
G. Dodds

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4EEKian Meng Yap, Alan Marshall, Wai Yu, G. Dodds, Qiang Gu, Rima Tfaily Souayed: Characterising Distributed Haptic Virtual Environment Network Traffic Flows. Net-Con 2005: 297-310
3EEX. Liu, G. Dodds, J. McCartney, B. K. Hinds: Manipulation of CAD surface models with haptics based on shape control functions. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1447-1458 (2005)
2EEX. Liu, G. Dodds, J. McCartney, B. K. Hinds: Virtual DesignWorks--designing 3D CAD models via haptic interaction. Computer-Aided Design 36(12): 1129-1140 (2004)
1 K. Hamilton, G. Dodds: Reactive Planning of Robot Arms in Single and Cooperative Tasks. ICRA 1998: 336-341

Coauthor Index

1Qiang Gu [4]
2K. Hamilton [1]
3B. K. Hinds [2] [3]
4X. Liu [2] [3]
5Alan Marshall [4]
6J. McCartney [2] [3]
7Rima Tfaily Souayed [4]
8Kian Meng Yap [4]
9Wai Yu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)