
Anthony Mandow

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5EEJorge L. Martínez, Antonio Reina, Anthony Mandow: Spherical Laser Point Sampling with Application to 3D Scene Genetic Registration. ICRA 2007: 1104-1109
4EEAnthony Mandow, Jorge L. Martínez, Jesús Morales, Jose-Luis Blanco, Alfonso García-Cerezo, Javier Gonzalez: Experimental kinematics for wheeled skid-steer mobile robots. IROS 2007: 1222-1227
3EEJorge L. Martínez, Javier González, Jesús Morales, Anthony Mandow, Alfonso García-Cerezo: Mobile robot motion estimation by 2D scan matching with genetic and iterative closest point algorithms. J. Field Robotics 23(1): 21-34 (2006)
2EEJorge L. Martínez, Anthony Mandow, Jesús Morales, S. Pedraza, Alfonso García-Cerezo: Approximating Kinematics for Tracked Mobile Robots. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(10): 867-878 (2005)
1EEAnthony Mandow, M. J. López-Baldán, Alfonso García-Cerezo: Using driving behavior models for autonomous mobile robot navigation. EUSFLAT-ESTYLF Joint Conf. 1999: 63-66

Coauthor Index

1Jose-Luis Blanco [4]
2Alfonso García-Cerezo [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Javier González (Javier González Jiménez, Javier Gonzalez) [3] [4]
4M. J. López-Baldán [1]
5Jorge L. Martínez [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Jesús Morales [2] [3] [4]
7S. Pedraza [2]
8Antonio Reina [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)