
David C. Lee

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10EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Parameter variation analysis for voltage controlled oscillators in phase-locked loops. ISCAS 2008: 716-719
9EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Sensitivity Analysis for Oscillators. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(9): 1521-1534 (2008)
8EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Suihua Lu, Amit Mehrotra, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Parameter Finding Methods for Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency. DAC 2007: 424-429
7EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Sensitivity analysis for oscillators. ICCAD 2007: 458-463
6EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Suihua Lu, Amit Mehrotra, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Periodic Steady-State Analysis of Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency. ISCAS 2007: 1073-1076
5 Amit Mehrotra, Suihua Lu, David C. Lee, Amit Narayan: Steady-state analysis of voltage and current controlled oscillators. ICCAD 2005: 618-623
4EEJason R. Hess, David C. Lee, Scott J. Harper, Mark T. Jones, Peter M. Athanas: Implementation and Evaluation of a Prototype Reconfigurable Router. FCCM 1999: 44-
3 David C. Lee, Mark T. Jones, Scott F. Midkiff, Peter M. Athanas: Towards Active Hardware. IWAN 1999: 180-187
2 David C. Lee, Scott F. Midkiff: Active Libraries: A Flexible Strategy for Active Networks. HPN 1998: 291-305
1 John K. Yuan, Michael P. Taborn, David C. Lee, Albert Tsay: The PowerPC 620 Microprocessor in Distributed Computing. COMPCON 1995: 308-314

Coauthor Index

1Peter M. Athanas (Peter Athanas) [3] [4]
2Pavan Kumar Hanumolu [7] [9]
3Scott J. Harper [4]
4Jason R. Hess [4]
5Mark T. Jones [3] [4]
6Suihua Lu [5] [6] [8]
7Kartikeya Mayaram [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
8Amit Mehrotra [5] [6] [8]
9Scott F. Midkiff [2] [3]
10Un-Ku Moon [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Amit Narayan [5]
12Michael P. Taborn [1]
13Albert Tsay [1]
14Igor Vytyaz [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
15John K. Yuan [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)