
Eitan Marcus

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5 Yehuda Naveh, Michal Rimon, Itai Jaeger, Yoav Katz, Michael Vinov, Eitan Marcus, Gil Shurek: Constraint-Based Random Stimuli Generation for Hardware Verification. AAAI 2006
4EEHezi Azatchi, Laurent Fournier, Eitan Marcus, Shmuel Ur, Avi Ziv, Keren Zohar: Advanced Analysis Techniques for Cross-Product Coverage. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(11): 1367-1379 (2006)
3EESigal Asaf, Eitan Marcus, Avi Ziv: Defining coverage views to improve functional coverage analysis. DAC 2004: 41-44
2EEAllon Adir, Eli Almog, Laurent Fournier, Eitan Marcus, Michal Rimon, Michael Vinov, Avi Ziv: Genesys-Pro: Innovations in Test Program Generation for Functional Processor Verification. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(2): 84-93 (2004)
1EEOded Lachish, Eitan Marcus, Shmuel Ur, Avi Ziv: Hole analysis for functional coverage data. DAC 2002: 807-812

Coauthor Index

1Allon Adir [2]
2Eli Almog [2]
3Sigal Asaf [3]
4Hezi Azatchi [4]
5Laurent Fournier [2] [4]
6Itai Jaeger [5]
7Yoav Katz [5]
8Oded Lachish [1]
9Yehuda Naveh [5]
10Michal Rimon [2] [5]
11Gil Shurek [5]
12Shmuel Ur [1] [4]
13Michael Vinov [2] [5]
14Avi Ziv [1] [2] [3] [4]
15Keren Zohar [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)