
Yehuda Naveh

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9EEYehuda Naveh: Guiding Stochastic Search by Dynamic Learning of the Problem Topography. CPAIOR 2008: 349-354
8EESivan Sabato, Yehuda Naveh: Preprocessing Expression-Based Constraint Satisfaction Problems for Stochastic Local Search. CPAIOR 2007: 244-259
7EEYehuda Naveh, Andrea Roli: Introduction to the Special Issue on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction. Constraints 12(3): 261-262 (2007)
6EEYehuda Naveh, Yossi Richter, Yaniv Altshuler, Donna L. Gresh, Daniel P. Connors: Workforce optimization: Identification and assignment of professional workers using constraint programming. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(3/4): 263-280 (2007)
5 Yehuda Naveh, Michal Rimon, Itai Jaeger, Yoav Katz, Michael Vinov, Eitan Marcus, Gil Shurek: Constraint-Based Random Stimuli Generation for Hardware Verification. AAAI 2006
4EEYossi Richter, Ari Freund, Yehuda Naveh: Generalizing AllDifferent: The SomeDifferent Constraint. CP 2006: 468-483
3EEShai Fine, Ari Freund, Itai Jaeger, Yishay Mansour, Yehuda Naveh, Avi Ziv: Harnessing Machine Learning to Improve the Success Rate of Stimuli Generation. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(11): 1344-1355 (2006)
2EEYehuda Naveh, Roy Emek: Random Stimuli Generation for Functional Hardware Verification as a CP Application. CP 2005: 882-882
1EERoy Emek, Itai Jaeger, Yoav Katz, Yehuda Naveh: Quality Improvement Methods for System-Level Stimuli Generation. ICCD 2004: 204-206

Coauthor Index

1Yaniv Altshuler [6]
2Daniel P. Connors [6]
3Roy Emek [1] [2]
4Shai Fine [3]
5Ari Freund [3] [4]
6Donna L. Gresh [6]
7Itai Jaeger [1] [3] [5]
8Yoav Katz [1] [5]
9Yishay Mansour [3]
10Eitan Marcus [5]
11Yossi Richter [4] [6]
12Michal Rimon [5]
13Andrea Roli [7]
14Sivan Sabato [8]
15Gil Shurek [5]
16Michael Vinov [5]
17Avi Ziv [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)