
Pamela B. Lawhead

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17EEElizabeth S. Adams, Doug Baldwin, Judith Bishop, John English, Pamela B. Lawhead, Daniel Stevenson: Approaches to teaching the programming languages course: a potpourri. ITiCSE 2006: 299-300
16EEPamela B. Lawhead, Rebecca Loyd, Madeleine Schep, Michaele Laws, Kellie Price: Experiences in math, science and technology summer camps for young females. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 23-24
15EERavi Darbhamulla, Pamela B. Lawhead: Paving the way towards an efficient Learning Management System. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 428-433
14 Gang Wang, Pamela B. Lawhead: The Modularization of VRML Language in 3D Dynamic On-Line Geospatial Courses. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 890-896
13 Jun Liu, Pamela B. Lawhead: Three-Dimensional Effects Created by Macromedia Flash MX. CISST 2003: 331-334
12EERavi Darbhamulla, Manirupa Das, Pamela B. Lawhead: Student status monitoring tool (SSM): proxy for the real world expert in online course delivery. ITiCSE 2003: 257
11EEPamela B. Lawhead, Michaele E. Duncan, Constance G. Bland, Michael Goldweber, Madeleine Schep, David J. Barnes: Legos, Java and programming assignments for CS1. SIGCSE 2003: 47-48
10EEPamela B. Lawhead, Michaele E. Duncan, Constance G. Bland, Michael Goldweber, Madeleine Schep, David J. Barnes, Ralph G. Hollingsworth: A road map for teaching introductory programming using LEGOcopyright mindstorms robots. SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 191-201 (2003)
9EEPamela B. Lawhead: Events robots and programming using legos in CS1. ITiCSE 2001: 183
8EEScott Grissom, Thomas L. Naps, Nick Parlante, Pamela B. Lawhead: Practical teaching tips from around the world. SIGCSE 2001: 419
7EEDawn Wilkins, Pamela B. Lawhead: Evaluating individuals in team projects. SIGCSE 2000: 172-175
6EEK. Todd Stevens, Joel E. Henry, Pamela B. Lawhead, John Lewis, Constance G. Bland, Mary Jane Peters: Using large projects in a computer science curriculum (panel session). SIGCSE 2000: 399-400
5 William F. Lawhead, Pamela B. Lawhead: Comparison of Computer Science and Humanities Student Preferences Concerning Web-Based Supplemental Course Materials. WebNet 1999: 1324-1325
4 Dawn Wilkins, Pamela B. Lawhead: Remote Manipulation of A Robot Arm Via The World Wide Web: Recycling Old Technology. WebNet 1999: 1457-1458
3 Kathryn F. Gates, Pamela B. Lawhead, Dawn Wilkins: A Design for Delivering Filtered Web Views. WebNet 1998
2 Kathryn F. Gates, Pamela B. Lawhead, Dawn Wilkins: Toward an adaptive WWW: a case study in customised hypermedia. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4: 89-114 (1998)
1EEKeith Barker, Judith Gal-Ezer, Pamela B. Lawhead, Kurt Maly, James E. Miller, Pete Thomas, Elizabeth S. Adams: Distance education (panel): promise and reality. SIGCSE 1997: 369-370

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth S. Adams [1] [17]
2Doug Baldwin [17]
3Keith Barker [1]
4David J. Barnes [10] [11]
5Judith Bishop [17]
6Constance G. Bland [6] [10] [11]
7Ravi Darbhamulla [12] [15]
8Manirupa Das [12]
9Michaele E. Duncan [10] [11]
10John English [17]
11Judith Gal-Ezer [1]
12Kathryn F. Gates [2] [3]
13Michael Goldweber [10] [11]
14Scott Grissom (Scott B. Grissom) [8]
15Joel E. Henry [6]
16Ralph G. Hollingsworth [10]
17William F. Lawhead [5]
18Michaele Laws [16]
19John Lewis [6]
20Jun Liu [13]
21Rebecca Loyd [16]
22Kurt Maly [1]
23James E. Miller [1]
24Thomas L. Naps [8]
25Nick Parlante [8]
26Mary Jane Peters [6]
27Kellie Price [16]
28Madeleine Schep [10] [11] [16]
29K. Todd Stevens [6]
30Daniel Stevenson [17]
31Pete Thomas [1]
32Gang Wang [14]
33Dawn Wilkins [2] [3] [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)