
Beverly K. Kahn

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18 Beverly K. Kahn, Elizabeth M. Pierce, Helinä Melkas: Panel: IQ Research Directions. IQ 2004: 326-332
17 Adenekan Dedeke, Beverly K. Kahn: Model-Based Quality Evaluation: A Comparison of Internet Classifieds Operated by Newspapers and Non-Newspaper Firms. IQ 2002: 142-154
16EEBeverly K. Kahn, Diane M. Strong, Richard Y. Wang: Information quality benchmarks: product and service performance. Commun. ACM 45(4): 184-192 (2002)
15 Adenekan Dedeke, Beverly K. Kahn: Accessing the Quality of Online Classified Websites: An Empirical Study of the 100 Largest Newspapers. IQ 2001: 105-118
14 Beverly K. Kahn, Raïssa Katz-Haas, Diane M. Strong: Organizational Realism Meets Information Quality Idealism: The Challenges of Keeping an Information Quality Initiative Going. IQ 2001: 20-32
13 Beverly K. Kahn, Raïssa Katz-Haas, Diane M. Strong: How to Get an Information Quality Program Started: The Ingenix Approach. IQ 2000: 28-35
12 Richard Y. Wang, Diane M. Strong, Beverly K. Kahn, Yang W. Lee: An Information Quality Assessment Methodology: Extended Abstract. IQ 1999: 258-265
11 Beverly K. Kahn, Diane M. Strong: Product and Service Performance Model for Information Quality: An Update. IQ 1998: 102-115
10 Diane M. Strong, Beverly K. Kahn: Second Conference on Information Quality (IQ 1997) MIT 1997
9 Beverly K. Kahn, Diane M. Strong, Richard Y. Wang: A Model for Delivering Quality Information as Product and Service. IQ 1997: 80-94
8EEBeverly K. Kahn, Salvatore T. March: IRM and the System Life-Cycle. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 9(2): 21-49 (1986)
7 Beverly K. Kahn: Requirement Specification Techniques. Principles of Database Design (I) 1985: 1-65
6EEBeverly K. Kahn, Eunice W. Lumsden: A User-Oriented Framework for Data Dictionary Systems. Databases for Business and Office Applications 1983: 85-94
5 Beverly K. Kahn: Some Realities of Data Administration. Commun. ACM 26(10): 794-799 (1983)
4EEBeverly K. Kahn, Eunice W. Lumsden: A User-Oriented Framework for Data Dictionary Systems. DATA BASE 15(1): 28-36 (1983)
3EEBeverly K. Kahn: Information Requirements Analysis using an Entity-Attribute-Relationship Approach. ER 1979: 405-406
2 Beverly K. Kahn: LDDM - A Structured Logical Database Design Methodology. Data Base Design Techniques I 1978: 31-55
1EEBeverly K. Kahn: A Method for Describing Information Required by the Database Design Process. SIGMOD Conference 1976: 53-64

Coauthor Index

1Adenekan Dedeke [15] [17]
2Raïssa Katz-Haas [13] [14]
3Yang W. Lee [12]
4Eunice W. Lumsden [4] [6]
5Salvatore T. March [8]
6Helinä Melkas [18]
7Elizabeth M. Pierce [18]
8Diane M. Strong [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16]
9Richard Y. Wang (Y. Richard Wang) [9] [12] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)