
Marco Mattavelli

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34EEBeilu Shao, Marco Mattavelli, Maria Teresa Andrade, Samuel Keller, Giorgiana Ciobanu, Pedro Carvalho: Multimedia terminal architecture: An inter-operable approach. AICCSA 2008: 981-986
33EEChristophe Lucarz, Marco Mattavelli, Julien Dubois: A co-design platform for algorithm/architecture design exploration. ICME 2008: 1069-1072
32EEBeilu Shao, Marco Mattavelli, Daniele Renzi, Maria Teresa Andrade, Stefano Battista, Samuel Keller, Giorgiana Ciobanu, Pedro Carvalho: A multimedia terminal for adaptation and End-to-End QoS control. ICME 2008: 433-436
31EERuohua Zhou, Marco Mattavelli, Giorgio Zoia: Music Onset Detection Based on Resonator Time Frequency Image. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(8): 1685-1695 (2008)
30EEChristophe Lucarz, Marco Mattavelli: A Platform for Mixed HW/SW Algorithm Specifications for the Exploration of SW and HW Partitioning. PATMOS 2007: 485-494
29EEIhab Amer, Wael M. Badawy, Graham A. Jullien, Marco Mattavelli, Robert D. Turney: A Simplified 8 × 8 Transformation and Quantization Real-Time IP-Block for MPEG-4 H.264/AVC Applications: a New Design Flow Approach. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(6): 1011-1026 (2007)
28EEBeilu Shao, Laureano Moro Velazquez, Nicolas Scaringella, Neha Singh, Marco Mattavelli: SMIL to MPEG-4 BIFS Conversion. AXMEDIS 2006: 77-84
27EEJulien Dubois, Marco Mattavelli, L. Pierrefeu, Johel Miteran: Configurable motion-estimation hardware accelerator module for the MPEG-4 reference hardware description platform. ICIP (3) 2005: 1040-1043
26EEPaul R. Schumacher, Marco Mattavelli, Adrian Chirila-Rus, Robert D. Turney: A Virtual Socket Framework for Rapid Emulation of Video and Multimedia Designs. ICME 2005: 872-875
25EEPaul R. Schumacher, Marco Mattavelli, Adrian Chirila-Rus, Robert D. Turney: A Software/Hardware Platform for Rapid Prototyping of Video and Multimedia Designs. IWSOC 2005: 30-33
24EEMarco Mattavelli, Massimo Ravasi: High Level Extraction of SoC Architectural Information from Generic C Algorithmic Descriptions. IWSOC 2005: 304-307
23EET. Chiang, Marco Mattavelli, Robert D. Turney: Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimedia Platforms. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(5): 589-592 (2005)
22EEAnatoly Prihozhy, Marco Mattavelli, Daniel Mlynek: Evaluation of the Parallelization Potential for Efficient Multimedia Implementations: Dynamic Evaluation of Algorithm Critical Path. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(5): 593-608 (2005)
21EEMassimo Ravasi, Marco Mattavelli: High-Abstraction Level Complexity Analysis and Memory Architecture Simulations of Multimedia Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(5): 673-684 (2005)
20 Julien Dubois, Marco Mattavelli: Embedded co-processor architecture for CMOS based image acquisition. ICIP (2) 2003: 591-594
19EEMassimo Ravasi, Marco Mattavelli, Paul R. Schumacher, Robert D. Turney: High-Level Algorithmic Complexity Analysis for the Implementation of a Motion-JPEG2000 Encoder. PATMOS 2003: 440-450
18EEAnatoly Prihozhy, Marco Mattavelli, Daniel Mlynek: Data Dependences Critical Path Evaluation at C/C++ System Level Description. PATMOS 2003: 569-579
17EEMassimo Ravasi, Marco Mattavelli: High-level algorithmic complexity evaluation for system design. Journal of Systems Architecture 48(13-15): 403-427 (2003)
16EEAnatoly Prihozhy, Daniel Mlynek, Michail Solomennik, Marco Mattavelli: Techniques for Optimization of Net Algorithms. PARELEC 2002: 211-216
15 Edoardo Amaldi, Marco Mattavelli: The MIN PFS problem and piecewise linear model estimation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118(1-2): 115-143 (2002)
14 Massimo Ravasi, L. Tenze, Marco Mattavelli: A scalable and programmable architecture for 2-D DWT decoding. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(8): 671- (2002)
13EEMarco Mattavelli, Vincent Noel, Edoardo Amaldi: Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Optimization. IWVF 2001: 410-419
12 Marco Mattavelli, Giorgio Zoia: Vector-tracing algorithms for motion estimation in large search windows. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(8): 1426-1437 (2000)
11EEMarco Mattavelli, Vincent Noel, Edoardo Amaldi: A New Approach for Fast Line Detection Based on Combinatorial Optimization. ICIAP 1999: 168-173
10EESerge Comes, Benoit M. Macq, Marco Mattavelli: Postprocessing of images by filtering the unmasked coding noise. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(8): 1050-1062 (1999)
9 Marco Mattavelli, Sylvain Brunetton: Real-Time Constraints and Prediction of Video Decoding Time for Multimedia Systems. ECMAST 1998: 425-438
8 Marco Mattavelli, Giorgio Zoia: An Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm based on Tracing Techniques on Large Search Windows. ICIP (3) 1998: 609-613
7 Marco Mattavelli, Vincent Noel, Edoardo Amaldi: An Efficient Line Detection Algorithm based on a New Combinatorial Optimization Formulation. ICIP (3) 1998: 65-69
6 Marco Mattavelli, Edoardo Amaldi, Jean-Marc Vesin: A Perceptron-Based Approach to Piecewise Linear Modeling with an Application to Time Series. ICANN 1997: 547-552
5EEMarco Mattavelli, Sylvain Brunetton, Daniel Mlynek: Computational Graceful Degradation for Video Sequence Decoding. ICIP (1) 1997: 330-333
4EEMarco Mattavelli, Sylvain Brunetton, Daniel Mlynek: A Parallel Multimedia Processor for Macroblock Based Compression Standards. ICIP (2) 1997: 570-573
3 F. Battini, P. L. Mantovani, Marco Mattavelli: Evaluation of a SPARC Board Equipped with the Ada Tasking Coprocessor (ATAC). Ada-Europe 1995: 379-388
2 André Nicoulin, Marco Mattavelli: Composite Source Modling Based on VQ and Arithmetic Coding for Digital Subband Video Compression. ICIP (2) 1994: 443-447
1 Marco Mattavelli, André Nicoulin: Motion Estimation Relaxing the Constancy Brightness Constraint. ICIP (2) 1994: 770-774

Coauthor Index

1Edoardo Amaldi [6] [7] [11] [13] [15]
2Ihab Amer [29]
3Maria Teresa Andrade [32] [34]
4Wael M. Badawy [29]
5F. Battini [3]
6Stefano Battista [32]
7Sylvain Brunetton [4] [5] [9]
8Pedro Carvalho [32] [34]
9T. Chiang [23]
10Adrian Chirila-Rus [25] [26]
11Giorgiana Ciobanu [32] [34]
12Serge Comes [10]
13Julien Dubois [20] [27] [33]
14Graham A. Jullien [29]
15Samuel Keller [32] [34]
16Christophe Lucarz [30] [33]
17Benoit M. Macq (Benoît Macq) [10]
18P. L. Mantovani [3]
19Johel Miteran [27]
20Daniel Mlynek [4] [5] [16] [18] [22]
21André Nicoulin [1] [2]
22Vincent Noel [7] [11] [13]
23L. Pierrefeu [27]
24Anatoly Prihozhy [16] [18] [22]
25Massimo Ravasi [14] [17] [19] [21] [24]
26Daniele Renzi [32]
27Nicolas Scaringella [28]
28Paul R. Schumacher [19] [25] [26]
29Beilu Shao [28] [32] [34]
30Neha Singh [28]
31Michail Solomennik [16]
32L. Tenze [14]
33Robert D. Turney [19] [23] [25] [26] [29]
34Laureano Moro Velazquez [28]
35Jean-Marc Vesin [6]
36Ruohua Zhou [31]
37Giorgio Zoia [8] [12] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)