
Jadran Lenarcic

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12EEAndrej Gams, Leon Zlajpah, Jadran Lenarcic: Imitating human acceleration of a gyroscopic device. Robotica 25(4): 501-509 (2007)
11EEJadran Lenarcic, Nives Klopcar: Positional kinematics of humanoid arms. Robotica 24(1): 105-112 (2006)
10EENives Klopw, Jadran Lenarcic: Human Versus Robotic Shoulder Motion. JACIII 5(5): 294-299 (2001)
9 Jadran Lenarcic, Michael M. Staniaie, Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli: Kinematic Design of a Humanoid Robotic Shoulder Complex. ICRA 2000: 27-32
8EEJadran Lenarcic: On the execution of the secondary task of redundant manipulators. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 30(3): 231-236 (2000)
7 Jadran Lenarcic: On the Quantification of Robot Redundancy. ICRA 1999: 3159-3164
6 Jadran Lenarcic: Alternative Computational Scheme of Manipulator Inverse Kinematics. ICRA 1998: 3235-3240
5EEValentina Filova, Franc Solina, Jadran Lenarcic: Automatic reconstruction of 3D human arm motion from a monocular image sequence. Mach. Vis. Appl. 10(5/6): 223-231 (1998)
4 Jadran Lenarcic, Bojan Nemec: Steepest Descent Optimisation in the Secondary Space of Redundant Manipulators. Informatica (Slovenia) 21(4): (1997)
3 Jadran Lenarcic, Leon Zlajpah: Control Considerations on Minimum Joint Torque Motion. ISER 1993: 40-49
2 Jadran Lenarcic, Andreja Umek: Experimental Evaluation of Human Arm Kinematics. ISER 1991: 521-530
1 Jadran Lenarcic, Andreja Kosutnik: Approximate Calculation of Robot Inverse Kinematics Applied to Arc Welding. ISER 1989: 497-507

Coauthor Index

1Valentina Filova [5]
2Andrej Gams [12]
3Nives Klopcar [11]
4Nives Klopw [10]
5Andreja Kosutnik [1]
6Bojan Nemec [4]
7Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli [9]
8Franc Solina [5]
9Michael M. Staniaie [9]
10Andreja Umek [2]
11Leon Zlajpah [3] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)