
Valdis Berzins

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53EEValdis Berzins, Craig Martell, Luqi, Paige Adams: Innovations in Natural Language Document Processing for Requirements Engineering. Monterey Workshop 2007: 125-146
52EE Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Peter M. Musial: Reliability Properties of Models for Flexible Design and Run-Time Analysis. Monterey Workshop 2006: 207-219
51 Ying Qiao, Hongan Wang, Luqi, Valdis Berzins: An Admission Control Method for Dynamic Software Reconfiguration in Complex Embedded Systems. I. J. Comput. Appl. 13(1): 28-38 (2006)
50EEYing Qiao, Valdis Berzins, Luqi: FCD: A Framework for Compositional Development in Open Embedded Systems. ITCC (2) 2005: 479-484
49EE Luqi, Lin Zhang, Valdis Berzins, Ying Qiao: Documentation Driven Development for Complex Real-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(12): 936-952 (2004)
48EE Luqi, Zhiwei Guan, Valdis Berzins, Lynn Zhang, David L. Floodeen, Vedat Coskun, Joseph Puett, Michael Brown: Requirements-document-based prototyping of CARA software. STTT 5(4): 370-390 (2004)
47EE Luqi, Xianzhong Liang, Lynn Zhang, Valdis Berzins: Software Documentation-Driven Manufacturin. COMPSAC 2003: 472-
46EEPaul Young, Nabendu Chaki, Valdis Berzins, Luqi: Evaluation of Middleware Architectures in Achieving System Interoperability. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 108-116
45EE Luqi, Man-tak Shing, Joseph Puett, Valdis Berzins, Zhiwei Guan, Ying Qiao, Lynn Zhang, Nabendu Chaki, Xianzhong Liang, Bill Ray, Michael Brown, David L. Floodeen: Comparative Rapid Prototyping, A Case Study. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 210-217
44EESheldon X. Liang, Valdis Berzins, Luqi: Quantifiable architecting of dependable systems of embedded systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(6): 7 (2003)
43EEPaul Young, Valdis Berzins, Jun Ge, Luqi: Using an object oriented model for resolving representational differences between heterogeneous systems. SAC 2002: 976-983
42EEWilliam J. Ray, Luqi, Valdis Berzins: Optimizing systems by work schedules: (a stochastic approach). Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 75-82
41 Nader Nada, Man-tak Shing, Valdis Berzins, Luqi: Automated prototyping tool-kit (APT). Inf. Sci. 140(3-4): 241-253 (2002)
40 Valdis Berzins: Lightweight inference for automation efficiency. Sci. Comput. Program. 42(1): 61-74 (2002)
39EE Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Jun Ge, Man-tak Shing, Mikhail Auguston, Barrett R. Bryant, Boon Kwang Kin: DCAPS - Architecture for Distributed Computer Aided Prototyping System. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2001: 103-109
38 Jun Ge, Boon Kwang Kin, Valdis Berzins: A Software Agent Framework for Distributed Applications. ISCA PDCS 2001: 136-141
37EENgom Cheng, Valdis Berzins, Luqi, Swapan Bhattacharya: Interoperability with Distributed Objects through Java Wrapper. COMPSAC 2000: 479-485
36EENgom Cheng, Valdis Berzins, Luqi, Swapan Bhattacharya: JAVA Wrappers for Automated Interoperability. DNIS 2000: 45-64
35EE Luqi, Valdis Berzins, M. Shing, R. Riehle, J. Nogueira: Evolutionary Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS). TOOLS (34) 2000: 363-372
34EEM. Harn, Valdis Berzins, Luqi: Software Evolution via Reusable Architecture. ECBS 1999: 11-17
33EEMan-tak Shing, Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Michael Saluto, Julian Williams: Architectural Re-Engineering of Janus Using Object Modeling and Rapid Prototyping. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1999: 216-221
32EEMan-tak Shing, Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Michael Saluto, Julian Williams, Jiang Guo, B. Shultes: The Story of Re-engineering 350,000 Lines of FORTRAN Code. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 25: (1999)
31EEValdis Berzins: Recombining changes to software specifications. Journal of Systems and Software 42(2): 165-174 (1998)
30 Normunds Licis, Jan van Duin, Zita Balklava, Valdis Berzins: Long-range translational coupling in single-stranded RNA bacteriophages: an evolutionary analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 26(13): 3242-3246 (1998)
29EET. Leonard, Valdis Berzins, Luqi, M. J. Holden: Gathering Requirements from Remote Users. ICTAI 1997: 462-
28 Valdis Berzins: Merging Changes to Software Specifications. Requirements Targeting Software and Systems Engineering 1997: 121-131
27 Valdis Berzins: Recombining Changes to Software Specifications. SEKE 1996: 136-144
26 Valdis Berzins, David A. Dampier: Software Merge: Combining Changes to Decompositions. Journal of Systems Integration 6(1/2): 135-150 (1996)
25 Joseph A. Goguen, Doan Nguyen, José Meseguer, Luqi, Du Zhang, Valdis Berzins: Software Component Search. Journal of Systems Integration 6(1/2): 93-134 (1996)
24 Valdis Berzins, Luqi, M. Shing: Computer Aided Prototyping System. SEKE 1995: 499
23 Valdis Berzins: Software merge: models and properties. SEKE 1994: 225-232
22EEValdis Berzins: Software Merge: Semantics of Combining Changes to Programs. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 16(6): 1875-1903 (1994)
21EEDavid A. Dampier, Luqi, Valdis Berzins: Automated merging of software prototypes. Journal of Systems Integration 4(1): 33-49 (1994)
20 David A. Dampier, Luqi, Valdis Berzins: Automated Merging of Software Prototypes. SEKE 1993: 604-611
19EEValdis Berzins, Luqi, Amiram Yehudai: Using Transformations in Specification-Based Prototyping. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(5): 436-452 (1993)
18EEBernd J. Krämer, Luqi, Valdis Berzins: Compositional Semantics of a Real-Time Prototyping Language. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(5): 543-477 (1993)
17 Valdis Berzins: Software Merge: Models and Methods for Combining Changes to Programs. ESEC 1991: 229-250
16 Valdis Berzins: Black-Box Specification in Spec. Comput. Lang. 16(2): 113-127 (1991)
15EEValdis Berzins: Software merge: Models and methods for combining changes to programs. Journal of Systems Integration 1(2): 121-141 (1991)
14 Valdis Berzins, Luqi: An Introduction to the Specification Language Spec. IEEE Software 7(2): 74-84 (1990)
13EEValdis Berzins: The design of software interfaces in Spec. ICCL 1988: 266-270
12 Valdis Berzins, Luqi: Semantics of a Real-Time Language. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 106-110
11  Luqi, Valdis Berzins: Execution of a High Level Real-Time Language. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 69-76
10EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins: Mathematical Model of Composite Objects and Its Application for Organizing Engineering Databases. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(1): 71-84 (1988)
9EE Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Raymond T. Yeh: A Prototyping Language for Real-Time Software. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(10): 1409-1423 (1988)
8EERobert M. Herndon Jr., Valdis Berzins: The Realizable Benefits of a Language Prototyping Language. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(6): 803-809 (1988)
7EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins, Salvatore T. March: An object-oriented semantic data model for CAD applications. Inf. Sci. 46(1-2): 109-139 (1988)
6EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins, Salvatore T. March: ODM: an object oriented data model for design databases. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 261-269
5EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins: Component Aggregation: A Mechanism for Organizing Efficient Engineering Databases. ICDE 1986: 407-408
4 Valdis Berzins: On Merging Software Extensions. Acta Inf. 23(6): 607-619 (1986)
3 Valdis Berzins, Michael Gray, David Naumann: Abstraction-Based Software Development. Commun. ACM 29(5): 402-415 (1986)
2 Valdis Berzins, Michael Gray: Analysis and Design in MSG.84: Formalizing Functional Specifications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(8): 657-670 (1985)
1 William B. Thompson, Kathleen M. Mutch, Valdis Berzins: Edge Detection in Optical Flow Fields. AAAI 1982: 26-29

Coauthor Index

1Paige Adams [53]
2Mikhail Auguston [39]
3Zita Balklava [30]
4Swapan Bhattacharya [36] [37]
5Michael Brown [45] [48]
6Barrett R. Bryant [39]
7Nabendu Chaki [45] [46]
8Ngom Cheng [36] [37]
9Vedat Coskun [48]
10David A. Dampier [20] [21] [26]
11Jan van Duin [30]
12David L. Floodeen [45] [48]
13Jun Ge [38] [39] [43]
14Joseph A. Goguen [25]
15Michael Gray [2] [3]
16Zhiwei Guan [45] [48]
17Jiang Guo [32]
18M. Harn [34]
19Robert M. Herndon Jr. [8]
20M. J. Holden [29]
21Mohammad A. Ketabchi [5] [6] [7] [10]
22Boon Kwang Kin [38] [39]
23Bernd J. Krämer [18]
24T. Leonard [29]
25Sheldon X. Liang [44]
26Xianzhong Liang [45] [47]
27Normunds Licis [30]
28 Luqi [9] [11] [12] [14] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [29] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [39] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53]
29Salvatore T. March [6] [7]
30Craig Martell [53]
31José Meseguer [25]
32Peter M. Musial [52]
33Kathleen M. Mutch [1]
34Nader Nada [41]
35David Naumann [3]
36Doan Nguyen [25]
37J. Nogueira [35]
38Joseph Puett [45] [48]
39Ying Qiao [45] [49] [50] [51]
40Bill Ray [45]
41William J. Ray [42]
42R. Riehle [35]
43Michael Saluto [32] [33]
44M. Shing [24] [35]
45Man-tak Shing [32] [33] [39] [41] [45]
46B. Shultes [32]
47William B. Thompson [1]
48Hongan Wang [51]
49Julian Williams [32] [33]
50Raymond T. Yeh [9]
51Amiram Yehudai [19]
52Paul Young [43] [46]
53Du Zhang [25]
54Lin Zhang [49]
55Lynn Zhang [45] [47] [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)