
Ken-ichiro Shimokura

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10EEHiroaki Kawata, Yosuke Takano, Yoshiyuki Iwata, Naoyoshi Kanamaru, Ken-ichiro Shimokura, Yoshihiro Fujita: Field trial of asynchronous communication using network-based interactive child watch system for the participation of parents in day-care activities. ICRA 2008: 2558-2563
9EEYukihiro Nakamura, Tamotsu Machino, Manabu Motegi, Yoshiyuki Iwata, Takanori Miyamoto, Satoshi Iwaki, Shin-yo Muto, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Framework and service allocation for network robot platform and execution of interdependent services. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(10): 831-843 (2008)
8EEKaori Fujimura, Hitomi Sato, Takayoshi Mochizuki, Kubo Koichiro, Ken-ichiro Shimokura, Yoshihiro Itoh, Setsuko Murata, Kenji Ogura, Takumi Watanabe, Yuichi Fujino, Toshiaki Tsuboi: Why Does IT Support Enjoyment of Elderly Life? - Case Studies Performed in Japan. HCI (1) 2007: 756-764
7EEMasakatsu Aoki, Shunichi Yonemura, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Disaster-Response Information Sharing System Based on Cellular Phone with GPS. HCI (15) 2007: 250-255
6EEShin'ichiro Eitoku, Shunichi Yonemura, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Impact of Sign Language Movie and Text Layout on the Readout Time. HCI (5) 2007: 667-675
5EEShunichi Yonemura, Shin'ichiro Eitoku, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Urgent Information Presentation Using Listed Sign Language. HCI (5) 2007: 824-830
4 Tamotsu Machino, Satoshi Iwaki, Hiroaki Kawata, Yoshimasa Yanagihara, Yoshito Nanjo, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Remote-collaboration System using Mobile Robot with Camera and Projector. ICRA 2006: 4063-4068
3 Ken-ichiro Shimokura, Sheng Liu: Programming Deburring Robots Based on Human Demonstration with Direct Burr Size Measurement. ICRA 1994: 572-577
2 Shin-yo Muto, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Teaching and Control of Robot Contour-Tracking Using Contact Point Detection. ICRA 1994: 674-681
1 Shin-yo Muto, Ken-ichiro Shimokura: Accurate Contact Point Detecting Using Force and Velocity Information Complementarily. ICRA (1) 1993: 738-744

Coauthor Index

1Masakatsu Aoki [7]
2Shin'ichiro Eitoku [5] [6]
3Kaori Fujimura [8]
4Yuichi Fujino [8]
5Yoshihiro Fujita [10]
6Yoshihiro Itoh [8]
7Satoshi Iwaki [4] [9]
8Yoshiyuki Iwata [9] [10]
9Naoyoshi Kanamaru [10]
10Hiroaki Kawata [4] [10]
11Kubo Koichiro [8]
12Sheng Liu [3]
13Tamotsu Machino [4] [9]
14Takanori Miyamoto [9]
15Takayoshi Mochizuki [8]
16Manabu Motegi [9]
17Setsuko Murata [8]
18Shin-yo Muto [1] [2] [9]
19Yukihiro Nakamura [9]
20Yoshito Nanjo [4]
21Kenji Ogura [8]
22Hitomi Sato [8]
23Yosuke Takano [10]
24Toshiaki Tsuboi [8]
25Takumi Watanabe [8]
26Yoshimasa Yanagihara [4]
27Shunichi Yonemura [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)