2009 |
45 | EE | Michelle X. Gong,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Shiwen Mao:
On-demand routing and channel assignment in multi-channel mobile ad hoc networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 7(1): 63-78 (2009) |
2008 |
44 | EE | Michelle X. Gong,
Shiwen Mao,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Load- and Interference-Aware Channel Assignment for Dual-Radio Mesh Backhauls.
GLOBECOM 2008: 5058-5063 |
43 | EE | Shiwen Mao,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Hanif D. Sherali,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Multimedia-Centric Routing for Multiple Description Video in Wireless Mesh Networks.
IEEE Network 22(1): 19-24 (2008) |
42 | EE | David R. Raymond,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Denial-of-Service in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Defenses.
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(1): 74-81 (2008) |
2007 |
41 | EE | Michael S. Thompson,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Service Discovery Reliability and Network Neighbor Knowledge in Pervasive Computing Environments.
AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 307-313 |
40 | EE | Brian J. Thorp,
Scott F. Midkiff:
An Application Layer Extension for Multipoint Communication for the Session Initiation Protocol.
IPCCC 2007: 194-201 |
39 | EE | Michelle X. Gong,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Shiwen Mao:
A Cross-layer Approach to Channel Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
MONET 12(1): 43-56 (2007) |
2006 |
38 | EE | Unghee Lee,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Channel distribution fairness in multi-channel wireless ad-hoc networks using a channel distribution index.
IPCCC 2006 |
37 | EE | Michael S. Thompson,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Experiences Using IEEE 802.11b for Service Discovery.
PerCom Workshops 2006: 146-150 |
36 | EE | Yi Shi,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Hanif D. Sherali,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Optimal routing for UWB-based sensor networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(4): 857-863 (2006) |
35 | EE | Y. Thomas Hou,
Yi Shi,
Jianping Pan,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks through Optimal Single-Session Flow Routing.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(9): 1255-1266 (2006) |
34 | EE | Shiweri Mao,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Xiaolin Cheng,
Hanif D. Sherali,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Ya-Qin Zhang:
On Routing for Multiple Description Video Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(5): 1063-1074 (2006) |
33 | EE | Unghee Lee,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Tao Lin:
Routing in Multi-Channel Wireless Ad-hoc Networks: OSPF-MCDS-MC.
JCM 1(2): 57-68 (2006) |
2005 |
32 | | Michelle X. Gong,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Shiwen Mao:
A combined proactive routing and multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks.
BROADNETS 2005: 479-488 |
31 | EE | Michael S. Thompson,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Service Description for Pervasive Service Discovery.
ICDCS Workshops 2005: 273-279 |
30 | EE | Shiwen Mao,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Xiaolin Cheng,
Hanif D. Sherali,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Multipath routing for multiple description video in wireless ad hoc networks.
INFOCOM 2005: 740-750 |
29 | EE | Shiwen Mao,
Sastry Kompella,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Scott F. Midkiff:
A fast greedy algorithm for routing concurrent video flows.
ISCAS (4) 2005: 3535-3538 |
28 | EE | Unghee Lee,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Jahng S. Park:
A Proactive Routing Protocol for Multi-Channel Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (DSDV-MC).
ITCC (2) 2005: 710-715 |
27 | EE | Yi Shi,
Yiwei Thomas Hou,
Hanif D. Sherali,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Cross-layer optimization for routing data traffic in UWB-based sensor networks.
MOBICOM 2005: 299-312 |
26 | EE | Creighton T. R. Hager,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Jung Min Park,
Thomas L. Martin:
Performance and Energy Efficiency of Block Ciphers in Personal Digital Assistants.
PerCom 2005: 127-136 |
25 | EE | Kaustubh S. Phanse,
Luiz A. DaSilva,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Design and demonstration of policy-based management in a multi-hop ad hoc network.
Ad Hoc Networks 3(3): 389-401 (2005) |
2004 |
24 | EE | Charles W. Bostian,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Tim Gallagher,
C. J. Rieser,
Thomas W. Rondeau,
W. Michael Kurgan,
Laurence W. Carstensen,
George E. Morgan,
D. G. Sweeney,
J. H. Hood:
Testbed for High-Speed 'End-to-End' Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency Management.
DG.O 2004 |
23 | EE | Luiz A. DaSilva,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Ing-Ray Chen:
A Hands-on Course on Wireless and Mobile Systems Design.
PerCom Workshops 2004: 241-246 |
22 | EE | Ing-Ray Chen,
Luiz A. DaSilva,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Editorial: Mobile and Pervasive Computing.
Comput. J. 47(4): 404 (2004) |
2003 |
21 | EE | Charles W. Bostian,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Tim Gallagher,
Mary Miniuk:
Testbed for High-Speed End-to-End Communications in Support of Comprehensive Emergency Management.
DG.O 2003 |
20 | EE | Visvanathan Subramanian,
Joseph G. Tront,
Charles W. Bostian,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Design and Implementation of a Configurable Platform for Embedded Communication Systems.
IPDPS 2003: 189 |
19 | EE | Rusty O. Baldwin,
Nathaniel J. Davis IV,
Scott F. Midkiff,
John E. Kobza:
Queueing network analysis: concepts, terminology, and methods.
Journal of Systems and Software 66(2): 99-117 (2003) |
2002 |
18 | EE | Song Hun Kim,
William H. Tranter,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Middleware for a Distributed Reconfigurable Simulator.
Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 253-258 |
17 | EE | Charles W. Bostian,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Laurence W. Carstensen,
George E. Morgan:
Broadband Wireless Communications for Disaster Relief.
DG.O 2002 |
16 | EE | Tao Lin,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Jahng S. Park:
A Dynamic Topology Switch for the Emulation of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
LCN 2002: 791-798 |
15 | EE | Scott F. Midkiff:
IEEE Pervasive Computing: Education - Network-Centric Systems.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3(6): (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Rusty O. Baldwin,
Nathaniel J. Davis IV,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Richard A. Raines:
Packetized voice transmission using RT-MAC, a wireless real-time medium access control protocol.
Mobile Computing and Communications Review 5(3): 11-25 (2001) |
2000 |
13 | | Rusty O. Baldwin,
Nathaniel J. Davis IV,
John E. Kobza,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Real-time queueing theory: A tutorial presentation with an admission control application.
Queueing Syst. 35(1-4): 1-21 (2000) |
1999 |
12 | | David C. Lee,
Mark T. Jones,
Scott F. Midkiff,
Peter M. Athanas:
Towards Active Hardware.
IWAN 1999: 180-187 |
1998 |
11 | | David C. Lee,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Active Libraries: A Flexible Strategy for Active Networks.
HPN 1998: 291-305 |
10 | EE | Elvin L. Taylor Jr.,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Simulation and Analysis of an ATM Video-on-Demand Network Using Available Bit Rate Service.
ICCCN 1998: 462-471 |
1997 |
9 | | Barry E. Mullins,
Nathaniel J. Davis IV,
Scott F. Midkiff:
A Wireless Local Area Network Protocol that Improves Throughput via Adaptive Control.
ICC (3) 1997: 1427-1431 |
1994 |
8 | | John T. McHenry,
Scott F. Midkiff:
VHDL Modeling for the Performance Evaluation of Multicomputer Networks.
MASCOTS 1994: 174-178 |
7 | | Russell O. Cleaver,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Visualization of Network Performance Using the AVS Visualization System.
MASCOTS 1994: 407-408 |
6 | EE | S. Wayne Bollinger,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Test generation for IDDQ testing of bridging faults in CMOS circuits.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(11): 1413-1418 (1994) |
1991 |
5 | | S. Wayne Bollinger,
Scott F. Midkiff:
On Test Generation for Iddq Testing of Bridging Faults in CMOS Circuits.
ITC 1991: 598-607 |
4 | | S. Wayne Bollinger,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Heuristic Technique for Processor and Link Assignment in Multicomputers.
IEEE Trans. Computers 40(3): 325-333 (1991) |
1990 |
3 | EE | Paramesh Vaidyanathan,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Performance evaluation of communication protocols for distributed processing.
Computer Communications 13(5): 275-282 (1990) |
1989 |
2 | | Scott F. Midkiff,
Wern-Yan Koe:
Test Effectiveness Metrics and CMOS Faults.
ITC 1989: 653-659 |
1988 |
1 | | S. Wayne Bollinger,
Scott F. Midkiff:
Processor and Link Assignment in Multicomputers Using Simulated Annealing.
ICPP (1) 1988: 1-7 |