
Michael Aron

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3EEMichael Aron, Gilles Simon, Marie-Odile Berger: Use of inertial sensors to support video tracking. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 18(1): 57-68 (2007)
2EEMichael Aron, Gilles Simon, Marie-Odile Berger: Handling Uncertain Sensor Data in Vision-Based Camera Tracking. ISMAR 2004: 58-67
1 Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Amar Mitiche, Michael Aron: PDE-based region tracking without motion computation by joint space-time segmentation. ICIP (3) 2003: 113-116

Coauthor Index

1Marie-Odile Berger [2] [3]
2Abdol-Reza Mansouri [1]
3Amar Mitiche [1]
4Gilles Simon [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)