
Jean Christophe Madre

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14EEKlaus Eckl, Jean Christophe Madre, Peter Zepter, Christian Legl: A Practical Approach to Multiple-Class Retiming. DAC 1999: 237-242
13EEOlivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: New Ideas for Solving Covering Problems. DAC 1995: 641-646
12 Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: The Implicit Set Paradigm: A New Approach to Finite State System Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 6(2): 133-145 (1995)
11 Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: Une approche intentionnelle du calcul des implicants premiers et essentiels des fonctions booléennes. ITA 28(2): 125-149 (1994)
10EEOlivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre, Henri Fraisse: A New Viewpoint on Two-Level Logic Minimization. DAC 1993: 625-630
9 Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: Towards a Symbolic Logic Minimization Algorithm. VLSI Design 1993: 329-334
8EEOlivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: Implicit and Incremental Computation of Primes and Essential Primes of Boolean Functions. DAC 1992: 36-39
7EEBill Lin, Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: Symbolic Prime Generation for Multiple-Valued Functions. DAC 1992: 40-44
6 Jean Christophe Madre, Olivier Coudert: A Logically Complete Reasoning Maintenance System Based on a Logical Constraint Solver. IJCAI 1991: 294-299
5 Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre, Christian Berthet: Verifying Temporal Properties of Sequential Machines Without Building their State Diagrams. CAV 1990: 23-32
4EEOlivier Coudert, Christian Berthet, Jean Christophe Madre: Formal boolean manipulations for the verification of sequential machines. EURO-DAC 1990: 57-61
3 Olivier Coudert, Jean Christophe Madre: A Unified Framework for the Formal Verification of Sequential Circuits. ICCAD 1990: 126-129
2 Olivier Coudert, Christian Berthet, Jean Christophe Madre: Verification of Synchronous Sequential Machines Based on Symbolic Execution. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 365-373
1EEJean Christophe Madre, Jean-Paul Billon: Proving Circuit Correctness Using Formal Comparison Between Expected and Extracted Behaviour. DAC 1988: 205-210

Coauthor Index

1Christian Berthet [2] [4] [5]
2Jean-Paul Billon [1]
3Olivier Coudert [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Klaus Eckl [14]
5Henri Fraisse [10]
6Christian Legl [14]
7Bill Lin [7]
8Peter Zepter [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)