
Doo-Hyun Kim

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30EEJoonwoo Lee, Jaeil Hwang, Dong-Hoon Shin, Yunmook Nah, Hae-Young Bae, Doo-Hyun Kim: Distributed Real-Time Traffic Data Management. ISORC 2008: 478-484
29EEChungwoo Lee, Jaeil Hwang, Joonwoo Lee, Chulbum Ahn, Bowon Suh, Dong-Hoon Shin, Yunmook Nah, Doo-Hyun Kim: Self-describing and Data Propagation Model for Data Distribution Service. SEUS 2008: 102-113
28EESeongjae Cho, Il Han Park, Jung Hoon Lee, Jang-Gn Yun, Doo-Hyun Kim, Jong Duk Lee, Hyungcheol Shin, Byung-Gook Park: Establishing Read Operation Bias Schemes for 3-D Pillar Structure Flash Memory Devices to Overcome Paired Cell Interference (PCI). IEICE Transactions 91-C(5): 731-735 (2008)
27EEJang-Gn Yun, Il Han Park, Seongjae Cho, Jung Hoon Lee, Doo-Hyun Kim, Gil Sung Lee, Yoon Kim, Jong Duk Lee, Byung-Gook Park: Characterization of 2-bit Recessed Channel Memory with Lifted-Charge Trapping Node (L-CTN) Scheme. IEICE Transactions 91-C(5): 742-746 (2008)
26EESongah Chae, Doo-Hyun Kim, Changhee Jung, Duk-Kyun Woo, Chaedeok Lim: Experimental Analysis on Time-Triggered Power Consumption Measurement with DVS-Enabled Multiple Power Domain Platform. SEUS 2007: 149-158
25EEHansol Park, Moon-hae Kim, Chun-Hyon Chang, Keechon Kim, Jung-Guk Kim, Doo-Hyun Kim: Design and Experimental Validation of UAV Control System Software Based on the TMO Structuring Scheme. SEUS 2007: 192-201
24EELila Kim, Doo-Hyun Kim, Hwasun Kwon, Dongwoon Jeon, Keunsoo Lee: A Smart Space Architecture for Location-Based Spatial Audio Scenario Orchestration. UIC 2007: 123-132
23EESung-Ho Ahn, Kyunghee Lee, Doo-Hyun Kim, Vinod Cherian Joseph: Ubiquitous Healthcare Architecture Using SmartBidet and HomeServer with Embedded Urinalysis Agent. UIC 2007: 205-213
22EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Lila Kim, Hwasun Kwon, Dongwoon Jeon, Songah Chae: Location-Based Device Ensemble Architecture for a Spatial Reality Enhancement of Distributed Multimedia Presentation. ICAT 2006: 372-383
21EEWon-Hyuck Choi, Doo-Hyun Kim, Kwang-Jae Lee, Jung-Sun Kim: The Study of RED Algorithm Used Multicast Router Based Buffer Management. CIS (2) 2005: 669-678
20EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Won-Hyuck Choi, BurmSuk Seo, JungGoo Seo, Byong-Won Hwang: Automatic Knowledge Recommending System Using E-Mail. EC-Web 2005: 118-127
19EEK. H. (Kane) Kim, Sheng Liu, Moon-hae Kim, Doo-Hyun Kim: A Global-Time-Based Approach for High-Quality Real-Time Video Streaming Services. ISM 2005: 802
18EEK. H. (Kane) Kim, Yuqing Li, Sheng Liu, Moon-hae Kim, Doo-Hyun Kim: RMMC Programming Model and Support Execution Engine in the TMO Programming Scheme. ISORC 2005: 34-43
17EEHyun-Kyu Kang, Jeong-Oog Lee, Heung Seok Jeon, Myeong-Cheol Ko, Doo-Hyun Kim, Ryum-Duck Oh, Wonseog Kang: CONDOCS: A Concept-Based Document Categorization System Using Concept-Probability Vector with Thesaurus. AIS 2004: 683-691
16EESung-Ho Ahn, Vinod Cherian Joseph, Doo-Hyun Kim: Embedded Healthcare System for Senior Residents Using Internet Multimedia HomeServer and Telephone. AsiaSim 2004: 177-186
15EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Hyun-Kyu Kang: Experimental Feasibility Evaluations of Heuristic Multi-Layering Schemes for QoS Adaptive MPEG-4 Video Streaming. MIPS 2004: 153-164
14EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Ji-Young Kwak, Kyung-Hee Lee: Using the Session Initiation Protocol for Connected Multimedia Services in a Ubiquitous Home Network Environment. MIPS 2004: 218-229
13EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Eun Hwan Jo, Moon-hae Kim: Time-Triggered and Message-Triggered Object Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Services. PCM (2) 2004: 330-337
12EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Vinod Cherian Joseph, Kyung-Hee Lee, Eun Hwan Jo: A Hybrid Architectural Framework for Digital Home Multimedia Multi-modal Collaboration Services. PCM (2) 2004: 625-632
11EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Soo Hong Kim: Scalable MPEG-4 Storage Framework with Low Bit-Rate Meta-information. PDCAT 2004: 420-423
10EEEun Hwan Jo, Doo-Hyun Kim, Hansol Park, Moon-hae Kim: Globally Synchronized Multimedia Streaming Architecture Based on Time-Triggered and Message-Triggered Object Model. PDCAT 2004: 736-739
9EEDoo-Hyun Kim, K. H. (Kane) Kim: A TMO-Based Software Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Processing. WORDS 2003: 42-49
8EEMoon-hae Kim, Eun Hwan Jo, Doo-Hyun Kim: Global Time-Based Synchronization of Real-Time Multimedia Streaming. WORDS Fall 2003: 101-
7EEJi-Young Kwak, Dong-Myong Sul, Sung-Ho Ahn, Doo-Hyun Kim: An Embedded Software Architecture for Connected Multimedia Services in Ubiquitous Network Environment. WSTFEUS 2003: 61-64
6EEYoung Wook Sohn, Doo-Hyun Kim, Dong-O Kim, Rae-Hong Park: Global Motion Estimation Based on the Constrained Spatio-temporal Gradient Method in Model-Based Coding. MVA 2002: 368-371
5EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Hee Lee: An Extended Object Composition Model for Distributed Multimedia Services. WORDS 2002: 279-288
4 Doo-Hyun Kim, K. H. (Kane) Kim, Sheng Liu, Jin-Hyung Kim: A TMO-based approach to tolerance of transmission jitters in tele-audio services. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 17(6): 325-334 (2002)
3EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Seung-Min Park, Ji-Yong Kim, Dong-Myung Sul, Kyung-Hee Lee: Collaborative Multimedia Middleware Architecture and Advanced Internet Call Center. ICOIN 2001: 246-
2EESung-Ho Ahn, Min-Gyu Kang, Doo-Hyun Kim, Hyung Chul Kim: QoS Adaptive MPEG-2 Streaming Based on Scalable Media Object Framework. ICOIN 2001: 683-688
1 Doo-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Hee Lee, Min-Gyu Kang, Geun-Hee Han, ChanGun Jung: An Experimental Delay Analysis for Local Audio Video Streams for Desktop Collaborations. Coordination Technology for Collaborative Applications 1996: 255-262

Coauthor Index

1Chulbum Ahn [29]
2Sung-Ho Ahn [2] [7] [16] [23]
3Hae-Young Bae [30]
4Songah Chae [22] [26]
5Chun-Hyon Chang [25]
6Seongjae Cho [27] [28]
7Won-Hyuck Choi [20] [21]
8Geun-Hee Han [1]
9Byong-Won Hwang [20]
10Jaeil Hwang [29] [30]
11Dongwoon Jeon [22] [24]
12Heung Seok Jeon [17]
13Eun Hwan Jo [8] [10] [12] [13]
14Vinod Cherian Joseph [12] [16] [23]
15ChanGun Jung [1]
16Changhee Jung [26]
17Hyun-Kyu Kang [15] [17]
18Min-Gyu Kang [1] [2]
19Wonseog Kang [17]
20Dong-O Kim [6]
21Hyung Chul Kim [2]
22Ji-Yong Kim [3]
23Jin-Hyung Kim [4]
24Jung-Guk Kim [25]
25Jung-Sun Kim [21]
26K. H. (Kane) Kim (K. H. Kim, Kane Kim) [4] [9] [18] [19]
27Keechon Kim [25]
28Lila Kim [22] [24]
29Moon-hae Kim [8] [10] [13] [18] [19] [25]
30Soo Hong Kim [11]
31Yoon Kim [27]
32Myeong-Cheol Ko [17]
33Ji-Young Kwak [7] [14]
34Hwasun Kwon [22] [24]
35Chungwoo Lee [29]
36Gil Sung Lee [27]
37Jeong-Oog Lee [17]
38Jong Duk Lee [27] [28]
39Joonwoo Lee [29] [30]
40Jung Hoon Lee [27] [28]
41Keunsoo Lee [24]
42Kwang-Jae Lee [21]
43Kyung-Hee Lee [1] [3] [5] [12] [14]
44Kyunghee Lee [23]
45Yuqing Li [18]
46Chaedeok Lim [26]
47Sheng Liu [4] [18] [19]
48Yunmook Nah [29] [30]
49Ryum-Duck Oh [17]
50Byung-Gook Park [27] [28]
51Hansol Park [10] [25]
52Il Han Park [27] [28]
53Rae-Hong Park [6]
54Seung-Min Park [3]
55BurmSuk Seo [20]
56JungGoo Seo [20]
57Dong-Hoon Shin [29] [30]
58Hyungcheol Shin [28]
59Young Wook Sohn [6]
60Bowon Suh [29]
61Dong-Myong Sul [7]
62Dong-Myung Sul [3]
63Duk-Kyun Woo [26]
64Jang-Gn Yun [27] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)