Advanced Topics in Database Research,
Vol. 2,
Keng Siau (Ed.):
Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 2.
Idea Group 2003, ISBN 1-59140-063-5 BibTeX
editor = {Keng Siau},
title = {Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 2},
publisher = {Idea Group},
year = {2003},
isbn = {1-59140-063-5},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Luyin Zhao, Keng Siau:
Meta-model Based Information Mediation.
1-12 BibTeX
- Juan Trujillo, Sergio Luján-Mora, Il-Yeol Song:
Applying UML For Designing Multidimensional Databases And OLAP Applications.
13-36 BibTeX
- Salvatore T. March, Gove N. Allen:
On The Representation Of Temporal Dynamics.
37-53 BibTeX
- Hock Chuan Chan, John Lim:
A Review of Experiments on Natural Language Interfaces.
55-71 BibTeX
- Wilfred Ng, Mark Levene:
The Development of Ordered SQL Packages in Peer-to-Peer Warehousing Environment.
72-103 BibTeX
- Jung-Ho Ahn, Ha-Joo Song, Hyoung-Joo Kim:
Implementation Techniques For Extensible Object Storage Systems.
104-127 BibTeX
- Latifur Khan, Arunkumar Ponnusamy, Dennis McLeod, Cyrus Shahabi:
A Run-Time Based Technique to Optimize Queries in Distributed Internet Databases.
128-161 BibTeX
- Ling Liu, Calton Pu:
Towards Flexible Specification, Composition, and Coordination of Workflow Activities.
162-190 BibTeX
- Balaji Rajagopalan, Ravindra Krovi:
Performance Implication of Knowledge Discovery Techniques in Databases.
191-212 BibTeX
- A. N. W. Dahanayake, Henk G. Sol, Zoran Stojanovic:
Methodology Evaluation Framework for Component-Based System Development.
213-246 BibTeX
- Mihhail Matskin, Amund Tveit:
Software Agents for Mobile Commerce Services Support.
248-266 BibTeX
- Andrés Coratella, Miguel Felder, Roberto Hirsch, Eduardo Rodríguez:
A Framework for Analyzing Mobile Transaction Models.
267-299 BibTeX
- Chih-Horng Ke, Chiang Lee:
Considering Mobility in Query Processing for Mobile Commerce Systems.
300-332 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (