
Erry Gunawan

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12EEYifan Chen, Jianqi Teo, Joshua C. Y. Lai, Erry Gunawan, Kay Soon Low, Cheong Boon Soh, Predrag B. Rapajic: Cooperative Communications in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks: Channel Modeling and System Diversity Analysis. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27(1): 5-16 (2009)
11EEX. Liu, Kah Chan Teh, Erry Gunawan: Transactions Papers - A Blind Adaptive MMSE Multiuser Detector over Multipath CDMA Channels and its Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(1): 90-97 (2008)
10EEBin Liang, Erry Gunawan, Choi Look Law, Kah Chan Teh: Accurate Bit-Error Rate Evaluation for TH-PPM Systems in Nakagami Fading Channels Using Moment Generating Functions. IEICE Transactions 91-B(3): 922-926 (2008)
9EEXin Liu, Kah Chan Teh, Erry Gunawan: Interference Identification and Blind Multiuser Detection for Asynchronous CDMA Systems With Multipath Fading. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2257-2260 (2007)
8EEWei Chen, Erry Gunawan, Kah Chan Teh: On Delay Estimation Error for CDMA in Fast Fading Channels. IEICE Transactions 88-B(9): 3788-3790 (2005)
7EELian Jian, Erry Gunawan: Performance analysis of a modified CDMA/PRMA MAC protocol. Computer Communications 26(14): 1673-1680 (2003)
6 Miao Ma, Erry Gunawan: Single-code and multi-code DS/CDMA MAC protocols for video/voice integration. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 17(6): 315-324 (2002)
5EEMiao Ma, Erry Gunawan: Performance analysis for voice/data integration on a CDMA-based wireless system. Computer Communications 25(9): 905-913 (2002)
4 Xue-Dong Dong, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan, Li-Zhong Tang: On Groups of Complex Integers Used as QAM Signals. Inf. Sci. 113(3-4): 261-269 (1999)
3 Xue-Dong Dong, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan, Li-Zhong Tang: Groups of Algebraic Integers Used for Coding QAM Signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(5): 1848-1860 (1998)
2 Qi Hao, Boon-Hee Soong, Erry Gunawan, Jin-Teong Ong, Cheong Boon Soh, Li Zheng: A Low-Cost Cellular Mobile Communication System: A Hierarchical Optimization Network Resource Planning Approach. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(7): 1315-1326 (1997)
1 Li-Zhong Tang, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan: A note on the q-ary image of a qm-ary repeated-root cyclic code. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(2): 732-737 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Wei Chen [8]
2Yifan Chen [12]
3Xue-Dong Dong [3] [4]
4Qi Hao [2]
5Lian Jian [7]
6Joshua C. Y. Lai [12]
7Choi Look Law [10]
8Bin Liang [10]
9X. Liu [11]
10Xin Liu [9]
11Kay Soon Low [12]
12Miao Ma [5] [6]
13Jin-Teong Ong [2]
14Predrag B. Rapajic [12]
15Cheong Boon Soh [1] [2] [3] [4] [12]
16Boon-Hee Soong [2]
17Li-Zhong Tang [1] [3] [4]
18Kah Chan Teh [8] [9] [10] [11]
19Jianqi Teo [12]
20Li Zheng [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)