Ada-Europe 1995:
Marcel Toussaint (Ed.):
Ada in Europe, Second International Eurospace - Ada-Europe Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, October 2-6, 1995, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1031 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-60757-9 BibTeX
editor = {Marcel Toussaint},
title = {Ada in Europe, Second International Eurospace - Ada-Europe Symposium,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany, October 2-6, 1995, Proceedings},
booktitle = {Ada-Europe},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1031},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-60757-9},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Jean-François Kaufeler:
Ada: A Sceptical Assessment.
1-3 BibTeX
- Karlotto Mangold:
Ada95 - An Approach to Overcome the Software Crisis?
4-10 BibTeX
- Marc Richard-Foy:
Safe Ada Executive: An Executive for Ada Safety Critical Applications.
11-20 BibTeX
- P. David, T. Planche, A. Corrégé, J.-F. Chane:
Developing Fault Tolerant Software in Ada for Real-Time Dependable Systems.
21-50 BibTeX
- Rupert Brown:
The Practical Application of Safety Techniques on an Ada Based Project.
51-57 BibTeX
- G. Taurisano, I. Williams:
Ada in Mixed Language Applications.
58-70 BibTeX
- Magnus Kempe:
Heterogeneous Data Structures and Cross-Classification of Objects with Ada95.
71-80 BibTeX
- Jørgen Bundgaard:
An ANDF Based Ada 95 Compiler System.
81-98 BibTeX
- Bernt Rognes, Per Ivar Skinderhaug:
Performance Tuning of a Check-Out System Coded in Ada.
99-110 BibTeX
- Jean-Noel Monfort, Vinh Qui Ribal:
Ariane 5: Development of the On-Board Software.
111-123 BibTeX
- André Laurens:
PRONAOS Ground Control Center: First Operational Ada Application in C.N.E.S.
124-138 BibTeX
- Sergey Rybin, Alfred Strohmeier, Eugene Zueff:
ASIS for GNAT: Goals, Problems and Implementation Strategy.
139-151 BibTeX
- Paul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman, Eric J. Salzman:
KBSE and Ada - Object and Enabling Technology.
152-163 BibTeX
- Tim Birus, Paul Knueven, Ed Kuzemchak, Jack Rosenzweig, Joyce L. Tokar:
Extending the Ada 95 Initial Conditions for Preelaboration for Use in Real-Time Systems.
164-169 BibTeX
- B. Davies, D. A. Rothwell:
The Use of Ada for the ENVISAT-1 Simulator.
170-177 BibTeX
- Kor Molenmaker:
Objects at Use in Nautical Simulators.
178-186 BibTeX
- Peter E. Obermayer, Georg Schüer, Rudolf Landwehr:
DIS - An Interface to Distributed Interactive Simulation.
187-190 BibTeX
- Anthony Gargaro, Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu:
PARIS - Partitioned Ada for Remotely Invoked Services.
191-205 BibTeX
- Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet:
Programming Distributed Systems with Both Ada 95 and PVM.
206-216 BibTeX
- Zièd Choukair, Yvon Kermarrec:
Distributed Object Oriented Programming and Interoperability for Ada 95: An OMG/CORBA Approach.
217-227 BibTeX
- Rainer Gerlich, Mladen Kerep:
Distributed and Parallel Systems and HOOD 4.
228-243 BibTeX
- Marco Battaglia, Giancarlo Savoia:
ReverseNICE: A Re-Engineering Methodology and Supporting Tool.
244-248 BibTeX
- Heinz Schneeweiss, V. Amiot, O. Vix:
Translating Shlaer/Mellor Object-Oriented Analysis Models into Ada 95.
249-270 BibTeX
- Rik Simoens:
The Introduction of an Object-Oriented Analysis/Design Method and Object-Oriented Metrics in the Software Development Life-Cycle.
271-283 BibTeX
- Didier Buchs, C. Buffard, P. Racloz:
Modeling and Validation of Tasks with Algebraic Structured Nets.
284-297 BibTeX
- Bo Sanden:
Design of Concurrent Software Based on Problem Concurrency.
298-310 BibTeX
- Andrew Matthewman:
ECLIPS - A Successful Experiment Combining CCSDS SFDUs, X/Motif, HOOD and Ada.
311-330 BibTeX
- A. Alapide, S. Candia, M. Cinella, S. Quaranta:
Applying Teamwork/Ada and RAISE for Developing an Air Traffic Control Application.
331-343 BibTeX
- Martin Croxford, James Sutton:
Breaking Through the V and V Bottleneck.
344-354 BibTeX
- François Bossard:
Periodic Processing in Hard Real-Time Systems: Assessment of Different Design Models in Ada.
355-364 BibTeX
- Pete Cornwell, Andy J. Wellings:
Transaction Specification for Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems in HRT-HOOD.
365-378 BibTeX
- F. Battini, P. L. Mantovani, Marco Mattavelli:
Evaluation of a SPARC Board Equipped with the Ada Tasking Coprocessor (ATAC).
379-388 BibTeX
- Lars Björnfot:
Ada and Timed Automata.
389-405 BibTeX
- Stéphane Barbey:
Testing Ada 95 Object-Oriented Programs.
406-418 BibTeX
- Maurice Heitz:
Achieving Reusable and Reliable Client-Server Code using HOODTM Automated Code Generation for ADA95 and C++ Targets.
419-438 BibTeX
- Finn Hass:
Round Table Discussion: "Tools and Design Methods".
439-443 BibTeX
- D. De Gabaï:
LAMPBADA: Logiciel d'Aide à la Mise au Point de Bibliothèques Ada (Ada Libraries Validation Tool).
444-455 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (