
Julien Lamoureux

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11EEJulien Lamoureux, Guy G. Lemieux, Steven J. E. Wilton: GlitchLess: Dynamic Power Minimization in FPGAs Through Edge Alignment and Glitch Filtering. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(11): 1521-1534 (2008)
10EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: On the trade-off between power and flexibility of FPGA clock networks. TRETS 1(3): (2008)
9EEJulien Lamoureux, Guy G. Lemieux, Steven J. E. Wilton: GlitchLess: an active glitch minimization technique for FPGAs. FPGA 2007: 156-165
8EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: Clock-Aware Placement for FPGAs. FPL 2007: 124-131
7EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: FPGA clock network architecture: flexibility vs. area and power. FPGA 2006: 101-108
6EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: Architecture and CAD for FPGA Clock Networks. FPL 2006: 1-2
5EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: Activity Estimation for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. FPL 2006: 1-8
4EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: On the Interaction between Power-Aware Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. J. Low Power Electronics 1(2): 119-132 (2005)
3 Steven J. E. Wilton, Christopher W. Jones, Julien Lamoureux: An embedded flexible content-addressable memory core for inclusion in a Field-Programmable Gate Array. ISCAS (2) 2004: 885-888
2EEJulien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton: On the Interaction Between Power-Aware FPGA CAD Algorithms. ICCAD 2003: 701-708
1EENatalia Kazakova, R. Sung, Nelson G. Durdle, Martin Margala, Julien Lamoureux: Fast and low-power inner product processor. ISCAS (4) 2001: 646-649

Coauthor Index

1Nelson G. Durdle [1]
2Christopher W. Jones [3]
3Natalia Kazakova [1]
4Guy G. Lemieux [9] [11]
5Martin Margala [1]
6R. Sung [1]
7Steven J. E. Wilton [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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