
Changbo Long

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7EEChangbo Long, Lucanus J. Simonson, Weiping Liao, Lei He: Microarchitecture Configurations and Floorplanning Co-Optimization. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(7): 830-841 (2007)
6EEChangbo Long, Jinjun Xiong, Yongpan Liu: Techniques of Power-gating to Kill Sub-Threshold Leakage. APCCAS 2006: 952-955
5EEChangbo Long, Sasank Reddy, Sudhakar Pamarti, Lei He, Tanay Karnik: Power-efficient pulse width modulation DC/DC converters with zero voltage switching control. ISLPED 2006: 326-329
4EEChangbo Long, Lucanus J. Simonson, Weiping Liao, Lei He: Floorplanning optimization with trajectory piecewise-linear model for pipelined interconnects. DAC 2004: 640-645
3EEChangbo Long, Jinjun Xiong, Lei He: On optimal physical synthesis of sleep transistors. ISPD 2004: 156-161
2EEChangbo Long, Lei He: Distributed sleep transistor network for power reduction. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(9): 937-946 (2004)
1EEChangbo Long, Lei He: Distributed sleep transistor network for power reduction. DAC 2003: 181-186

Coauthor Index

1Lei He [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Tanay Karnik [5]
3Weiping Liao [4] [7]
4Yongpan Liu [6]
5Sudhakar Pamarti [5]
6Sasank Reddy [5]
7Lucanus J. Simonson [4] [7]
8Jinjun Xiong [3] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)