
Avi Mendelson

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27EENeeraj Suri, Christof Fetzer, Jacob Abraham, Stefan Poledna, Avi Mendelson, Subhasish Mitra: Dependable Embedded Systems Special Day Panel: Issues and Challenges in Dependable Embedded Systems. DATE 2008: 1394-1395
26EEAlex Gontmakher, Avi Mendelson, Assaf Schuster, Gregory Shklover: Code Compilation for an Explicitly Parallel Register-Sharing Architecture. ICPP 2007: 58
25EEAvi Mendelson: Current trends in computer architectures: multi-cores, many-cores and special-cores. ICS 2007: 1
24EEAlex Gontmakher, Avi Mendelson, Assaf Schuster: Using fine grain multithreading for energy efficient computing. PPOPP 2007: 259-269
23EEMichael Behar, Avi Mendelson, Avinoam Kolodny: Trace cache sampling filter. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 25(1): (2007)
22EERon Gabor, Shlomo Weiss, Avi Mendelson: Fairness enforcement in switch on event multithreading. TACO 4(3): (2007)
21EEAlex Gontmakher, Avi Mendelson, Assaf Schuster, Gregory Shklover: Speculative synchronization and thread management for fine granularity threads. HPCA 2006: 278-287
20EEAvi Mendelson: Memory management challenges in the power-aware computing era. ISMM 2006: 1-2
19EERon Gabor, Shlomo Weiss, Avi Mendelson: Fairness and Throughput in Switch on Event Multithreading. MICRO 2006: 149-160
18EEAlexander Gendler, Avi Mendelson, Yitzhak Birk: A PAB-Based Multi-Prefetcher Mechanism. International Journal of Parallel Programming 34(2): 171-188 (2006)
17EEMichael Behar, Avi Mendelson, Avinoam Kolodny: Trace Cache Sampling Filter. IEEE PACT 2005: 255-266
16EERoni Rosner, Yoav Almog, Micha Moffie, Naftali Schwartz, Avi Mendelson: Power Awareness through Selective Dynamically Optimized Traces. ISCA 2004: 162-175
15EERoni Rosner, Yoav Almog, Micha Moffie, Naftali Schwartz, Avi Mendelson: PARROT: Power Awareness Through Selective Dynamically Optimized Traces. PACS 2003: 196-214
14EEAviad Cohen, Lev Finkelstein, Avi Mendelson, Ronny Ronen, Dmitry Rudoy: On Estimating Optimal Performance of CPU Dynamic Thermal Management. Computer Architecture Letters 2: (2003)
13EEBaruch Solomon, Avi Mendelson, Ronny Ronen, Doron Orenstein, Yoav Almog: Micro-operation cache: a power aware frontend for variable instruction length ISA. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 11(5): 801-811 (2003)
12EERoni Rosner, Avi Mendelson, Ronny Ronen: Filtering Techniques to Improve Trace-Cache Efficiency. IEEE PACT 2001: 37-48
11EEBaruch Solomon, Avi Mendelson, Doron Orenstein, Yoav Almog, Ronny Ronen: Micro-operation cache: a power aware frontend for the variable instruction length ISA. ISLPED 2001: 4-9
10EEAvi Mendelson, Freddy Gabbay: The effect of seance communication on multiprocessing systems. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 19(2): 252-281 (2001)
9 Neeraj Suri, Avi Mendelson: Design of a parallel interconnect based on communication pattern considerations. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 16(4): 243-271 (2001)
8EEAvi Mendelson, Neeraj Suri: Designing High-Performance & Reliable Superscalar Architectures: The out of Order Reliable Superscalar (O3RS) Approach. DSN 2000: 473-481
7 Avi Mendelson, Michael Bekerman: Design Alternatives of Multithreaded Architecture. International Journal of Parallel Programming 27(3): 161-193 (1999)
6EEFreddy Gabbay, Avi Mendelson: The Effect of Instruction Fetch Bandwidth on Value Prediction. ISCA 1998: 272-281
5EEFreddy Gabbay, Avi Mendelson: Using Value Prediction to Increase the Power of Speculative Execution Hardware. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 16(3): 234-270 (1998)
4EEAvi Mendelson, Neeraj Suri: Cache based fault recovery for distributed systems. ICECCS 1997: 119-129
3EEFreddy Gabbay, Avi Mendelson: Smart: An Advanced Shared-Memory Simulator - Towards a System-Level Simulation Environmen. MASCOTS 1997: 131-
2EEFreddy Gabbay, Avi Mendelson: Can Program Profiling Support Value Prediction? MICRO 1997: 270-280
1 Avi Mendelson, Bilha Mendelson: Toward a General-Purpose Multi-Stream System. IFIP PACT 1994: 335-338

Coauthor Index

1Jacob Abraham [27]
2Yoav Almog [11] [13] [15] [16]
3Michael Behar [17] [23]
4Michael Bekerman [7]
5Yitzhak Birk [18]
6Aviad Cohen [14]
7Christof Fetzer [27]
8Lev Finkelstein [14]
9Freddy Gabbay [2] [3] [5] [6] [10]
10Ron Gabor [19] [22]
11Alexander Gendler [18]
12Alex Gontmakher [21] [24] [26]
13Avinoam Kolodny [17] [23]
14Bilha Mendelson [1]
15Subhasish Mitra [27]
16Micha Moffie [15] [16]
17Doron Orenstein [11] [13]
18Stefan Poledna [27]
19Ronny Ronen [11] [12] [13] [14]
20Roni Rosner [12] [15] [16]
21Dmitry Rudoy [14]
22Assaf Schuster [21] [24] [26]
23Naftali Schwartz [15] [16]
24Gregory Shklover [21] [26]
25Baruch Solomon [11] [13]
26Neeraj Suri [4] [8] [9] [27]
27Shlomo Weiss [19] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)