
X. Liu

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40EEC. Kwan, J. Yin, B. Ayhan, S. Chu, X. Liu, K. Puckett, Y. Zhao, K. C. Ho, M. Kruger, I. Sityar: An integrated approach to robust speaker identification and speech recognition. IJCNN 2008: 1635-1639
39EEChiman Kwan, S. Chu, J. Yin, X. Liu, M. Kruger, I. Sityar: Enhanced speech in noisy multiple speaker environment. IJCNN 2008: 1640-1643
38EEC. Kwan, J. Yin, B. Ayhan, S. Chu, X. Liu, K. Puckett, Y. Zhao, K. C. Ho, M. Kruger, I. Sityar: Speech separation algorithms for multiple speaker environments. IJCNN 2008: 1644-1648
37EEB. Wang, S. Zhong, X. Liu: Asymptotical stability criterion on neural networks with multiple time-varying delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation 195(2): 809-818 (2008)
36EEB. Wang, X. Liu, S. Zhong: New stability analysis for uncertain neutral system with time-varying delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(1): 457-465 (2008)
35EEV. Patrangenaru, X. Liu, S. Sugathadasa: A Nonparametric Approach to 3D Shape Analysis from Digital Camera Images - I. in Memory of W. P. Dayawansa CoRR abs/0806.0899: (2008)
34EEZ. Wang, X. Liu: Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue on Intelligent Computation for Bioinformatics. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(1): 1-2 (2008)
33EEX. Liu, Kah Chan Teh, Erry Gunawan: Transactions Papers - A Blind Adaptive MMSE Multiuser Detector over Multipath CDMA Channels and its Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(1): 90-97 (2008)
32EEX. Liu, A. Benjamin Premkumar, A. S. Madhukumar: Pulse shaping functions for UWK systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-1): 1512-1516 (2008)
31EEX. Liu, Z. Xu: Approaching simple and powerful service-computing. IJPEDS 23(2): 121-135 (2008)
30EEX. Liu, Y. Jia: Character Stroke Extraction Based on B-spline Curve Matching by Constrained Alternating Optimization. ICDAR 2007: 13-17
29EEX. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Jia: Learning Handwritten Digit Recognition by the Max-Min Posterior Pseudo-Probabilities Method. ICDAR 2007: 342-346
28EEY. Bai, X. Liu, L. Chen, Khizar-ul-Haq, M. A. Khan, W. Q. Zhu, X. Y. Jiang, Z. L. Zhang: Organic thin-film field-effect transistors with MoO3/Al electrode and OTS/SiO2 bilayer gate insulator. Microelectronics Journal 38(12): 1185-1190 (2007)
27EEX. Liu, Y. Bai, L. Chen, F. X. Wei, X. B. Zhang, X. Y. Jiang, Zh. L. Zhang: Organic thin film transistors with double insulator layers. Microelectronics Journal 38(8-9): 919-922 (2007)
26EEDominique Lavenier, Gilles Georges, X. Liu: A Reconfigurable Index FLASH Memory tailored to Seed-Based Genomic Sequence Comparison Algorithms. VLSI Signal Processing 48(3): 255-269 (2007)
25EEX. Liu, J. Zhang: A Capacitated Production Planning with Outsourcing: A General Model and Its Algorithm. ICIC (1) 2006: 997-1002
24EEX. Liu, Siva Sivaganesan, Ka Yee Yeung, Junhai Guo, Roger Eugene Bumgarner, Mario Medvedovic: Context-specific infinite mixtures for clustering gene expression profiles across diverse microarray dataset. Bioinformatics 22(14): 1737-1744 (2006)
23EEX. Liu: An Orness Measure for Quasi-Arithmetic Means. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 14(6): 837-848 (2006)
22EEThomas Hain, Philip C. Woodland, Gunnar Evermann, M. J. F. Gales, X. Liu, G. L. Moore, Daniel Povey, Lan Wang: Corrections to "Automatic Transcription of Conversational Telephone Speech". IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(2): 727-727 (2006)
21EEX. Liu, D. Wang: Image and Texture Segmentation Using Local Spectral Histograms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(10): 3066-3077 (2006)
20EEX. Liu: Weights Modulo a Prime Power in Divisible Codes and a Related Bound. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4455-4463 (2006)
19EEX. Liu, Xiaoyun Zhu, Sharad Singhal, Martin F. Arlitt: Adaptive entitlement control of resource containers on shared servers. Integrated Network Management 2005: 163-176
18EEX. Liu, G. Dodds, J. McCartney, B. K. Hinds: Manipulation of CAD surface models with haptics based on shape control functions. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1447-1458 (2005)
17EEB. Chen, X. Liu: Delay-Dependent Robust Hinfinity Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems With Time Delay. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 13(4): 544-556 (2005)
16EEX. Liu, G. Dodds, J. McCartney, B. K. Hinds: Virtual DesignWorks--designing 3D CAD models via haptic interaction. Computer-Aided Design 36(12): 1129-1140 (2004)
15 X. Liu, T. Chen: Geometry-assisted statistical modeling for face mosaicing. ICIP (2) 2003: 883-886
14 L. T. Guan, X. Liu, L. Guan: Data Compression by Orthogonal Multiwavelets of Multiplicity Four. WAA 2003: 165-170
13 B. Wu, X. Liu: Domain Decomposition Adaptive Algorithm with Wavelet Method to Trace Shock Wave. WAA 2003: 613-619
12 C. Su, X. Liu, L. Liu: An Application of Wavelet Analysis to the Spillovers of Stock Markets in China. WAA 2003: 961-967
11 Mario Köppen, Raul Vicente-Garcia, X. Liu, Bertram Nickolay: 2D-Histogram Lookup for Low-contrast Fault Processing. HIS 2002: 765-774
10EEZ. He, David W. Bustard, X. Liu: Software internationalisation and localisation: practice and evolution. PPPJ/IRE 2002: 89-94
9EEX. Liu, Douglas L. Brutlag, Jun S. Liu: BioProspector: Discovering Conserved DNA Motifs in Upstream Regulatory Regions of Co-Expressed Genes. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001: 127-138
8EEKasilingam Periyasamy, X. Liu: A New Metrics Set for Evaluating Testing Efforts for Object-Oriented Programs. TOOLS (30) 1999: 84-93
7EECornelis Hoede, X. Liu: Word Graphs: The Second Set. ICCS 1998: 375-389
6EEDavid M. Nicol, X. Liu: The Dark Side of Risk (what your mother never told you about Time Warp). Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1997: 188-195
5EEX. Liu, B. Wei: A generalization of Bondy's and Fan's sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian graphs. Discrete Mathematics 169(1-3): 249-255 (1997)
4EEDuc Truong Pham, X. Liu: Identification of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems using recurrent neural networks. AI in Engineering 8(1): 67-75 (1993)
3 X. Liu: Hypotheses Testing by Fundamental Knowledge. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35(3): 409-427 (1991)
2 X. Liu, Alexander Gammerman: A Hybrid Approach to Deductive Uncertain Inference. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 28(6): 671-681 (1988)
1 X. Liu, P. Gontey: Program Translation by Manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees. C++ Workshop 1987: 345-360

Coauthor Index

1Martin F. Arlitt [19]
2B. Ayhan [38] [40]
3Y. Bai [27] [28]
4Douglas L. Brutlag [9]
5Roger Eugene Bumgarner [24]
6David W. Bustard [10]
7B. Chen [17]
8L. Chen [27] [28]
9T. Chen [15]
10X. Chen [29]
11S. Chu [38] [39] [40]
12G. Dodds [16] [18]
13Gunnar Evermann [22]
14M. J. F. Gales [22]
15Alexander Gammerman (Alex J. Gammerman) [2]
16Gilles Georges [26]
17P. Gontey [1]
18L. Guan [14]
19L. T. Guan [14]
20Erry Gunawan [33]
21Junhai Guo [24]
22Thomas Hain [22]
23Z. He [10]
24B. K. Hinds [16] [18]
25K. C. Ho [38] [40]
26Cornelis Hoede [7]
27Y. Jia [29] [30]
28X. Y. Jiang [27] [28]
29M. A. Khan [28]
30 Khizar-ul-Haq [28]
31Mario Köppen [11]
32M. Kruger [38] [39] [40]
33C. Kwan [38] [40]
34Chiman Kwan [39]
35Dominique Lavenier [26]
36Jun S. Liu [9]
37L. Liu [12]
38A. S. Madhukumar [32]
39J. McCartney [16] [18]
40Mario Medvedovic [24]
41G. L. Moore [22]
42Bertram Nickolay [11]
43David M. Nicol [6]
44V. Patrangenaru [35]
45Kasilingam Periyasamy [8]
46Duc Truong Pham [4]
47Daniel Povey [22]
48A. Benjamin Premkumar [32]
49K. Puckett [38] [40]
50Sharad Singhal [19]
51I. Sityar [38] [39] [40]
52Siva Sivaganesan [24]
53C. Su [12]
54S. Sugathadasa [35]
55Kah Chan Teh [33]
56Raul Vicente-Garcia [11]
57B. Wang [36] [37]
58D. Wang [21]
59Lan Wang [22]
60Z. Wang [34]
61B. Wei [5]
62F. X. Wei [27]
63Philip C. Woodland [22]
64B. Wu [13]
65Z. Xu [31]
66Ka Yee Yeung [24]
67J. Yin [38] [39] [40]
68J. Zhang [25]
69X. B. Zhang [27]
70Z. L. Zhang [28]
71Zh. L. Zhang [27]
72Y. Zhao [38] [40]
73S. Zhong [36] [37]
74W. Q. Zhu [28]
75Xiaoyun Zhu [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)