
Chris Hill

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8EEUwe Naumann, Laurent Hascoët, Chris Hill, Paul D. Hovland, Jan Riehme, Jean Utke: A Framework for Proving Correctness of Adjoint Message-Passing Programs. PVM/MPI 2008: 316-321
7EEJean Utke, Uwe Naumann, Michael Fagan, Nathan R. Tallent, Michelle Mills Strout, Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, Carl Wunsch: OpenAD/F: A Modular Open-Source Tool for Automatic Differentiation of Fortran Codes. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 34(4): (2008)
6EEChris Hill, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, John Marshall: Planet-in-a-Bottle: A Numerical Fluid-Laboratory System. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 1163-1170
5EEShujia Zhou, V. Balaji, Carlos Cruz, Arlindo da Silva, Chris Hill, Erik Kluzek, Shepard Smithline, Atanas Trayanov, Weiyu Yang: Cross-organization interoperability experiments of weather and climate models with the Earth System Modeling Framework. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(5): 583-592 (2007)
4EEChris Hill, Dimitris Menemenlis, Robert Ciotti, Chris Henze: Investigating solution convergence in a global ocean model using a 2048-processor cluster of distributed shared memory machines. Scientific Programming 15(2): 107-115 (2007)
3EEPatrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, Ralf Giering: An efficient exact adjoint of the parallel MIT General Circulation Model, generated via automatic differentiation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1356-1371 (2005)
2EEChris Hill, Cecelia DeLuca, V. Balaji, Max Suarez, Arlindo da Silva, William Sawyer, Carlos Cruz, Atanas Trayanov, Leonid Zaslavsky, Robert Hallberg, Byron A. Boville, Anthony Craig, Nancy Collins, Erik Kluzek, John Michalakes, David Neckels, Earl Schwab, Shepard Smithline, Jon Wolfe, Mark Iredell, Weiyu Yang, Robert L. Jacob, Jay Walter Larson: Implementing Applications with the Earth System Modeling Framework. PARA 2004: 563-572
1EEPatrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, Ralf Giering: Automatic Generation of Efficient Adjoint Code for a Parallel Navier-Stokes Solver. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 1019-1028

Coauthor Index

1V. Balaji [2] [5]
2Byron A. Boville [2]
3Robert Ciotti [4]
4Nancy Collins [2]
5Anthony Craig [2]
6Carlos Cruz [2] [5]
7Cecelia DeLuca [2]
8Michael Fagan [7]
9Ralf Giering [1] [3]
10Robert Hallberg [2]
11Laurent Hascoët [8]
12Patrick Heimbach [1] [3] [7]
13Chris Henze [4]
14Paul D. Hovland [8]
15Mark Iredell [2]
16Robert L. Jacob [2]
17Erik Kluzek [2] [5]
18Bradley C. Kuszmaul [6]
19Jay Walter Larson [2]
20Charles E. Leiserson [6]
21John Marshall [6]
22Dimitris Menemenlis [4]
23John Michalakes [2]
24Uwe Naumann [7] [8]
25David Neckels [2]
26Jan Riehme [8]
27William Sawyer [2]
28Earl Schwab [2]
29Arlindo da Silva [2] [5]
30Shepard Smithline [2] [5]
31Michelle Mills Strout [7]
32Max Suarez [2]
33Nathan R. Tallent [7]
34Atanas Trayanov [2] [5]
35Jean Utke [7] [8]
36Jon Wolfe [2]
37Carl Wunsch [7]
38Weiyu Yang [2] [5]
39Leonid Zaslavsky [2]
40Shujia Zhou [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)