [7]
41E. Weitz [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)