
Suihua Lu

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4EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Suihua Lu, Amit Mehrotra, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Parameter Finding Methods for Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency. DAC 2007: 424-429
3EEIgor Vytyaz, David C. Lee, Suihua Lu, Amit Mehrotra, Un-Ku Moon, Kartikeya Mayaram: Periodic Steady-State Analysis of Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency. ISCAS 2007: 1073-1076
2 Amit Mehrotra, Suihua Lu, David C. Lee, Amit Narayan: Steady-state analysis of voltage and current controlled oscillators. ICCAD 2005: 618-623
1 Suihua Lu, Amit Narayan, Amit Mehrotra: Continuation method in multitone harmonic balance. ISCAS (5) 2004: 520-523

Coauthor Index

1David C. Lee [2] [3] [4]
2Kartikeya Mayaram [3] [4]
3Amit Mehrotra [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Un-Ku Moon [3] [4]
5Amit Narayan [1] [2]
6Igor Vytyaz [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)